All around the town, screams of surprise and terror could be heard from the many captured townsfolk. 

The townspeople were also shocked that even the prisoners in the cells were not spared at all 

Don't think just because this is a small town it's relatively safe.


Criminals like to flee big cities and hide in towns like these, hoping never to get caught. That's why all towns folks walk together, trying to understand who the new people in town are.

It's said the place was a town, but it could be more or less taken as a village due to its very small population size.

Here, almost everyone knew everyone. And word traveled faster than a fire burning across a forest.

In another part of the town, a young boy, his teenage sister and his parents were huddled together in a luxurious bed. They were the Betterman's one of the richest people in the town. 

Even their guards were thrown on tables and sent out with them too. 

No one could've foreseen such a situation happening at all.

"Dad! Dad! What should we do? I'm too young to die now! I haven't even had my first kiss yet!"

That's your problem? Your first kiss?

Mr. Betterman suddenly felt like throwing his daughter off the running bed.

What is a first kiss? Who recalls a first kiss? When you get very old, things like that don't matter at all!

"Dad! Dad! What should we do?"

"Hoey, you aren't saying anything!"

"Dad, Dad! What was that thing?"

"Everyone shut up and let me think!"

The family zipped their lips, not minding their dad/husband raising his voice at them. 

That's it! He has got it!

Mr. Betterman's eyes suddenly lit up as he lifted his pillow and opened a secret compartment on the bed frame. 


Everyone was shocked to see him pull out a beautifully crafted dagger.

Hey... when you are rich, you must have some weapons close by if you really want to sleep well at night.

This was his trusty dagger that had accompanied him in his better days.

Gritting his teeth, Mr. Betterman suddenly grabbed the dagger with 2 hands, raising it high with a fierce like in his eye.

"Dad, what do you want to--"

"Shhh!" His wife quickly shushed at their blabbering daughter, seemingly understanding what her husband wanted to do. 

The air was stifling with silence, as everyone suddenly felt the air pressure go low. 

The look in their father's eyes truly scared the children but they knew whatever their father did, he did it for them. 


1, 2, 3... 


Everyone jumped with their hands on their mouths, not wanting to make any noises despite their obvious quivering. 

Good God of Science! 

What is this thing? Was this still a bed? Everyone Mr. Betterman had just stabbed the monstrous bed at its upper center, causing it to wail in pain. 

It suddenly acted like a horse, raising its forelegs and twisting its body severally.

At times it will also raise its hind legs, kicking maniacally too, but Mr. Betterman had no intentions of stopping at all. 
All through the journey they have been trying to get off this bed to no avail. It seems unless the bed wants them to leave, they will be stuck here until it reaches its destination.

So why not make it agitated? 

Mr. Betterman thought well but failed to understand that Mortal weapons won't be able to stop any possessed objects. 

However though it cannot hurt them, it is still uncomfortable to them like an inch in one's throat. 

And the more Mr. Betterman stabbed, the more annoyed the object was. 

Human, don't push your luck! nov?/?/o\?

Bam! Bam! Bam! 

Rge sheets came alone, strapping and wrapping Mr. Betterman up like a mummy. 

What was happening? 




Good God! The scene was too crazy to watch, as everyone truly felt Mr. Betterman's life was over.

No. No. No!

Mr. Betterman struggled to break free, but slowly found himself losing vision, as the sheets ripped on their own and wrapped around his eyes like magic. 

He was scared and regretful. The feeling he had was probably what the ancients felt when buried alive in mummification. 


He tried talking but his mouth was already sealed. 

Even moving his hands felt like he was trying to carry a car. 

What should he do? What should he do now? 

Body transfixed with horror, Mr. Betterman found himself in catatonic alarm, twisting and moving as hard as he could to no avail. 

Was this how he was going to die? Was this his last time seeing his family and living the big life he often enjoyed? 

He laid on his back atop the soft bed, trembling in the darkness he now found himself in. I think you should take a look at

Without sight, wasn't everything dark? 

This... this was the end, wasn't it?

It was true what they said. When one is about to die, their whole life flashes before their eyes, mixed with satisfaction and mostly regret. 

Yes. He had a million and 1 regrets he wished he could make up.

Tears trickled down his cheeks, as he faintly heard his family calling him.

Mr. Bettereman could no longer hear them, nor could they hear his muffled sounds. 

'Goodbye, family... I love you all.'

Indeed, this was the end for him.


Mr Betterman who had his eyes closed, was inwardly taken aback by the chaotic sounds he suddenly heard.

He was even more frightened thinking this monstrous bed was finishing off his family one by one.

"No! No! You leave them alone! Leave them alone! Take me! Take me instead you bastard!"

Mr. Betterman was so swallowed up in grief that he didn't even notice he could now speak properly and his hands were no longer bound. 

In fact, he was waving them in the air like a UFC fighter about to land a solid blow on an opponent. 

"Dad, wake up! Dad, it's alright."

Eh? Why did he hear his son's happy voice? Could it be it was all a dream and he was still in his massive home, living the good life? 


Blink. Blink. 


Opening his eyes, his family rushed in to hug him desperately. They were really touched by his words just now.

This was their dad/husband, a man who was willing to sacrifice his life for theirs.

"Dad/husband, we love you. too."

Seeing their locations although he was sad it wasn't a dream, he was at least grateful his family survived it all.

But more importantly, who were these people in uniform who saved them?

"We don't have time to waste. We must save the other townspeople now."

Hold on, so this issue is within the entire town and not just them?

Mr. Betterman suddenly felt better knowing he wasn't alone in this or else he would feel it was some deadly enemy out to get him and his family.

Before he could ask any more questions, he, a grown man, was thrown over one of their shoulders and taken away in a blink of an eye. 


Was he hallucinating or were these people moving faster than a vehicle? 

Wipe! What sort of supernatural humans did he meet? Even his son, daughter and wife were in disbelief too.

Like so, the last batch of people to be sent to the maize fields were all saved by a few academy disciples and elders. 

Though a majority followed Dorian, heading straight for the fields instead.

In the meantime, Gregory, the police officers, and the rest stood outside the cornfield, coming to terms with the fact that they were trapped in the space by an invisible wall. 

Tonight just keeps getting better and better, doesn't it?

The group who felt their time running out, were all shaking to their boots when seeing over 200 elders appear outside the space, floating in the air.

What the f***? Someone cursed loudly, even though it was wrong to do so with children around.

Like God, these elders floated with their hands apart, as they passed through the walls, as though it was nothing. 


Why can they not go out, yet these strange elders could come in? 

And why the hell was their town suddenly covered in a cold, bone-chilling mist?

Ooouu! Ouuu!

Owls crowd, night birds sang, dogs marked and every creature in the night seemed uneasy, as though trying to warn them of what was about to come. 

And what happened next was something they would never forget in their lives.

~Crack. Crack. Crack. 

The elders' bodies turned even more hunched and began growing several times more massive, changing into an even deadlier and uglier form than what a few people had glimpsed earlier.

Their teeth, their smiles... 

Everyone lost it when they saw the human skin drop several feet to the floor. 

This... this... this. 

Many pinged their quivering fingers up while trying to force their fear-stricken legs to make a run for it. "M-M-Monsters!"

Run! Run! Un for your lives!"

At this point, all hell broke loose, as people ran into the maize idiotically.

"No!" Gregory screamed. "Don't run into the fields! That's what they want!"

He yelled but no one seemed to be paying attention to him except for his family and a few others.

Why was the maize unsafe? Why was Gregory so sure? 

Those who stayed back were left in a daze of fear and confusion but soon thanked their stars after seeing the creatures suddenly grin crazily, with their eyes flashing red lights and their bodies full of energy, feeling the thrill of the hunt.

And soon, they heard the ear-splitting cries of many from the maize.


Gregory's father covered his ears with a pained look. 

How can they fight against this?

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