Chapter 201 201 Customized Bowl

   "My mother doesn't go to the fields today, so there shouldn't be so many people coming to buy cold cakes before noon."

   "If there's not enough in the stream, don't be afraid. My mother won't go out today. It really can't be done. She can do it now with her two children."

   Her mother has already gone to make rice.

   In addition, she mixed three buckets of lime water in advance last night, and it can be used after filtering.

   She was well prepared.

   "Okay! I'll try six pots first!" Wang Shuanzi said with a smile.

   As he spoke, he looked at the large basket of picks he brought.

   Although this big basket looks old, it is clean. It looks like it was cleaned last night.

   "Last night, his father tried the small wooden tub at home. If you seal it at the top, you can put six pots of cool cakes in one pick, plus seven or eight small bowls, no problem!" Aunt Wang said with a smile.

   When you go out to sell things, it is more cost-effective to bring more at one time. It also avoids having to go back and waste time.

  Unfortunately, there is no ox cart in their family, so they can only let their son carry it to sell.

  Six pots of cold cakes are one hundred and fifty bowls. If this pick is sold out, it will be better than working on the town pier for a day.

   "Sure! Then try it first!" Lin Xiaoyue said with a smile.

   said a few more words to the mother and son before getting on the ox cart.

  Li Xiao drove the car, Lin Xiaoyue and Aunt Wang took the car and set off.

   Arrived at Qingshi Town, Li Xiao got off the car where he got off yesterday.

   was replaced by Lin Xiaoyue who drove the car and took Aunt Wang to Ruyi Building.

  Ruyilou took ten pots of cold cakes, and Lin Xiaoyue let Aunt Wang watch, and collected the twelve tubs from yesterday.

   Then I went to the cashier to check out.

  Ten pots of cold cakes are seven coins and fifty cents.

   got the money, Lin Xiaoyue was overjoyed.

   went back to the yard and went out.

   and Aunt Wang got on the ox cart, and then went to the West Market to set up a stall.

   As soon as the stall was set up, customers came to the door.

  Aunt Wang was already familiar with the operation. After Lin Xiaoyue cut the cold cake, she enthusiastically led the person to the side and took a seat.

   Today's business is better than yesterday. Only a few customers came to return the bowls that were used for packaging yesterday, so I bought cold cakes and went back.

   Fortunately, Lin Xiaoyue brought more cold cakes today, eight more pots than yesterday, so they sold out and closed the stall later than yesterday.

   "You, it's early again, you can bring more tomorrow!" The owner of the steamed buns stall said while picking up steamed buns for Lin Xiaoyue.

   "Hehe, add a few more pots tomorrow!" Lin Xiaoyue laughed.

  The West City is full of people and sells a lot. The whole Qingshi Town has the largest flow of people here.

  Unfortunately, there are only a lot of people in the morning market. After 10:30, the flow of people here will start to drop sharply.

   Today, although I still haven't made it to half past ten, there is only half an hour left.

   Bring a few more pots tomorrow, no problem.

   took the buns, and Lin Xiaoyue went to buy vegetables, and then went to the grocery store to replenish the bowls for packing.

  It was only when she arrived that she found out that the bowl she had ordered from Boss Jin before was ready.

  Yes, for the long-term development and advertising effect, Lin Xiaoyue directly ordered three types of bowls with Boss Jin, the quantities were 400, 600 and 300.

  These custom bowls have a willow character written on the bottom of each bowl.

   Why don't you find a kiln for customization? Because behind Boss Jin is a kiln.

   This is also the reason why Boss Jin was able to give her the price of bowls and spoons so cheap before.

   When she heard that Lin Xiaoyue wanted to customize the bowl for packing, Boss Jin directly quoted her the price.

  The price is even cheaper than what I said before.

  Lin Xiaoyue was naturally moved and paid the deposit immediately.

  I didn't expect the bowl to be ready so quickly.

   Thank you book friend 854***887, shimmer@vote, the monthly ticket sent by romantic love! Kneeling and begging for a monthly pass.

   I've been quite busy lately, and I'm walking on Thursday!



   (end of this chapter)

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