Chapter 199 199 Look at what I do

   "Look - what do I do?" a certain woman asked stutteringly.

  Li Xiao then turned his head.

   After a while, before Li Xiao could speak, Lin Xiaoyue was feeling a little strange.

   But someone finally said: "In the future, your hair can be pulled up."

  Lin Xiaoyue was taken aback.

   understood something, and his face turned red.

   Although she and Li Xiao were not really married, they were already married in name.

  In ancient times, women would pull up their hair when they got married. She... well, her hair is hanging down.

   Strangely said that just now at the door of the restaurant, she introduced Li Xiao as her husband, and Boss Qin's eyes were a little weird.

   "Oh." Lin Xiaoyue bowed her head and replied. A little sweet smile.

   "Cough, besides, mother is looking for me today." Li Xiao cleared his throat a little embarrassed.

   "Oh." Lin Xiaoyue replied. The tone was a little suspicious.

   Her mother is looking for Li Xiao?

   "Tell...about our marriage." Li Xiao blushed, and didn't dare to look at Lin Xiaoyue at all.

  Lin Xiaoyue was taken aback for a moment, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but raise.

   "Mother, what did you say?" Seeing that Li Xiao was shy, she was not shy.

   She is so cute. Especially when you're blushing.

   "Cough, mother said that the last day of this month is a good day."

  Lin Xiaoyue was taken aback.

   "Then what are you planning?"

   "I, listen to my mother."

   "Hehe, okay, then I'll listen to my mother too." Lin Xiaoyue stared straight at Li Xiao, looking at the side face with fatal attraction, her heart a little itchy.

   looked around, making sure that no one was there, and then rushed over.

  Li Xiao didn't expect Lin Xiaoyue to rush over, and when he realized it, he didn't dare to hide.

   Because if he dodges, Lin Xiaoyue will most likely fall.

   So, a certain woman attacked successfully.

   "Hey" and kissed a man's profile.

  Li Xiao felt that his face was about to burn.

   "Cough, sit down!" Forced himself to stern.

  This girl is really brave.

   Lin Xiaoyue smiled successfully and sat back happily.

   "At the end of the month, some are waiting..." He also muttered.

   attracted Li Xiao to increase his strength, and drove the cattle to run.

  When the two returned home, they found that Uncle Wang, Aunt Wang, and Wang Shuanzi were all here.

   Seeing Lin Xiaoyue and Li Xiao coming back, Aunt Wang quickly said hello.

   Then Lin Xiaoyue quickly learned that the Wang family came to thank her and helped arrange the work.

   "Girl Yue, we have discussed it. Let Shuanzi sell cold cakes!" Aunt Wang took Lin Xiaoyue's hand and said excitedly.

  Wang Shuanzi also walked up to Lin Xiaoyue.

   "This is going to trouble Sister Yue'er! I want to start it tomorrow, Sister Yue'er, do you think it can be done?" On the pier in the town, when his father goes to work tomorrow morning, go and say it.

  The family is busy with his affairs, and now the little sister is still injured.

   He has to carry it.

   Don’t be afraid of being tired, the key is to make money.

   "It's done! I bought some more wooden tubs today, and I'll make a batch of cold cakes at night. In the future, I will try to keep the cold cakes at home." Lin Xiaoyue said with a smile.

   Thinking of something, Lin Xiaoyue looked at Liu again.

   "That's right, mother. How are your cold cakes this afternoon?"

   "It sold a lot, sister!" Before Liu Shi could answer, Lin Xiaozhi said first.

   "Eight and a half pots were sold, and there are half pots left at home, and there are still three pots in the stream." Liu said with a smile.

  Lin Xiaoyue smiled and nodded.

   "A lot."

   "I'll take the rest tomorrow morning and make some later."

   (end of this chapter)

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