Hot Farmer’s Wife: Buying a Husband for the Farm

Chapter 175: 175 additional quantity

   Chapter 175 175 Additional Quantity

   "I feel that two hundred bowls at noon are not a big deal."

  Lin Xiaoyue smiled, "There are 16 pots on the ox cart. I didn't expect it to be sold out in the market. If Ruyi Building needs it, I can give you two more pots."

   "Refreshing!" Chef Liu said happily.

   Then ordered Liu San to take two more pots.

   Then, he gave Lin Xiaoyue another order, and instructed the man to fetch the four wooden tubs that Lin Xiaoyue put in the cold cake yesterday.

  Because he was busy setting up the stall, Lin Xiaoyue asked Aunt Wang to wait to collect the tub, and went to the cashier to get the money.

   This time, there are 250 bowls of cold cakes, a total of 750 pennies. The accountant gave Lin Xiaoyue seven coins, and the other fifty coins were coins.

   Lin Xiaoyue received the money and quickly returned to the back kitchen yard.

  Aunt Wang has put the wooden basin back on the ox cart and is waiting in the courtyard.

   "Let's go, Auntie." Lin Xiaoyue said to Aunt Wang, and then led Aunt Wang out the door.

   Then, get on the bullock cart and drive the bullock cart to the West Market.

   Thanks to the uncle who sold the steamed buns, he helped Lin Xiaoyue occupy a place with something. The booth they occupied yesterday was not taken away.

  Lin Xiaoyue thanked the uncle who sold the buns, and started to get off the table and chairs with Aunt Wang, and set up a signboard to set up a stall.

   After finishing things, Lin Xiaoyue stood behind the small table and started shouting loudly.

   "Cold cakes, selling cold cakes! Sweet and glutinous cold cakes, cold cakes made of polished rice!"

   "Only five cents for a bowl, eight cents for two bowls! It's delicious and relieves the heat, and if it's not good, you don't need money!"

   This clear voice immediately attracted people.

  Some people just came to buy cold cakes yesterday. Knowing that the cold cakes are delicious and cheap, they came over quickly.

  Lin Xiaoyue cut cold cakes for the guests, while Aunt Wang invited the guests to sit.

   When there is no seat, I apologize and ask the guests to stand and eat.

   Always ready to collect and wash dishes.

   When Lin Xiaoyue was busy, she didn't shout, and when she was free, she still learned from Lin Xiaoyue's shouting content and shouted loudly to attract guests.

   Facing the guest's question, Aunt Wang also helped to answer. The role played is not much smaller than that of Lin Xiaoyue.

   At the beginning, Aunt Wang was still a little rusty.

   But she was much more courageous than Liu Shi, and she got used to it after a while.

   Being quick and efficient makes Lin Xiaoyue a lot easier.

   After a while, Lin Xiaoyue sold two pots of cold cakes.

  Some people learned that they could still be packed and taken away in bowls, and that the bowls could be refunded tomorrow. After confirming the situation, they bought more cold cakes.

"You guys won't come tomorrow, right? When the time comes when you guys won't come, where can I return this bowl?" An aunt also wanted to buy four more bowls of cool cakes to take away, but she didn't want to pay the trumpet A deposit of five cents for the bowl.

   "Where can I get it? We will sell this cold cake until at least winter, there are still more than two months." Lin Xiaoyue replied with a smile. The movement of the hand is not slow at all.

   "Who can say that. If you don't come, who will we get the money back from?" The aunt's tone was not good.

Lin Xiaoyue was not annoyed, and continued: "Don't worry, Auntie. The bowls we use for packing are all new, and the price is a penny cheaper than the grocery store. We prepared these bowls for everyone's convenience, but I never thought to bring them. make money."

   "You can take this bowl back. If you need it at home, you can keep it for yourself. If you don't need it, you can send it back to me next time you come to West City. The deposit is guaranteed to be refunded."

   "It sounds nice--" The aunt heard it, and her tone was still not good.

   The person waiting next to him couldn't stand it any longer.

   (end of this chapter)

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