
The limo swept into the estate, and Butler Sheng's group calmly stepped out in 2 lines, standing in the stairway.

Haru then stepped out and opened the door for Dorian.

"We welcome the Grandmaster."


It's good to be back.

Butler hastily stepped forward to assist Dorian in taking off his light coat. And the others followed humbly.

"Is it prepared?"

"Yes, Grandmaster."

"And what about the others?"

"The elders are on their way but will stay hidden when they arrive as agreed. Pandrol will lead them to where they need to be."


Dorian gave Alice a side-eye, seeing her hastily look away and pretend to play games on her phone.

Dorian lowered his lashes.

"Remind Elder Hou once he arrives."

He didn't want to see her again.

He was terminating her work contract. And though he could take legal actions against her as per her contract, he was too lazy to go about that route.

I mean… Why not go to the source to handle it all?


Just like that, Dorian had 'publicly' arrived at his estate. And trust Mrs. World news to send the message along.

Alice was happy, texting and sending pictures she sneakily took of Dorian.

[Mr. Green]: "Good Job, Miss Alice. This time, we will nail this criminal and bring him to justice!"

"And what of all you promised?"

[Mr. Green]: "Fear not, miss Alice. The government can never defraud you of anything. Besides, you should've recovered the contract through the email and should have also confirmed it too, yes?"

Alice nodded. They had sent many proofs to show their identity. What's more, they also promised to give her an honorary reward, as well as publicize her courageous actions.

It's said there's also reward money for assisting in Dorian's arrest.

When she saw the reward money, she was blown out of her shoes. Now, she had another reason why she was working hard on this.

With that money, she can buy luxury bags, high-end clothes, makeup and get herself to look so ravishing that she doubts Hou Jung would be able to resist her.

To her, a woman's beauty was her weapon. And investing in one's looks was never a bad idea.

She was really to waw him, using all her feminine tricks to make him hers.

Moreover, his Hou family was too eye-catching. So he had only himself to blame for being born into such a home that makes many target his wealth.

His good looks could make her sleep beside his bed easily. But the good life is what she was truly after.

She felt she deserved the world, the stars, the moon, and even the sun itself. So it was only a matter of time before Jung Hou became hers.

She even felt he would look at her more favorably if he found out she was a heroine and a person awarded by the government for her good deeds.

If anything, he should be pleased she opposed one of his clients, lest it put him into trouble down the line.


Alice in wonderland...

Alice was lost in Wonderland, dreaming of all the glory to come after tonight.

She also believed her partners because the reward money was different from the money they gave her at the start of doing this dangerous job.

They paid her thousands and immediately got her vote of belief.

Now, she was looking forward to receiving that reward money.

[Mr. Green]: "You will get all that's coming to you once we apprehend this vile criminal. But for now, you must do your part to make tonight a success."

"Don't worry. I will."

Alice's blood was thinking in her head as she turned around severally to ensure no one was standing close enough to see her phone screen.

There were other doctors and nurses passing around the space. And when she was done texting Mr. Green, she followed the group for Dinner time.

After dinner, it would be lights out... The perfect moment for the attack to commence!


Like so, the little Alice followed the rabbits down the rabbit hole. But unlike the fictional story, she never returned to reality.


"What an Idiot." Snake commented, pitting the matter behind him.

He had never seen someone so gullible and at the same time so egoistic to keep believing she was always right.

Snake showed a crazed and mysterious look in his eyes.

A chess piece is a chess piece. And after one is done with it, what do they do?

'Little lady... Don't blame me. Like I said, you'll get what's coming to her.'


The driver nodded and quickly took off.

They had been heading to the Gated community in batches, lest they seem suspicious.

And thanks to the money they used to pay off some of the guards, the group was led in with little trouble.


Those in the vehicles were let out in many public regions scattered about the gated community.

Mind you, there were gardens, sizable forest spaces, ponds with bridges over them, open fields, and all sorts of places for the rich to relax in.

North, South, East, West... Everyone got out in different places but had the same goal. -- Villa 23.


The vehicles headed out, leaving the gated communities.

They had to leave and tick off their vehicles from the list of visitor cars that came in and never went out.

Even though they bribed a few security people, a majority were still focused on their job, keeping these rich people safe lest some terrible lawsuit was filed.

With that in mind, they weren't completely safe.



Snake's ream of 15 rushed into one of the forest zones quickly, heading to the hideout spot they had created during the past few days.

That's right.

They built an entire military-styled hideout, well-camouflaged from the public's eyes.

They still had 4 more hours before they could act.

The security personnels here did routine patrols every 30 minutes within these forest zones, sometimes with golf-cart-styled vehicles and other times on foot.

They can't possibly exert their energy dodging these people for hours.

So they built their own stations in the many regions across the gated community.

"Quickly! Everyone, take cover."

Snake's command had them plunging through the trees, controlling their breath as 2 patrol officers walked through the scene, vigilantly looking around.

"Hey... I felt it was being watched just now."

"Eh? Really? I don't feel a thing. But I won't kill us to check around here closely."


The sun was in its late-setting stage, with the skies looking dull and darkness almost engulfing the land.

They flickered their flashlights across the region, moving the circular light ray slowly across the bushes, trees, and even grounds.

They walked back, went forward, and also left the road path, passing through several bushes in the forest.


One of them scratched his head, feeling he must've been paranoid because there was nothing here but squirrels that jump-scared him with nuts in their mouths.


The man shook his head, leaving the bushes and entering the public trails again.

He and his comrades decided to leave.

But what he didn't know was that he was just 3 steps away from Snake, who was hiding behind a tree with a fierce dagger in his hands.

Should he have advanced further, Snake wouldn't mind eliminating him completely, though it would raise an alarm after a while and raise their mission's difficulty.



Snake released a deep breath, not revealing himself from his hiding place as the voices grew faint. Until soon, he heard nothing.


Many appeared like magic, some appeared out from the most unbelievable positions.

How can one hide behind such a short and small rock so well?

The art of being an assassin/killer was to blend well with one's surroundings.

"Let's move. We have 27 minutes more before the next patrol team arrives."


The team nodded, leaping through the terrain, moving up and down severally.

How to say it? This forest was more like a sophisticated trail path for those who liked to bike, skateboard, etc.

So it was very long and very wide, with trees and greenery everywhere.

Snake narrowed his eyes, staring at the illusionary spot ahead.

"That's it." The gang nodded, seeing the place truly looking like everywhere else.

But besides the many bushes was a hole.

Snake held the bushes apart, watching his teammates drop to the ground and crawl through the hole.

They crawled their backpacks for another 2 minutes before reaching an enclosed dome.

It was dark, but they had solar light bulbs with solar panels connected to the outside.

It's good...

There were already 5 foldable tables propped up and several cables that connected to an antenna and several other transmitting devices disguised on trees and over higher outs outside the dome.

No time to waste!

2 people then took out their computers from their backpacks, connecting them to the internet, while others began changing into black killer outfits that only exposed their eyes.

Weapons... Check!

Walkie Talkies, on!

Footage visuals, okay!

Snake nodded in satisfaction, seeing the group give him an-okay sign with their thumbs.


They were all ready.

Now, it was only a matter of time.

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