Tick-Tock. Tick-Tock.

No one made a scene as hours flew by in a blink of an eye. Only the sounds of light tapping could be heard as those beside the computers did their jobs with indifferent faces.

The many spy cameras and drives connected to the computers as they also monitored their surroundings lest they get compromised.

At this moment, all units scattered about the gated community focused on their surroundings, pretending to sit on the public seats close to the targeted villa.

They controlled their drones, letting them fly over the villa before leaving the scene.

With darkness already here, sitting out in the open was never advisable. The guards were busier at night than at day.

Snake took in deep breaths, double-checking his gadgets one last time.


He never wanted to go through the embarrassment he faced last time he was here.

During that time, they fell prey to high tech, probably supplied by the Gias.

Those high-tech robots could mimic their faces and were indeed very powerful. But they slowed down during the end of the battle and froze, showing they ran out of 'juice.'

Their battery power was dead, giving him and the rest a chance to escape.

But this time, he was prepared for the group of aggressive robots.

He and everyone in ground team had shock claws.

These special black market gadgets could short-circuit any electrical gizmo or robot, immediately halting it in its tracks.

The gadget worked identically to how a taser worked.

All he had to do was fire at the robot, and a small claw attached to a long but thin wire would shoot out, short-circuiting and frying his target clean.

Snake sneered, not believing in evil.

He didn't believe they would fail to stop those robots, especially with the high-end shock claws they purchased.

These were the best in the world, the best many killers used when infiltrating places like the presidency and other high-end, heavy-guarded zones.

Initially, they didn't think they would need it when infiltrating a place like Tian estate. But after their previous embarrassment, they were willing to take all the big boys out.

Apart from this, he also carried smoke grenades and other non-lethal explosives. After all, he wasn't trying to blow the place up and bring attention to himself and his gang.

Should he take any drastic measures, the entire place, as well as the city itself, would be swarming with cops for the next 2~5 weeks, with every airport or road blocked at every turn.
Moreover, all guests seen entering today will also be called for interpretation.

The drivers in their team who brought them over will be called in for questioning, a risk he and the others weren't willing to take.

So except for their silencers, every other gadget they had was non-lethal.


Snake wore black from head to toe. And the only visible feature one could see were his eyes.

His fingers and every other feature were fully covered.

1 2, 3...

Those seated before the computers gave the okay sign, signaling for Snake and the rest to leave.

There were no runners or patrol officers close by. But it didn't mean they were free to move as they liked.

Snake raised his hands, and the others understood what he meant.

6 minutes.

They had just 6 minutes before the patrol team passed through the scene again.

Drop, crawl, stand, run.

The group was out in less than a minute, dropping to the ground and crawling through the hole until they exited and found a perfect place to hide until the team passed by.

At least they were out.

[Coming your way. Heat sensors picking up 2 patrol guards in go-karts.]

The message passed through Snake's ears as he subconsciously held his breath.

Massive flight lights zoomed through the region as the kart slowly drove by. The guards carefully flashed their torches around their surroundings but found nothing.

They didn't hear or see anything suspicious except for the 2 runners they greeted.

There was nothing out of the ordinary around here, but the guards still checked vigilantly.

The guards on patrol duty had a particular manner in which they patrolled.

For example, the duo now patrolling here would then do a full 360 patrol route across the gated community before switching patrol lanes on another route.

How to say it?

Though this forest zone would have people patrolling every 30 minutes, the patrol teams were always different, moving in rotation.

This way, people don't get lax or bored easily as they drive through the many scenes.


The guards left the scene, driving onwards away.


Snake took several deep breaths.

The further one infiltrated the scene, the more guards they would meet. Why? Because the villas were far more costly in that manner.

Dorian's villa 23 was far bigger and ten times more in price and value than villa 01. So of course it called for more guards protecting the scene.

But just like last time, there were many blind spots that professional killers like themselves could take advantage of.


Snake wasn't phased.


He and his gang vanished like ninjas, blending in with their surroundings as they left the forest region and began their journey toward Dorian's estate.

The forest they left was just mid-way between the gates and their destination.

They carefully avoided all 'pitfalls' and guards until they finally arrived at their destinations.

Villa 23.

Snake was camouflaged along the walls, his black attire blending in with the darkness perfectly.

[7 minutes]

Copy that. The voice echoed in everyone's ears.

7 minutes before the next patrolling squad passes by. Now, Snake had met up with another team along the North-East wall.

The estate was shaped like a hexagon, with six unequal sides.

And 2 of these sides shared borders with the nearby villas, while the other sides faced the roads and surroundings instead.

[Spy fly in... No life detected... No lasers or security lines activated.]


Snake shot a hook and claw device on the fence and reeled himself up and into the estate as though he was 007.

The rest followed his actions. And like that, they were in.

Heat goggles on... No one at sight.


The corners of Snake's lips raised cruelly.

Time for payback!

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