The children didn't know how they found themselves out of the woods and back in the community. 

Everything was a blur to them when following the officers out. 

They desperately wanted to tell Macy and Trey to be careful around the old officer. But who would believe them, kids?

What's more, the elderly officer has been working in the police force since his young days so he had an impeccable reputation that wasn't to be questioned.

So to wake up one day and suddenly say such a person was planning to go on a killing spree was enough to make many adults roll their eyes heavenward.

As though Macy and Trey were afraid the children would run off again after dark the officers dropped every one of them at their homes. 

Everyone had a gloomy expression, as they could only look to their leader Greg with worry, fear, and also a determination to stay alive. 

Greg whispered to them one by one. "Make sure to use your weapons if it gets dangerous. Don't forget to scream at the top of your lungs."

Worst cases they could scream for help and tell another story if saved. 

Perhaps they could say they saw a burglar at home since no one would believe them after being rescued.

The important thing is to be saved and not end up in the bellies of these terrible monsters wearing human skin. 

Everyone was shaking like a leaf and still hadn't been able to calm down when dropped off. 

The plan for a sleepover would definetly not commence seeing as they were already in a lot of trouble as it is. 

"Ross? Is that you? Where have you been? Your curfew is 6 PM and yet you're showing up at 8:42? Thank you all for bringing my little Ross home, officers."

A woman dressed in a green shirt and pants with a stylish blanket over her shoulders rushed out to greet them.

One could tell from her baggy eyes just how worried she was about her son's lateness.

No matter how crazy Ross can get, he never stays out after curfew. The same went for the other children.

Their leader Greg always made sure they returned before then.

That's why many parents liked Greg and saw him as a good leader and role model too. 

In his class, Greg was the class representative. He was also a person who had impeccable grades and one who gave public speeches during school periods. 

Even during parent-teacher occasions, he would speak on behalf of his class and sometimes on behalf of the student body as a whole. 

It was amazing that Greg was born brilliant, naughty, confident and had the right attributes to make him a naturally born leader. 

When Parents saw Greg, they would point at him and tell their children to strive to become someone similar to him.

In this community, Greg was the boss among the many children similar in age to him. 

And even then, he had his own division of little soldiers, like in the army. 

No one knows who told Greg about these things, but he said he read it in some book and adopted eye principles, so it made sense. 

Anyway, the friends with Greg here are those in his innermost circle, the ones in his first division. 

The other divisions also answer to them 

Greg was like a leader king sitting on his throne. 

Sometimes, he would organize ways against the older kids, who had gangs of their own too.

Don't think being a leader was simple. 

No way! 

Greg had to help out whenever any of the older kids messed with his own. 

It was a whole war that went on, with older kids in high school wanting to beat them in lone farm areas and corn fields too.

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The bullying got so bad at one point that Greg had the children use their ultimate weapons... their parents.b

With some who have never cried before, now shedding tears.

Though they didn't tell their parents why they were crying and acting fearful, it was enough to get the word out.

Soon, several parents noticed their children were acting the same, as though scared of a bigger fish in the ocean.

You have to know that some people in his group also lived with their elder brothers and sisters in the enemy group. 

So when their parents weren't looking, he had his people pass on a message to their leader. 

That's right.

He was blackmailing them just like in the many action and military movies he watched. 

If they kept bullying his people, he would let every kid spill the beans in an even more exaggerated way that would cause their parents to not give these high schoolers enough money or cool items they always wanted. 

That's right. 

No parties, no money for shopping, no TV, no internet (Wifi password will be changed), and a heap load of farm work to discipline them straight.


They will be grounded for months! 

Gregory has long noticed how advantageous it was to be a kid, but unless necessary, he wouldn't abuse his advantages, since it was also embarrassing to act like that, shedding fake tears here and there.

They weren't city folks or big-town people. If they made a fuss about every little thing, even their parents would wonder how they raised such weaklings.

In life, don't expect to be rescued every single time from Godzilla like some fake titty damsel in distress with blond hair and short shorts. 

Their parents wanted them to be resourceful, know how to save themselves and not always wait for others to solve their problems for them.

In their place, the tougher you are, the more respect and street cred you get.

Anyway, the blackmailing worked so perfectly that in the end the leader of those high school bastards had to sign a peace treaty with him, negotiating for a whole 6 months of peace and no bullying whatsoever

Although it was just 6 months, Gregory knew they couldn't overdo it and ask for more.I think you should take a look at

But that was fine too. 

At least during these 6 months, they would bide their time and toughen themselves up for the rough days ahead.

Like a military Commander, Gregory already planned to have them work out crazily, though the only workouts he knew were those taught in hick during gym class, and the few he glimpsed from movies.

Alas... a kid has got to do what a kid has got to do. 



"What happened to you, Ross?"

Ross's mother's pupils dilated at an alarming rate.

"Has my son caused any trouble? Why is he shaking so much? I've never seen him so frightened before. Do you know what is going on with him? Ross! Your grandpa and I have been worried sick."


Ross shook even more when hearing his mother's words. 

Were the old people already back home?

Ross was one of the first people to be dropped off and lived relatively closer to where they were coming from.

So how did they get back before them? How did they do it?

This didn't make any sense. 

Gregory and the others were becoming more and more afraid, wondering what other capabilities the monsters in human skin had.

Tightly holding his mom's hands, Ross lifted his head anxiously. 

Dad isn't back yet from his 3-day trip outside the town. So it was just Mom and his older brother.

"Mom... can you and big brother sleep with me tonight?"

His mother was taken aback, never having seen the strange fear in her son's eyes.

The fear was too real and heavy, like someone thrown into the wilderness grabbing on a single straw to hold themselves up.

She knew Devon her 16 years old son would definitely refuse since he liked staying in his room with those damn headphones on, blasting music that could make the deaf wish they were deafened even more.

Seeing Ross's state, his mother gritted her teeth and swore to fulfill his wish. 

Tonight, both 13-year-old and 16-year-old sons will sleep in her bedroom.

If the older one didn't want to, well, she made more than many ways to make him bend against his will. 

Who asked him to be the child while she was the parent?

If you think you're so grown, then go build a house of your own.




"Thank you, officers... you have a good day now."

Greg sighed in relief, seeing as Ross and many of the children were smart enough to get their parents and siblings to sleep with them tonight.

Maybe if the numbers are great, they might stand a chance of truly winning. 

They just have to remember to keep their weapons closer. 

Maybe put the vinegar under the bed or under the pillow. 

There was also another thing their children had to do. 

It's something they developed on their own, sort of like a warning or bat signal like in Batman.


Each child had a broad metal sheet wrapped around like a loudspeaker. 

Placing it close to their mouths, they opened their windows and cried out like owls in the night. 

Let the word spread to the other divisions that there was danger closer than anyone thought.

Although they won't know exactly what the danger is, these owl cries signified impending danger in their homes. So sleep with one eye open tonight.


Ross's brother, who was about to change the music in his earphones, suddenly paused after hearing his brother's owl cries.

As an agent working for the high school faction, he also knew a few things about his brother's group. 


Danger in the home? What's going on? 

Regardless of how much he teased his little brother and caught him, that was his Goddamn little brother!

If there was really anything endangering his life or that of his mom, he as the elder brother would step up to the task. 

Seeing as their mom went to take a shower and their grandpa who was out on the porch, Daven quickly headed to Ross's room.

"Spill it, dweeb. What the hell is going on."

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