Host, Please Be Honest! What Exactly Are You?

Chapter 469 Loki's Reputation

Chapter 469 Loki's Reputation

Loki smiled and teased the angry bunch as much as he could, while slowly releasing his illusionary skills.

The fools won't even notice that he had a clone replacing him.

The trick had to be done at the right time, as the switch was also done a thousand times faster than the speed of light.

Who was he? The infamous Trickster who fooled even some higher Gods.

He had to admit that all 100 angel guards standing high above him were indeed tough and very sensitive to changes, but after getting caught by them a few times he too has learned to correct his errors and adapt to the ways these Angels operate.

Don't think that just because he was a Trickster by nature, his many tricks came easy.

No way. Every trick he could now do perfectly was only brom from repeated efforts.

Many times he would get caught but still do it, again and again, a thousand times if necessary until he finally perfected his art.

He combined manipulation as well as his shapeshifting abilities and other powers to grow into the feared being he now was.

Well... 'fear' isn't exactly the word he would use since many only made U-turns after seeing him because they didn't want to get tricked or scammed again.

It was better to say they hated him to the bones and were annoyed by his presence.

Loki chuckled whenever he thought of how famous he was even within the many mortal worlds filled with exorcists.

Whenever he appeared all exorcists and even normal humans would curse loudly.


They didn't want to see him at all!

He was just that annoying that couldn't go away since he was neither an enemy nor a foe.

He wasn't an underworld creature, and wasn't exactly the noble Heavenly creature he was born of. Neither was he mortal too.

So quite frankly, no one liked helping or even trading with him.

Even crooks and hardcore criminals turned blind eyes to his temptations, as humanity has too many lessons from those who had dealings with Loki.

You have to know that in some worlds, there are libraries dedicated to this matter, with millions of books that tell of how he duped so many, many, many humans.

No one ended up good.

Even if he did give you what you want now, 5 years later or even 10, things would change for the worse, and you won't even know it's him doing all the manipulation because of boredom.

As they say, once bitten twice shy.

Don't try to invent the wheel when it already exists.

Millions of people from all backgrounds and appearances had made deals with this entity only to get screwed badly.

So why would you think you're any different? Why would you think you're somewhat special? A human Loki values greatly?


Don't make them laugh.

There was once a stubborn group of people who called themselves Loki's followers.

They even made a cult or church out of the matter, swearing allegiance to Loki and Loki alone.

At first, Loki did give them hope, making them happy and feeling special.

But it didn't take long for Loki to get bored, so he began manipulating his followers to question every single good thing in life.

It was amazing how all these people became murderers and crazed people in a blink of an eye.
Soon, they began kidnapping babies and virgins to offer as sacrifices.

Their God, Loki, had promised to make them immortal once they did so.

That wasn't all.

He also promised to take them into the heavens and let them serve beside him in his palace too.

How stupid can you get?

Everyone knows it was near impossible for ordinary people and even Exorcists to cross the boundaries of realms and become a God/goddess.

And yet someone tells you they will take hundreds and hundreds of as he was also hated by those living in the heavens.

people to the heavens and you believe them?

They even doubted if Loki had a palace in the heavens at all, seeing as he was also hated by those living in the heavens.


How could they forget the tale of how Loki tricked the God of thunder, Thor, out of his mansion once? So maybe Loki still owns Thor's mansion, right?

Anyway, Loki's cult followers were so manipulated by him that when they finally came back to their senses, they had done despicable acts that could not be forgiven by society.

Do you know the most painful part, Loki finally appeared in their crumbling moments smiling and laughing at how much entertainment they gave him.

Many trembled in fury, realizing it was all just some sick game to him.

Their lives were meaningless to the ones they worshiped.

He only made them fall so hard because they were boring him earlier with their constant devotion.

Good God! What have they done?

May cursed and swore at Loki, praying to the heavens to banish him and let him fall into the underworld. But how can the heavens allow that to happen?

If they did so, it won't be long before Loki finds a way to make the entire underworld his playground, finding ways to get as many underworld creatures to the surface to real havoc.

To them, he was far more dangerous than all the Princes of Hell combined because of his potential to cause Chaos.

All they could do was lock him up, sometimes sentencing him to 900,000 years imprisonment and other times 5 billion.

Of course, Loki was also a constant offender, getting himself banned from many worlds, since he was the true person who started the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and even 4th World Wars in those places.

So yes... don't balance them for making a U-turn when they see him.

The trickster also knew many hated him, so he usually shapeshifted into another, fooling humans everywhere whenever he pleased.

All he wanted to do was relieve his boredom... was that so much to ask?

[Everyone]: YES!

His fun was at their own expense, so who can be happy about it?



Loki's eyes flickered with a staring light, as he kept teasing the guards.

'Almost there.'

The guards didn't notice but his true body was slowly sinking into the wall, leaving a clone behind as though he was shedding lizard skin.


After doing it many times, he was confident he would never get caught.

The trick is to also keep the guard annoyed, as they often rolled their eyes or briefly turned their eyes away for a split second whenever he called their attention.

"Hey, big guy! Yeah you! What's your name again? I remember I once shapeshifted into you and seduced your nymph tree woman, right? I tell you, that Dryad girl has the best lips I've ever tasted!"

"You bastard!"

The angel exploded but many rushed to hold him back. But those who came to help were soon the ones who wanted to rush up and beat Loki to death after hearing what he said next.

"Hey, hey, hey... Cleopas, is that you? I remember I once filled you for your precious bottle of spirit rum, exchanging it for a few bags of ordinary stones."

"And you, Valicicio... How is your beloved doing? The food she made for me that one time was so sweet I still can't forget its nectar taste. Hey... why don't you tell her it was me that day and not you? Well, who made me so charming, dashing, good looking and amazing that all your women and daughters can't wait to have a taste of the Loki?"

Like a bee buzzing in their ears, everyone was annoyed and furious by his many words. But every time they took their eyes off him, he did something to his body.

So easy!

Hey... these Angels get riled up so fast.

It's a good thing he had past experiences with them or else how could he have gotten up worked up so quickly?

Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.

Time to go!



Loki wore a bubbly smile on his lips, as his body slowly vanished through the wall behind him.

But just when he felt his body about to completely vanish, Loki suddenly had a bad feeling in his throat.

Years of pissing off many people had told him to always follow his instincts; and sure enough, he was right.

The doors opened lazily, as all 100 Angels felt a compelling and blinding light penetrate the space.

So powerful!

Many Angel's dropped to the floor like crows, finding it near impossible to even lift their faces up.

But after a while, it seems the owner of the light withdrew his power, causing them to feel relief.


Looking up, they saw a giant rabbit pet holding a peculiar mirror.

No! This Wasn't any ordinary Rabbit, but the supreme ancient rabbit that only exists in the legends! No one has ever seen the mighty rabbit!

It was one of the first heavenly beings made at the very start of it all.

It was even older than the oldest angel in existence. It Was also older than 99.9999% of gods in the heavenly realm.

No one has ever seen the heavenly creature except for a select few Gods. Everyone could only identify it from the ancient texts within the heavens.



Just its presence shook the entire building.

How can something be so strong?

This building wasn't ordinary and bacon a million guards and gods/

goddesses won't be able to shake it, talk less of scratching it.

Everyone felt their minds blown by seeing the ancient rabbit in the flesh.

A silhouette that was hard to see and covered with a blinding golden light suddenly revealed itself in the mirror in the rabbit's hand.

Loki also swallowed hard, feeling his heart tremble chaotically.

"Hey, hey, hey... Who are you? I don't recall ever meeting you before, so what do you want with me? Are you a fan? Or are you--"

The silhouette that seemed to be laying on a chair, suddenly frowned, cutting Loki's words short.



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