Hot Farmer’s Wife: Buying a Husband for the Farm

Chapter 176: 176 is still not enough

   Chapter 176 176 is still not enough

   "The deposit is even cheaper than the bowl from the grocery store. You really won't earn it if you don't send the bowl back. What's there to argue about?" said a middle-aged woman.

   "That's right. Don't you want to pay the deposit, and you want to get the girl a bowl for nothing?" A younger woman spoke rudely, and gave the aunt a strange look.

   Seeing that the old lady suddenly became angry.

   "How did you talk?"

   "I just can't stand you bullying people, little girl, why are you talking? If you want to buy it, buy it. If you don't buy it, why are you blocking everyone here?"

  Young woman is just a stubborn temper, she couldn't bear to waste everyone's time. Seeing that the aunt still looked like she was going to quarrel with herself, she immediately raised her voice.

   "You—" Auntie was very angry.

   Seeing that a quarrel was about to break out at the scene, Aunt Wang hurried over.

   "Aiya, auntie, eldest sister, what are you arguing about?" She quickly took the aunt to the side to do her work.

   Lin Xiaoyue can continue to cut cold cakes for others.

  Xu is because the aunt’s remarks caused public anger just now, and several people in the back paid deposits and chose to pack the cold cakes and take them away.

   Aunt Wang comforted the aunt for a while, and then promised to give the aunt a bowl of cold cakes.

   In the end, the aunt changed her mind and ordered a total of six bowls of cold cakes.

   also happily paid for five bowls of cold cakes, plus the deposit for the large and medium bowls totaled 27 cents.

   Seeing that the aunt left with the cool cake satisfied, Lin Xiaoyue cast an admiring look at Aunt Wang.

   Aunt Wang smiled at Lin Xiaoyue, but she didn't have time to be complacent.

   She still has bowls and spoons to wash.

   The two cooperated properly, and Lin Xiaoyue's cool cakes were consumed very quickly.

  Ten pots of cold cakes totaled 250 bowls, and they were sold out in less than an hour.

   Thanks to those packing bowls prepared in advance, her order volume has been greatly increased.

  Today, many of the customers who came to buy cold cakes packed cold cakes to take away.

   A man even packed twelve bowls and packed two large medium bowls.

   While cleaning up the tables, chairs and bowls, Aunt Wang happily talked to Lin Xiaoyue.

   "Look at this situation, if you prepare twice as much cold cake, I'm afraid we won't worry about selling it!"

   She originally thought that these cold cakes would be sold until noon, but she didn't expect them to be gone so soon.

   Now is the busy farming season, Moon Girl's cold cakes are selling cheaply, and they also provide bowls, which can be packed and taken away, and it is really good to bring some back to the people who go to the fields at home.

   It's still smart girl Yue, I'm afraid I'll make a fortune after this cold cake business is done!

   Seeing this situation, she is now relieved.

  Girl Yue can earn money, and she can feel at ease receiving her 80 wen a day's wages.

   "Hehe, I have to prepare more cold cakes tomorrow. Twenty pots should be enough. Most of the people who come to the West Market are here to catch the early market, and there will not be so many people in a while." Lin Xiaoyue said with a smile.

  At this moment, someone came to ask about the cold cake.

   Lin Xiaoyue hadn't spoken yet, Aunt Wang had already said to the man: "Today's sold out, we'll come back tomorrow. Please come back tomorrow, ma'am."

  The girl looked disappointed, just told them to prepare more and left.

   "Unfortunately, if you didn't give the two pots of cold cakes to Ruyilou, you could earn more." Aunt Wang said to Lin Xiaoyue.

  Lin Xiaoyue smiled.

   "Ruyi Building is a big customer, and today it's Uncle Liu who told me. Even if we don't make money, we have to satisfy them first."

   Aunt Wang thought about it and nodded.

   (end of this chapter)

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