The moment the group got hoisted and raised, they felt the world spin with no way out. 

Help! Help! They were going to be devoured here. And those below were screaming with all their might, as snot and tears mixed disturbingly. 



"Officer Macy!"

The screams of the young ones were too great, watching the adults inch closer into the widened horrific mouths of these ghoulish beings. 

What was this? 

There was black tar oozing out the mouths of these beings as they salivated crazily. 

As if to taunt them even more, a few creatures looked to the skies and laughed exaggeratedly with their big mouths as though gagging. 

"Foolish humans. All this time, your bodies have been adjusting to the secret ingredients we placed in your meals."

What? Does this explain why several of them have been feeling sick and getting headaches from time to time? 

It's TRUE!

Since the beginning of the whole elderly disappearance and return matter, many had sleepless nights but thought it was a result of their worry concerning the elderly. 

Who wouldn't think so? 

Now, hearing the matter from the horse's mouth and those on ground graves, their bellies in worry. 

What is inside them that makes their bodies now chewable to these creatures? 


If they knew, they would have been eating food in the wild rather than at home when they cook and leave the pots unattended for a few minutes here and there.

When cooking, who doesn't do other things like washing the dishes, cleaning or attaching Tv?

It's normal for others to pass by the kitchen and lift the pot.

Who knows if during this time these ugly things dropped something in the pot? 

But if the human body has to be mended for these beasts to consume, why did they easily round up the elderly?

Wait! Wait!

The Home!

Don't think the elderly all coming back to live with their families was a coincidence.

The elderly must have been affected and must have even died without anyone knowing too.

Remember that the first reports of missing elders came from the Home. 

And when these elders returned, their families decided to take them back to their real homes to live for a while.

Like a disease, they probably planned to infect the entire town, making everyone consumable. 

It should've all been done hush-hush, but it seems due to Greg's discovery, these monsters didn't want to take any second chances now that they were exposed.



They growled and laughed, watching the puny humans struggle to break free from the enchanted maze stalks emulated toward their mouths. 

How tasty. 

They hadn't even taken a bite yet they could feel how tasty the meal would be by the fear emitting from the humans. 

It was fun while it lasted. 

All corn stalks suddenly loosened their grips on the humans, dropping them down into the mouths of the many surrounding creatures. 

As they say: Bottoms up!


Officer Macy screamed for the first time in her adult life, flaring her hands as she kept dropping, heading straight for the dark abyss below.

Good heavens! 

She just found a new boyfriend and got to know what being in a relationship was.
So was she still going to die without having her dream wedding?

Bang! Bang! Bag!

No matter how she shit nid-air, the master's crazy mouth took no hits and was more and more happy to welcome her in. 

1, 2, 3... 

Macy closed her eyes, knowing there was no hope for her. But just then a miracle happened!



Why did the creature's mouth feel as hard as the floor? 

First, she slowly opened one before opening both in shock and disbelief. 

Before she could react, several people were hugging her body crazily. 

"Officer Macy! Officer Macy!... Woooooo~... it's good that you are alive! For a moment I thought we almost lost you there!"

This... This...

What's going on? How can she appear back on the ground just like that? Or could it be the creature's mouth somehow has the ability to teleport her back to square 1? 

The many people who thought they would die were also confused by the sudden development of things.


Who am I? What am I? Where am I?...

Their confusion didn't last long, as their eyes soon fell on several people in uniform.

Were these the people who rescued them? 

Wait! With their speed, these people won't be monsters hiding underneath human skin too, right? 

Looking at Butler Sheng, Officer Macy suddenly grew bold despite her quivering lips.

"Who are you?"

"Minster catchers!"Gregory blurted, and Butler Sheng nodded in agreement.

Whatever makes it easier for them to understand and accept them. 

"Seeing your uniform, you should be an officer of the law, alongside a few of you here. That being said, it was your many pleas for investigations on the missing elderly people that brought us here."I think you should take a look at


Macy and a few more police officers exclaimed, obviously taken aback with joy.

They were even happier after Butler Sheng took out a document confirming their mission here 


Finally! Finally! They were saved!

This ghoulish nightmare will soon be over now that the government has sent experts here.

Davaon was shocked. 

Does this mean the government has long known there are evil creatures in this world like this?

Then why not equip every town, city and village with a few monster catchers to keep the mall safe?

Or could it be the war against humans and monsters was so great that there were enough national talents to train for the job?

Well, Davon had to admit that even after this experience, he wasn't sure he had the balls nor the gallbladder to face off against these monsters regularly. 

No way!

After this, all he wants to do is return to his normal life, though he would keep greater vigilance than before.

But looking at his brother's eyes, he knew the idiot was already hooked on the profession. 

It wasn't just Ross, as Grefory also had shining eyes, as of realizing what his true calling was.

It can be said that after this matter is done and over with, over 99%of the population would never want to become monster catchers.

But you see... there was always that 1% that loved daring the impossible.

Macy adjusted her hat, rubbing her chin in thought, as she stared at the classy and elegant Butler Sheng.

'If I apply for a transfer into their division, will they accept me?'


Don't blame everyone for suddenly growing calm.

For some reason, hearing that the government had sent people to handle the matter made them feel they must surely be safe.

Of course, this was only momentarily, as the group of monsters who had their prey snatched from them, were more than pissed.

Butler Sheng gave a light bow before leaving the group to another elder and a few disciples to guard.

"Excuse me."


Everyone watched him tap a small piece of paper, pulling out a massive gigantic transparent sword.

Following that, he jumped onto the bluish transparent sword and flew into the maze with his hands behind his back and his chest upright.


"No way! No one can change my mind! Mom, I must become a monster hunter!"

"Yes, yes, Dad. I too want to be a monster hunter!"

Seeing how excited Ross and Gregory were, their parents almost lost their footing when listening to their words. 


What was so enticing about facing ugly revolting creatures and putting your life on the line every day?

They can understand when police officers, soldiers and marines put their lives against the enemy, which by the way is HUMAN. 

What they can't fathom now anyone can look at these creatures and fight to win. If it were them, they would be preoccupied puking instead. 

Please... they weren't so daring, and they wouldn't want their children to take on such dangerous jobs too.

"What do you little brats know?" Officer Macy lashed out, making the parents happy that she was about to straighten them up. But who knew their happiness would be so short-lived? 

"What do you brats know? If anyone is going to be a Monster catcher, it is going to be me!"



Boom! Bang! Boom!

The many disciples and elders appeared in the sky, fiercely battling all 217 creatures. 


Several disciples were smashed into the ground so hard they formed a crater as though a meteor had just fallen from the sky.


Everyone thought the fallen ones were dead. But miscalculated when they saw them simply wake up dust themselves and fly back to the skies for round 2.


Are you sure you all are truly okay?

Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!

The battle wasn't looking good for humanity.

"Are they going to lose?" Everyone's earlier fears grew stronger, as they panicked for what would await them once the monster catchers fell.

However, they had to admit there was something odd going on. 

~Swish! Swish! Swish!

Every now and then, Butler Sheng would return with a buck load of people wrapped in maize stalks.

Time was truly tight on their side so he left the matter of freeing them from their bondage to Macy and the rest.

At least it would keep their minds preoccupied.

Looking at the increasingly annoyed monsters above, Butler Sheng knew he had to hurry up and rescue the others fast or else they would be in an even greater disadvantage than they were now.

"Stick to the plan. Stick to the plan." He kept telling himself, knowing that indeed, they alone couldn't handle all the monsters here.

Luckily, they had the Grandmaster with them. For the plan to work, they must take the towns folks out.

But where was the grandmaster?

... on a lone hill, Dorian lay lazily, watching the battle expressionlessly. The system felt bad for the people.

[Host, do you have a heart? Can't you see that they are struggling?]

He sees it, but so what? 


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