Chapter 198 198 Reply Tomorrow

   After a hard day's work, there must be more than 40 bowls of money earned for the landlord.

   However, having a regular shop is much easier than setting up a stall.

   In addition, when she opens a snack bar, she will definitely not only sell cold cakes, especially in winter, when she has chili in her hand.

  The opportunity is rare, and this time it happened.

   Don't start now. When the owner of the store transfers the shop later, the new owner may have new plans, but he may not rent her place.

   The store owner was a little surprised when he heard Lin Xiaoyue's words.

  This girl is willing to share his monthly rent of 4 taels, so the rent for his restaurant is only 6 taels.

  The restaurant is divided into 30% of the area, which is actually just about the size of the shop next to it, but the monthly rent has become 60 taels.

   is equivalent to the monthly rent of one or two silver less than the shop next to it. He had inquired before that the monthly rent for the shop next to him was seven taels.

   A tael of silver is not too much, but not too much.

   Thinking about it another way, he really doesn't make much money in restaurants now, but if he can earn four taels more each month, it's enough to support his family.

   "Uncle, what do you think?" Lin Xiaoyue asked the shop owner when she saw the shop owner's expression was moved.

   "This... let me think about it." The shop owner said.

  The wife at home said that she helped him to find a job for his uncle, and the treatment was not low.

   Let him take out the restaurant here and go there.

   But his restaurant was not doing well, so he didn't ask about it.

   In this situation, he has to go back and discuss with his wife to see if he should really deal with the restaurant.

   "It's done! I'll come to you to set up a stall tomorrow, and then you can give me another letter."

   "If you are willing, we will discuss it in detail later. If it doesn't work, I will ask elsewhere." Lin Xiaoyue said with a smile. Not in a hurry either.

   "Well. I will give you an answer tomorrow." The shop owner said immediately.

  Because of Lin Xiaoyue's attitude, she was more concerned about this matter.

   In fact, he was still reluctant to give up on this restaurant. After all, it took him a lot of effort to open it up.

   The two were talking when Li Xiao came over.

   When the shop owner saw Li Xiao, the whole person was quite nervous.

   Then he learned that Li Xiao was Lin Xiaoyue's husband, so he was even more polite to Lin Xiaoyue.

   Strangely said that this little girl, oh no, little lady, dares to talk business with him, she is not afraid of his calculations at all.

   These two couples are not ordinary people.

   It was getting late, and when Li Xiao arrived, Lin Xiaoyue said goodbye to the shop owner.

   Then he boarded the bullock cart with Li Xiao and went to the grocery store.

   bought a water tank, a large iron pot, dozens of bowls for packing, ten wooden barrels and ten small wooden basins.

   Passing by the grain store, Lin Xiaoyue went to buy another hundred kilograms of polished rice.

   Then, the two of them headed towards the west gate of Qingshi Town.

On the way   , Li Xiao didn't say anything. He heard Lin Xiaoyue tell him that she was going to open a snack bar outside Qingyun Academy.

   "Do you think this can be done? I think that Boss Qin still has some will." Lin Xiaoyue asked Li Xiao.

   "I'll talk to him with you tomorrow. Also, in order to avoid some subsequent troubles, the lease must be signed with the landlord." Li Xiao said.

  Lin Xiaoyue nodded.

   "Of course."

   looked at Li Xiao again.

   "How is the situation on your side? It's too busy today, on the pier, have you found something?"

   "Not yet." Li Xiao said.

  Lin Xiaoyue quickly comforted, "Don't worry, let's take your time."


  Li Xiao suddenly turned around and looked at Lin Xiaoyue.

   Lin Xiaoyue's heart beat faster.

   (end of this chapter)

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