Chapter 471 Too Close To Death

Poking his head out his windows the lawyer stretched his hands out towards the intercom.

'What's the deal with this Tian boy? After so long of letting things fly this way, he suddenly decides to see the will his parents made now. I won't be in any trouble, will I?'

The arrogant lawyer who had long been bribed and made to change the Will, was now uncertain if he was truly safe from his fraudulent activities.

'That old bag of bones swore to keep me safe through it all. I hope he doesn't fail me now.'

Wiping off the sweat formed on his forehead with his hanky, lawyer Lee Oung was about to press the intercom when the gates suddenly opened on their own.

'Well, it seems the brat knows I'm here.'

Thinning his lips, Lee Oung sent a quick text to Wei Kwo, informing him of his arrival at the Tian estate.

[Good. I want to know why that worthless nephew of mine is calling you in.]

On the other end of the phone, Wei Kwo sneered arrogantly, thinking Dorian was a fool if he thought he could bring the lawyer to his side.

The Will has already been forged and made to bend Wei Kwo's ways.

What's the use of attacking it several months after it has been read and its contents followed?

Cough, cough, Clough!~

Wei Kwo spat blood into his hanky, a little annoyed by why Dorian was still alive too.

Those buffoons who called themselves top killers on the DarkWeb couldn't even finish a little brat.


After all the money he paid, they still had the nerve to not only fail their missions but also secretly hang him upside down in his own bedroom and attack him late at night.

Never in Wei Kwo's life has he felt so humiliated.

What's more, he seems to have developed a serious cold ever since Botan began acting strange.

Luckily the bastard was also arrested and taken away by the police too.

Who knew he was a mass murderer killing his staff daily?

Murder with an intention, Wie Kwo could understand.

Nut random mass murders because you feel like it was something he would never get.

Having such a person underneath his roof gave him the Hibbie Jibbies.

Even though things have been going rough for him of late, both in the company and in his personal life, Wei Kwo still didn't want to let his hard-won wealth slip away.

[You have nothing to fear, Lawyer Lee. Stay on my side and I guarantee you'll receive a bloat cheque by the end of it all.]

Seeing this, lawyer Lee placed his worries behind him, slowly driving his vehicle through the large but desolate estate.


He couldn't even see a single gardener or worker around.

Though it was clean and tidied up, it was still too desolate.

For massive estates such as these if one can't even find a maid, butler, harder, cleaner, or outer guards roaming about the places meant it was truly broke.

Who knows... maybe the boy and his few guards were the ones tending to the lawns, which would explain why it was trimmed when he visited.

Stopping his vehicle at the roundabout, Lawyer Lee leaned down to the other side of his seat to get some documents that fell earlier.

And when he raised his head back up, his mouth reacted faster than his thoughts.

His breathing turned heavier, seeing the statue-istic Butler Sheng stand by his door in a well-tailored suit.


Scared him just now.

"I take it your journey has been without any issues?"

"Ah... yes, yes, it was okay." Lawyer Lee panicked, pushing his glasses deeper into his face, and grabbing the scattered documents that flew out his briefcase earlier.

He knew he looked like a mess right now but dared not ask Butler Sheng For a few minutes to collect himself.

Don't ask him why but he felt very threatened by Butler Sheng.

Again was the butler always looking so young?

It might be his imagination but the Butler's chin had grown more chiseled and his hair vibrant than before, with his muscular eyes and physique so pronounced he could see its essence through his suit.

But at the same time, the butler did not have giant muscles. He looked just right, falling between muscular and thin.

His height seemed slightly taller, his spine straighter and even his confidence too imposing for a coward like Lawyer Lee not to notice.

"The Grandmaster is waiting for you now."


He hasn't even locked his vehicle yet. Before he could complete his words, Butler Sheng abruptly threw his face behind his shoulders and stared at Lawyer Lee intensely. "Are my instructions not clear?"

"Yes. Yes, very clear."

"Good. We must not keep the grandmaster waiting. Keep up and don't lag behind."

Holding his documents and briefcase closer to his chest, Lawyer Lee couldn't help following behind Butler Sheng like a newly hatched chick following its mother.

And the more he ventured through the dimly lit hallways, uncountable ominous feelings suddenly plagued his thoughts.

'Oh dear, what have I gotten myself into? Why do I get the feeling I'm going to lose my life here?'

Bypassing one of the hallways, Lawyer Lee almost made a U-turn, wanting to run to the hills after suddenly Seeing the powerful Bewoh appearing out of nowhere and nodding coldly his way.

It's official. They were going to kill him, weren't they?

'This should be part of their revenge after knowing what I did; and what's up the majestic candle tans in his hands? Where is the electricity? Why are you, the butler still leading the way with a candle set? Could it be that you all haven't paid your electricity bills yet?'

The more lawyer Lee thought of things, the more frightened he was.

He could feel his eyes tearing up the further they advanced through the hallways.

And maybe it was his imagination, but why did he feel the many lion heads on the walls were staring at him?

Weird... too weird...

Lawyer Lee made a short prayer in his heart to the God of science.

'Please, oh great God of science! I swear if you let me get out of here in one piece, I swear I'll no longer accept bribes for the next 1 year. That's right! I'll go on a bribery fast, ensuring I do good for 1 year!'



Soon, they reached a grand door laced with gold carvings and large golden hoop handles.

Nervously wiping his sweaty forehead, Lawyer Lee watched the grand doors open.

"After you, Lawyer Lee."

"Right. Right!"

Lawyer Lee swallowed hard, stepping into the massive audience hall on ground floor.

The first thing he saw was Dorian seated with crossed legs on a well-cushioned couch.

Before him was a wide glass coffee table, and in his hand, a cup of herbal tea.

The smell was so aromatic and fragrant making his mouth water.

Lawyer Lee admitted he wasn't a tea fan like the many elders in his home, but he could at least tell it was good... no great tea.

"Young master Dor--"


"Yes, yes!"

Lawyer Lee felt a hundred times more nervous when facing Dorian than Butler Sheng.


"Ah... yes, please." Lawyer Lee dared not look Butler Sheng in the eye when agreeing.

Soon, lawyer Lee had a cup and teacup saucer before him.

Due to the tense room, he couldn't help loosening his collar and tie a bit.

"Now then, Lawyer Lee... since you're well settled in, how about we begin?"


Looking at Dorian's lips that were raised slightly, Lawyer Lee doubted if he could make it through the day without wetting himself.

Sure enough, the first topic of business was the one he feared the most.

Butler Sheng did most of the talking with Dorian only adding value to each sentence from time to time.

"Lawyer Lee... how long has your father been working with us as the Tian Family lawyer?" Butler Sheng asked.

"11... 11 years."

"Good," Dorian replied, calmly taking a sip of tea. He was also pleased with Butler Sheng's efficiency to lead the conversation.

"I recall you used to visit us with your father back then when you were still a lawyer in training under him, no?"

"Yes..." Lawyer Lee was sweating buckets. "Yes, I did. We came here very often, Butler Sheng." Though he felt much has changed about the estate and mansion.

"Hmmm... and when your father met with his untimely demise, our Tian household could've gotten another lawyer to handle our matters, yet... the Master and Mistress decided to give you a chance to prove yourself."

"At the time he did well, never disappointing them throughout the years you took over... But... somewhere between the line, you changed."


Lawyer Lee swore he could hear his heartbeat pounding chaotically on his eardrums.

With a child chuckle, Dorian narrowed his gaze at the frightened ungrateful coward before him.

"Lawyer Lee, are you a smart man?"

Good God!

Lawyer Lee could only bob his head to Dorian after feeling Butler Sheng's silhouette behind the couch he sat on.

If he didn't answer correctly, would they silence him here and now?

The man's imagination had already gone wild, picturing Butler Sheng pointing a gun at him from the back.

"Yes, yes, I am a smart man! Anything you want, I can give it to you. Please!... Please, don't hurt me!"

Dorian would of course never kill or threaten anyone. But seeing as the coward's guilt had fueled his imagination, why not continue playing along?

"The will... give it to me."

"The... the... the will?"


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