Old Hou stared at his son, the 31-year-old genius doctor Jung Hou.

They were within the Academy, and Old Hou had invited his son over a serious matter.

"After tonight, the girl called Alice you sent into the Grandmaster's estate, most leave alongside 3 others."

"Yes." Jung Hou slowly nodded, understanding how much trouble that girl had brought the Grandmaster.

As an exorcist who must abide by the rules and laws of heaven, he would give her a fitting punishment for failing to do her job appropriately.

Her work was sloppy, maybe because she was too focused and deep into her schemes.

From the reports of the head team doctor he appointed, it shows she messed up several times with people cleaning after her mess. She didn't take care of the coma patients appropriately, sometimes disgusted when asked to wash them to do other checkups.

From the reports, it seemed she wasn't satisfied with where she was, wanting to work alongside himself in some big hospital.

Jung Hou shook his head, not even thinking anything of this Alice.

From young till now, do you know how many women have thrown themselves at him? Do you know how many people he had called security on when they pretended to be patients?

Some nurses were also bold, and other female doctors would try their hardest, wanting to woo him over with Medical knowledge.

Many had the delusion he would fall in love with them, and this Alice seemed to be one.

He will punish her as per the medical guidelines and sanctions rules.

As it stood, she didn't do her job correctly, even failing to do the things on the checklist.

The list was there to help them never forget a thing.

Yet, she would only do 2 or 3 out of 15~20. And what was she doing during these times? She was trying to sneak into Dorian's bedroom and the many other chambers on that floor.

She also disregarded the homeowner's instructions, breaking an entry into many places forbidden to her.

One of the Cardinal rules when going to work in other homes, as well as hospitals, it was necessary only to go where one can go.

Those doctors who visit patients at home can't very well sneak around the homeowner's rooms and drawers, even trying to open their safe.

Wasn't that thievery?

What if someone said jewelry or something valuable was missing?

Jung Hou felt that after this, he might never trust Alice to visit any patient at home. Even in the hospitals, many y places needed access passes. So does she disregard the rules and head over to these places?

Jung Hou felt he couldn't trust her to do anything alone.


Again, the reports showed she took so many LONG bathroom breaks, leaving her teammates to do all of her work after they finished their own checklists.

Everyone had a checklist of duties to do once on duty. She never took her job seriously.

There was also a time when she almost infected the coma patient with a wrong turn because she was too busy texting someone on her phone.

Many speculated it was her boyfriend since they constantly texted.

But how would they have known she had been taking pictures, videos, and also texting her Mr. Green?
Though Jung Hou didn't know who she was texting all the time, he knew it couldn't be her boyfriend. Whenever he met, she made it a point to let him know just how single she was.

She wasn't so direct but had many ways to let him know. It seems she wanted him to make the first move.

Jung Hou felt it should be those 'people' she was communicating with... The ones sent by Wei Kwo to take down the Grandmaster... The one's from the Darknet.

So was he worried for Dorian? Nope.

That was the Grandmaster they were talking about. Like many others, Jung Hou wasn't worried.

So concluding Alice's matter, she would get denied for failing to do her job, as well as transferred to another hospital far away.

This was the best option.

She will probably be against it, wanting to stop her transfer.

But he wanted to send her to one of his old mentors who preferred living like a hermit within one of the desolate towns in this country.

Though people call It a town, it was more like a village but slightly bigger.

He wanted to send her to his mentor could straighten out her character and still her properly on her duties to serve others medically without disgust or disdain.

All patients should be treated equally, not her favoring one bet the other.

Of course, for the cherry on the cake, she would get a suspension notice for no more than a month.

During this time, she was to gather her belongings and go to the hospital to get her transfer arrangements made, as well as documents of proof.

There are several matters she had to close up here before flying or taking a train, bus, or car ride to her new workplace.

It was indeed far, a day and 16 hours away from here.

That was where she would be until her supervisor, his mentor, confirmed she had changed, and her work ethic and quality had improved.

Though even at that, she won't leave there for at least 6 years.



Old Hou nodded, pleased with Jung Hou's arrangements.

"The Grandmaster should be arriving anytime soon from his flight. Elder Haru informed me he will be picking up the Grandmaster. In the meantime, we have to head towards the Grandmaster's estate."

Old Hou paused, revealing a sly smile. "I hear there's going to be a show tonight."

Jung Hou tilted his head confused.

A show?

Old Hou grinned.

"Boy, be lucky I'm taking you over. Not too many people can go at once. Get ready. We leave soon."

Jung Hou stood, bowing respectfully at his father.

"Yes, father... This son will get ready."

"Okay, okay... Now go." Old Hou waved casually, his hands finally resting on his chin. His eyes were warm, staring at Jung Hou's disappearing silhouette.

'I wonder when this stinky boy will bring me a daughter-in-law? His junior brothers and sister are all married or in relationships. So why is he still taking so long to find someone?'


Stinky boy!

'If this old man waited for you before I got grandchildren, won't I be long dead by now?"?'

Thinking of his 2md son, the 28-year-old Chen Hou, the current Hou Heir who now oversaw all hospitals, pharmacies, and drug research facilities they managed, Old Hou was in better spirits.

His 2nd son married at 25 and already gave him a fat grandson. Moreover, his wife was still pregnant with baby number 2 on the way.

It's a girl!


Old Hou was happy.

His 3rd son was more focused on managing the many Hou businesses abroad.

Of course, his 3rd son was based here but ran up and down the many counties, staying 2 weeks abroad and 2 weeks back home in that rotational order.

Hey, the brat was also the first to get married, marrying a girl he had a crush on since kindergarten.

After he turned 20 and his wife 18, both rushed to get their certificates. He had a beautiful granddaughter from them.

And his last child, his 19-year-old daughter, a military doctor, also introduced her boyfriend last year.

So why was this 31-year-old brat, Jung Hou, still waiting around?


Old Hou felt he already had grandchildren.

So his initial worry was that his first son might die alone.

But now that they were exorcists who could live for hundreds and thousands of years... It seemed his son still had time to find love?

Well, forget it.

Old Hou rose to his feet, leaving his hill to meet the other academy elders.

How dare they be late for the show?


Like so, many left the academy, looking forward to tonight's event. And on the other side of the city, the stars of the show were also gearing up, ready for take-down.

Their hotel room was as gloomy and tense as their emotions.

Some people leaned forward on their seats, and others stood. No one said a thing, only looking at the 3 people at the center: Their leader, Snake, and Night Whisperer.

Including these 3, there were about 7 of them in the space.

But for tonight's move, they had called out many, rounding up their numbers to 150, many of which were already waiting in the vehicles below.

The leader's eyes twinkled with a fierce light.

"All team leaders have 15 people under their teams. We've gotten first-grade weapons and gadgets... This time, we'll be ready for whatever the Tians throw at us. So failure is not an option!!"

Failure? Impossible!

They have prepared too hard for this. And tonight, they'll have their revenge for last time's ordeal.

Everyone clenched their fists, determined to win.

"Move out!"

They were off.

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