Hot Farmer’s Wife: Buying a Husband for the Farm

Chapter 202: 202 The taste of making money

   Chapter 202 202 The taste of making money

  Lin Xiaoyue watched the man help load the bowls she ordered into the car, and took ten more tubs.

   then paid the balance of the bowl and the money for the wooden basin, and then returned with Aunt Wang.

   Aunt Wang now has an experience, and feels that Lin Xiaoyue is really not an ordinary person.

   "Moon girl, your business is incredible!" Aunt Wang exclaimed, looking at the large number of bowls stacked on the ox cart.

   "Hehe, where's the big deal? You will need it sooner or later. Buy more and put them back, so as not to run to the grocery store every day, right?" Lin Xiaoyue said with a smile.

   "I... Others don't know about it, auntie, you don't know? I earn some hard money." He said with a sigh.

  Aunt Wang smiled, "You're really not that hard. Look at our village, it's not just your family who do business from morning to night, but I don't think any other business is as prosperous as yours!"

   "You cool cakes are indeed selling well!"

  Good appearance and affordable price. Just her, if it wasn't for the girl Yueyue invited her to eat, she would have bought two bowls when she saw it on the street!

  Lin Xiaoyue smiled, "Then you say yes, that's it!"

   In her opinion, making so many cold cakes all day long and earning three or four silver in the end, she might as well go into the mountains to hunt a few more deer.

   Venison costs forty cents a pound, and a 40-pound deer makes enough money for her to sell more than 530 bowls of cold cakes. This is still based on the selling price of a bowl of four cents.

   But, forget it, it's pointless to think about it.

   Hunting or something, let it be a thing of the past.

When    first came, she was all about making money, but she didn't think too much about it, so she bought a lot of wild things to sell.

   Now that I think about it, it’s really eye-catching.

   In the future, she still has to keep her feet on the ground and save money slowly.

   As soon as they entered the village, Lin Xiaoyue and Aunt Wang met Wang Shuanzi who was rushing back.

  Lin Xiaoyue hurriedly stopped the ox cart and asked Wang Shuanzi to get on the ox cart and go together.

   Knowing that Wang Shuanzi had sold out six pots of cold cakes, the smile on Aunt Wang's face could not be stopped.

   "I just went to Shangyang Village, and before the land was finished, the cold cakes were sold out!"

   "Some people didn't buy it, so I asked me to send some!" Wang Shuanzi blushed because it was too hot.

   "Okay! Shangyang Village is close anyway, you can make another trip and come back when it's sold out!" Aunt Wang said with a smile.

   All six pots of cool cakes are sold out, that is a net profit of 150 cents!

   It's still early, and after this day, I might earn 300 letters!

   300 coins a day, 9 taels of silver in a month! Be good, nine taels!

   "Yeah!" Wang Shuanzi nodded firmly, his eyes full of energy.

   Then he touched the purse and came out.

   "Sister Yue'er, I'll give you the money for six pots of cold cakes first!" said with some excitement.

   He really experienced the fun of collecting money today.

   A bowl of four wen, there are many people in the field, and often five or six bowls, or even seven or eight bowls can be sold at one time.

   He didn't have enough bowls and spoons. Fortunately, some people brought bowls and chopsticks for extra meals, which didn't make him waste much time on this.

  The field is close to the village, and some people even bought some cold cakes in their own bowls and brought them back, and the cold cakes he brought disappeared faster.

   In short, he didn't know how much he had paid for this trip.

   "No hurry, it doesn't matter if you give it later. Besides, you can give this money to my mother!" Lin Xiaoyue refused with a smile.

   She thought about it, and will not give her mother any money in the future.

   She is responsible for household expenses such as shopping, and the money from selling cold cakes at home is collected by her mother, so that her mother has money in the account every day, and her mood is also happy.

   (end of this chapter)

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