Host, Please Be Honest! What Exactly Are You?

Chapter 450 Forced Become One!-2

~Whopp. Whoop. Whoop. Whoop. Whoop~

In a plane high up in the sky, Dorian and many others sat cross-legged as they awaited arrival in the mysterious town. 

Well, the town didn't have an airport to itself, as it shared airports with another town and village just 30 minutes away after leaving the town's entryway.

The airport was in the far outskirts and was very small, to say the least.

No matter where they wanted to go, the planes would first take them to any of the 4 main airports before connecting them to other flights.


It was funny to say that for the little farm town, only a handful of people have gotten on the plane in this lifetime. 

These people include those whose businesses required them to move, like Ross's father. 

He too was a farmer, but he was mostly a merchant and a middleman who aided in transporting most of the town's crops to outsiders. 

This place wasn't dubbed a farming town for nothing. There were also factories here that turned their products into items you buy in the stores.

Hey, it was pretty amazing!


Sometimes, they also went out via plane to visit loved ones who no longer live in their small town. 

It was indeed rare, as there were quite a handful of people who had never been in a plane in all their lives. 

It can be seen just how smart it was to have the town and several other small communities share the same airport. 

At least it's not a complete loss to the airlines. 


In the private jet, everyone focused on cultivating, as they closed their eyes and breathed silently.

What were they going to face? They had no idea. However, with the Grandmaster by their side, they didn't fear. 

The pilot was the most confused, having never seen such quiet passengers before. 

The stewardess was also taken aback by their strangeness that she had to gossip with the pilot mid-flight when giving him his food. 

"I'm telling you they aren't normal. I passed with the food tray just as scheduled but everyone was sitting cross-legged and with their eyes closed."

They went leaning against the airplane seats but seated at a sharply angled position. 


The stewardess felt that if their back got any straighter, it would snap like a frozen rubber band without elasticity. 

Seeing their eyes closed but their bodies not in a resting position, the stewardess began contemplating whether they were asleep or not. 

As per protocol, if they were asleep during mealtime, she wasn't to disturb them. She could only pass later again to distribute their meals.

Waiting is what she did. 

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She waited and waited, but didn't see a single person open their eyes. 

A flight like this had 2 mealtimes... the first was to share snacks and drinks and the last served heavier meals since the flight was 6 hours and 45 minutes. 

As time went by, the stewardess began feeling something was more and more off.

From the moment these people stepped onto the plane, they stayed in the same position for more than 4 hours now without even shaking their heads or twitching their hands. 

Is this normal? 

Good Heavens! They won't be dead, right? 

The stewardess had no choice but to take out her compact mirror from her purse and place it underneath someone's nostrils. 


Seeing the slight fog form on the mirror, the stewardess thanked the God of Science and slowly backed away like a thief in the night. 

Heading back to the pilot's cockpit, she relayed her findings, putting the man at ease. 

He too was a little afraid, not wanting to fly a plane transporting dead passengers. 

Never in his life has a flown people who were so quiet before. 

Do you realize that none of them had ordered anything? 

To have a private jet meant they were a well-to-do group. 

When on board, there were some perks they should enjoy like drinking champagne, eating exquisite food and so on. 

You have to know that even though they have 2 official mealtimes for these VIP members, the customers could order whatever was on the menu whenever they liked.

It was odd that they were on a private jet yet they didn't even bother taking pictures or doing anything that would dub them as ordinary.

Welp. Provided they are alive and kicking with no issues, who cared about their strangeness? 

"Continue keeping an eye on them until we land." I think you should take a look at

"Yes, Captain Slovic." The stewardess replied leaving the cockpit and heading back to the onboard VIP bar to watch them from there. 

She thought her actions earlier were concealed, but Butler Sheng knew she placed that mirror underneath his nose but didn't care. 

2 more hours before arrival. 

There was still a long way to go. 


Back in the town, the parents and adults had no idea just how tense the place had become. 


The owl signal went off, echoing across the vast lands from all homes having children. 

It was almost like the scene of dogs barking nonstop in 101 Dalmatians when the puppies first went missing.

No matter how much some parents tried to pull their children away from the windows, the children would rush back anand yell the owlish cries as fiercely as they could.

Even if some did not know the exact danger they might face, they still abided by the Code. 

It simply meant that when you hear the owl cry, pass on the same owl cry immediately and keep vigilant.

This way, everyone can get the word. 

In turn, those from the high school group were also very tense, as they quickly protected themselves and their households, swearing to stay vigilant too. 

Although they fought a lot with Greg, they knew how brilliant this mind was.

For him to give out orders like this meant there must be something wrong going on. 

A serial killer on the loose? 

Many thought so, especially within this dark period of elders going missing and strangely returning. 

Something just wasn't right. They could feel it, but didn't know what it was exactly. 

But from the looks of things, Greg and his gang might be the only ones who found the truth and are worried for everyone's safety.

Many high schoolers were quick to corner their younger siblings for the truth. Of course, Davon was among them.

With a fiery look, he pinned his brother by the door, lowering his face menacingly. But seeing Ross's hesitation only fueled his anger even more. 

"Dweeb, I'm only going to ask you once. After that, I'll punch you till you talk, and don't think I'll be afraid of you telling Mom! Now... spill it out! I want to know the hell is going on?"

Ross suddenly gained power, as he pushed Davon away animatedly. "Get away, Davon! You don't understand. How can you understand?"

Seeing Ross's eyes dart about the space maniacally and unfocused, Davon became more and more worried.

He knew if he let this matter slide the impending danger could be greater than he thought. 

F***! He has never seen his little brother so on edge. 

Gritting his teeth, Davon placed a firm hand on Ross, twirling him around and again looking straight in the eyes. 

"Ross! I am your older brother! No matter how we fight, we are family, understand?... I'm simply saying you don't have to do it alone!"

For the first time, Ross felt his older brother wasn't so annoying.

Davin typically gave him veggies and annoyed the hell out of him constantly. But at this moment, Davon was like a true older brother to him. 

He was right. It would be better to have him on board, though Ross would never tell the exact truth lest his brother thinks he was going kookoo.

"Alright." Ross agreed with a heavy and slow nod. "Davon... What I'm about to say might seem crazy, but we saw it with our own eyes... It's about Timmy."

"Timmy?" Davon frowned. "The one who is said to have left his grandparents behind with his family?"

"Yes. That Timmy. Deep down, you know that story is full of crap." 

Davon nodded, saying he didn't believe it either. 

If not for the police speaking about evidence here and there, he would have thought it was a joke.

He knew that family very well. So how can they just up and leave like that?

"Timmy and his parents are dead... and the ones who did it were his grandparents."


Davon almost couldn't believe it. 

His mind had already come up with all sorts of theories, concluding that Gregory and the rest must've stumbled upon the grandparents burying the bodies. But what Ross said next made Davon feel true horror.

"Grandpa was with them. And it seems he too is planning to kill us all!"

Davon's body trembled, thinking of how weird his grandfather had been acting of late.

"Are you sure? Do you know what you're saying?"

"Yes." Ross's face was stern. "He will come for us all."

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