Host, Please Be Honest! What Exactly Are You?

Chapter 470 [Bonus chapter]Be Honest

Chapter 470 [Bonus chapter]Be Honest

What a strong heavenly aura.


In the presence of absolute strength, Loki found it a million times harder to keep his eyes open.

But what did he do to warrant such a visit from such a strong person?

Loki was also aggrieved, by this visitor's blatant entry into the prison, only to bully him.

What? Can't he have freedom of speech anymore? How was he, in any way, noisy?

Loki couldn't see the figure past the blinding light, but he had a hunch the person there was frowning and twisting his face in annoyance after telling him he was Noisy.


In the end, what did he want?

"Loki..." The imposing voice echoed.

"Where are you headed to?"


The other guards were shocked, wondering, but didn't have to wonder too long as with the snap of the giant rabbit's paws fingers, Loki's great escape was revealed.

The guards closer were shocked, seeking 2 Loki's appear.

The real one was halfway submerged into the walls, while the fake was like a dummy clone taunting them steadily.

"You vile heavenly being! You are unworthy of your godhead!"

Many pointed their weapons to Loki, already vexed they were about to be fooled by him again.

Imagine if he left and caused havoc again. He was out in here to reflect on his wrongdoings.

He has already served 60,000 years imprisoned. So how many of those years were truly spent here and how many were not?


Many were booking with fury, swearing an oath to take this matter to their superiors.

No way!

Since this guy doesn't repent, let his last 60,000 years of imprisonment be canceled with him starting all over again!

This time, they will place social artifacts on the walls to ensure he didn't pull out this same trick again

Loki on the other hand was aggrieved and pissed by this busybody who came here to spoil his good plans.

What did he ever do to this powerful being to deserve this?

Loki couldn't think anything and couldn't connect any dots at all.

He had a good memory and knew all those he pissed off in his entire lifetime.

He was sure this guy wasn't among, so what's up with him poking his nose into his business?


Loki was vexed but knew there was nothing he could do to such a powerful being.

Don't blame him for being cautious.

The dangerous signal he was getting from this silent but majestic being was that should he cross his path, it will be he, Loki, who cries.

As they say, Game recognizes Game.

Loki has lived for so long relying on his instincts.

He even feared that even if he was to live throughout the rest of his existence, he will never be able to match up with being behind the mirror.
He also felt this guy wasn't the sort to fall for any of his tricks too.

Believe him, it was rare to find such people in all the realms, and this much frightened Loki.

"You--You--You--... Heat do you want?"

There Was a brief silence, as everyone imagined the being slowly lifting his head from his reclinable seat.

Everyone thought it would be the powerful being talking, but everyone underestimated just how lazy the powerful being was that he didn't even want to waste his mouth strength on this matter.

Instead, it was the giant rabbit that stepped forward and did the talking.

"Worlds 24, 315, and 100009002... complaints of people making strange deals with peculiar underworld creatures emerged... These creatures promised them glory, leading the humans to sink entire countries, thus regulating in the great floods that left barely a handful of continents still afloat."


"Many exorcists and humans died, trying to find the underworld being responsible for it all... Till now they still don't have a clue who the culprit is. Bit Loki... you and I know who is the real being to blame here, right?"



The guards sucked in their breaths, mortified by their guesses.

According to the rabbit, these events were recent events that took place within the last one thousand years.

This matter also confirmed their speculations that Loki must've left all too frequently without their knowledge.

Many almost missed their steps after hearing that Loki had visited over 615 worlds since his sentencing.

If they were human, they would've loved to give the electric chair.

How can one Being alone cause a great flood that buries over 60% of the world's population?

No wonder such a powerful being had to step out of their comfort zone to meet with the unworthy Loki.

Loki also thought so too, thinking it was his excess destruction in those worlds that made someone as powerful as the being behind the mirror visit him.

Well, he couldn't say it was a true visit since the powerful being wasn't here but only communicating with him via a mirror.

When the rabbit was done, the being in the mirror finally spoke.

"Complete your sentence and be honest."

With that, the rabbit vanished with the mirror, as though everything that happened now was an illusion.

The moment they were gone, many guards glared at Loki with fiery eyes.

"Did you hear that? Be HONEST!"


Many jumped down, grabbing Loki's body with all their might.

"Don't think you can fool us so easily again!"

"That's right! Even if we have to hold your body until your sentence is over, don't think we won't do it!"

"Trickster, your days are numbered."

"Quickly, someone should report the matter to our superiors! I'd like to see how he can wiggle his way out of this one."



Loki didn't know whether to cry or laugh, somehow finding their seriousness cute.

Who Was he? Loki, the God of Mischief, Chaos, and Destruction.

No matter what new fortifications they made he would always find a way to adapt and free himself.

It's just that now that his escape method has been uncovered it would take a long time to create a new method, test it out and successfully leave.

Thinking of the little game he played the princes of hell, sending them out on wild goose chases, Loki knew he had to escape from here before the big battle began.

How can he miss the opportunity to watch such a once-in-a-lifetime thing?

Don't even think about it.

Loki's eyes burned with a mischievous light, swearing to escape sooner than these idiots think.

He only feared that the powerful being from earlier might still be watching over him.


And here he thought he would leave this place today and visit the peculiar young exorcist he found in that world.

How interesting...

The young exorcist made his blood boil with wonder, wanting to know everything about the youngster!

That boy wasn't ordinary.

What exactly was he? Why was his soul so different and powerful?

He was 100% sure the boy was mortal, yet there was a peculiar strangeness about the boy he couldn't shake off.

How odd... how very odd...

He had plans to tease the boy for a few days and uncover the boy's secrets.

Sadly, this Mr. Party Pooper, came mysteriously just in time to stop him from leaving.

Hey, his actions in the other worlds were bound to be found out, so he just attributed it to bad luck.

Blame him for doing too much.

Loki sighed while being held down by the many guards.

In the meantime, the rabbit appeared in a grand palace that could blind anyone not stronger than its owner.

One wouldn't even know where the door is as they would hit the walls from the blinding lights.

The only reason the rabbit could see or make heads of its direction was because it was the owner's pet.

Reaching an open garden, the rabbit through the mirror in its front pouch and calmly beside its owner on the ground.

"Master... Do you think that trickster will calm down now?"

"No... but it gives him time."

The rabbit nodded in understanding, before closing its eyes to rest too.

Maybe it's because it has stayed with its master for so long that it too developed lazy habits.

It hated to step out of its master's palace and felt it was such a drag to even move an inch out of its favorite sleeping spot.

If not that it was the master's orders to visit the trickster, it would've rolled to the other side of its sleeping nest if ordered by someone else.

Yawning, it was already tired from the brief putting.

he focused on another matter – His parents' Properties!

Butler Sheng and Bewoh were also there like secretaries, assisting "I hope you chose the right person, master."


The powerful chuckled before finally closing his eyes to rest.

"Dorian D. Tian... only he can do it."


Back in the mortal world, Dorian calmly sat in his home office, reviewing the many documents before him.

Now that things are up and running with the academy, it was time he focused on another matter – His parents' Properties!

Butler Sheng and Bewoh were also there like secretaries, assisting in handling some documents too.

Pandrol soon came in with a tray of tea, before freezing to stare out the window.

Remember, he controlled all estate security from his mind.

"Master, the lawyer is here."

"Good... Let him in."

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