
The entire place was chilling, as temperatures began crazily dropping by the second. 

There it was!

The chilling fog quickly swept across the land, sending its smokey claws as far as it could stretch. 

Left, right, left, right. 

The fog swiveled like a snake, mischievously moving between the legs of many, slowly filling even the little crevices between the rocks on the surface. 

Dear God! 

They couldn't see their feet anymore, but that was the last of their worries.


The gut-churning cries of many caused raw panic to spread like wildfire. 

"Please, someone help me! It's getting closer!"

"No! Ni! Let my daughter go-... Ahhhhh!"

Thob. Thob. Thob. Thob!~

The sounds of many falling to their demise could be heard everywhere one turned.

The funny thing was that a majority of people didn't see how their comrades fell or where the bodies had disappeared too. 

But for the few who did see, they wished they hadn't, as it was the most brutal thing they had seen in all their years. 

Running through the corn fields with his family, a young father was sweating profoundly as he recently leaped forward.

However, he soon felt something wasn't right. 

He was holding a 2-year-old boy in his arms and holding the hands of his 6-year-old daughters. They both ran side by side. 

But just then, he felt his little girl's arms to be too dry and even prickly, resembling nothing like human flesh at all. 


He didn't know why, but his head could only turn 90 degrees at a slow pace, as though afraid of what he would find. 


Why was he holding a scarecrow doll his daughter's height? Whoever did his daughter go?


Hearing the abrupt and scared voice of the girl he knew so well, looked back only to see his daughter being wrapped and rolled away like a carpet by the many towering corn stalks.

The firm stalls were brutal, swinging their roots like vine ropes, binding her arms, legs, belly and even the rest of her face.

It dragged her away from the path, wanting to take her deeper and deeper into the thick maze. 

What will happen when it reaches its endpoint?


Did it want to create a coffin for his daughter while he was still alive? 


The young father screamed with all his might, making the little fat on his cheeks jiggle crazily. 

Holding his son, he tried making a U-turn for his daughter, as his body and heart moved faster than his thoughts.

"Bailang! Bailiang!" Tears flowed through the rough man's eyes, never imagining he had the ability to cry. 
His daughter. His precious daughter. 

How can he live with himself knowing he watched her taken and did nothing?

He knew the right choice was to flee with his own in hand. But he just couldn't do it.

"Bailang! Daddy is coming for you!~" 

His 2-year-old son in his arms also cried, maybe from sensing the danger in the air and understanding what was going on.

The young rough father kissed his son hard on his forehead. "I'm sorry, Babu, but we have to get your sister back."

Breathing hard, the young father knocked his feet even more against the ground to chase after his daughter.

But just then, he felt a powerful force holding him back. 

It was the clothless scarecrow he threw away.

The creepy thing was holding onto the bottom of his plants, flashing him a menacing smile that sent shivers down his spine.

"Daddy, where are going?" The voice was too similar to his daughters, but very quickly turned into a husky, evil and deep voice of something otherworldly. "DO YOU WANT TO LEAVE ME ALONE TOO?"

"You-you-you are not my daughter. Let go of me!"

The young father tried prying away despite his fear. His love for his daughter conquered his fear of the menacing scarecrow, knowing he must reach his true daughter fast.

Very slowly the corners of the scarecrow's unnaturally formed lips raised higher than before, as its eyes now flashed with a deep red hue. 


It stood like a puppet, with its body twisting in ways humans wouldn't. And then, the disturbing voice echoed out again. 

"You are really a lot of fun, human. But because I like you, why don't I reunite you all?"

The young father's pupils dilated in horror, watching the scarecrow suddenly break apart into several sturdy ropes of dried-up corn stalk vines. 

The young father had no time to react, as he and his son were wrapped together and dragged away too.


Ahhhhhhhh!~I think you should take a look at

Gregory, Officer Macy, Davon and the others who were yet to enter the maize fields, grew numb from the many screams from their fellow town folks


They grew numb with horror, as even if they wished to now enter the maize, they couldn't as their wobbly legs would still refuse to obey instructions.

"This… This..." Amelia placed a hand over her mouth, too scared to even talk. 

What was going on in that maize? She wanted to ask but dared not. 

Her body was trembling so hard one would think she was epileptic.

Behind her was the invisible wall of no escape, and before her was the maize that seemed to be alive killing any who stepped in.

Even if you gave her a billion Vyns, she wouldn't even think of placing a toe into the maize field, talk less of taking her children in it. 

Officer Macy also felt the same, wondering how such things could exist in this world making it too unfair to them, humans. 

But if there are demons like this out there existing, then there must be a True God that looks after humanity, right? 

To hell with the God of Science!

Do you think they are still blind to believe science is everything in the universe?

Explain this then! Why were such beings allowed to deftly the laws of gravity but they weren't? 

F*** off with that science shit.

Can't you see they are now on their knees praying to whatever God exists out there?

It wasn't just many, but everyone else including Gregory.

"Dear God of whatever you are... If you save us all, I promise to eat all my vegetables going forth

Even carrots! Look! I swear I'll also eat broccoli too! And if I can't, then I'll give it to my elder sister to eat so it doesn't go to waste."

"Dear God of justice, if you save us, I')) donate all... No!... 9/10th, 7/10th... No! 30% of my crop yields to charity for a whole year! I'll even throw in my truck by the end of the year too if you promise to get me out of this mess!"

"Dear God of whatever. If you save us, I swear never to cheat on my wife again for 2 years. No! I will be the best father and husband one could ask for, so just get us all out of here, please!"

"Are you there Ooooo~Holy God… You know I'm the middle child. You know how tough life is already when being the middle child. But because I love my family, I implore you to please save us all, for my parents' sake. Look. It's not like it's me asking, but you know... My parents would truly be devastated loading my other siblings. If you do so I promise I'll throw in a juicy bargain like refilling the water in the fridge whenever I use it last… Believe me, that's a sweet bargain knowing I never do it at all! So what're you waiting for? Come out and save me--... I mean us, now!"

[The Heavens]: "_" Are you sure you all are worth saving? 

Should they really save these people? 

And the guy who swore off cheating for just 2 years, do you think you're so great?


The entire scene was filled with countless survivors praying and wailing in an attempt for some divine miracle to happen. 

You didn't understand how desperate they were.

Floating above the sky were over 200 giant terrifying beings that already floated above like Gods.nov/o\?

There were even a few above the space they stood watching them in amusement as if saying there was no use fighting. They will all be dead soon. 

Coming to terms with the reality they faced themselves, how could they expect to take out these giant creatures with sticks and a few guns in their hands? 

No one could even look up to these beings as their final transformation caused some to faint once more and puke even harder too.

Good God! 

They wished they could pluck their eyes out, scrab the image off, and soak their eyeballs in bleach before throwing it in multiple washing cycles to cleanse it thoroughly.

Lying trough!

How can something be so ugly?



The screams from within the fields continued for not more than 3 minutes before they heard absolutely nothing more.

Bubuum. Bubuum.~

Davon's heart beat so loudly it almost flew out his chest. 

"Greg... does this mean what I think it does?"

Gregory nodded. "The hunt is over inside the maize, and now their attention will fall on us."


Everyone knew it should be like this but hearing it made them feel death was truly slamming on their doors hard.

And as Gregory predicted, the crazy maize stalks several feet away from them suddenly grew 20 times taller, twisting in the air before flying their way like a cobra about to snap.


Many parents and adults were quick to protect their children and the other younger ones, closing their eyes to accept death.

But What they found was that they were soon wrapped like mummies and suspended high into the air, floating closer and closer to the giant creatures above.

They... they were going to be the first meal for the night.


The creatures yelled excitedly, feeling the wave of fear and despair coming from them. 

…How sweet... How succulent... 

The creatures' teeth all elongated before they could think, and their mouths also widened 7 times in size. 

Time to eat.

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