Chapter 203 203 Goofy

   "Just do as your sister Yue'er said!" Aunt Wang clapped her son's hand.

   She knew a little about the Liu family and appreciated Lin Xiaoyue's actions.

   Her Liu sister is really blessed.

   After speaking, the three returned to Liu's house.

   Liu Shi was not very busy at home, but was a little anxious.

   Because of the five pots of cold cake left in the stream, she has sold three pots.

   She wanted to make cold cakes by herself, but with the help of the two children, she ground the rice milk out.

   With the mentality of trying, she followed the instructions of her daughter, but because she had no experience, she confused the cold cake.

   After finding out that the unpasteurized cold cake had a paste taste and couldn't be eaten, it made her feel distressed.

   hurriedly went to wash the pot, but didn't dare to move it again.

   She was very nervous, worried that Wang Shuanzi would come back before the girls and the others, so there was no cool cake for him, but the two sides came back together.

  Lin Xiaoyue found out about the situation, looking at her mother's distressed appearance, she really didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

  Lin Xiaoyue comforted Liu Shi, and turned back embarrassed to Chong Wang Shuanzi and smiled.

   "It's not too early to say that it's too early. Since Brother Shuanzi is back, let's take a break and leave in the afternoon."

   "Fine! I really went out, I'm afraid I won't be back in time for lunch!" Wang Shuanzi said immediately. Afraid of causing Liu's guilt.

   Actually, he ran back in a hurry, just to go out again.

   Go to Xiangyang Village before rushing to dinner, walk around the village, you can definitely sell some cold cakes.

   goes to the village to sell, every household has a bowl, and he cuts the bowl directly for others, he doesn't have to wait for others to finish eating.

"It was also last night that I didn't make enough cold cakes. But it won't happen next time. When I come back today, I bought ten more tubs." Lin Xiaoyue thought for a while, "I'll see the situation at night, I'll add ten more, In the future, I will definitely not let the cold cakes be broken at home."

   In addition to the ten wooden basins she bought today, the total number of wooden basins at home is as many as sixty. Actually it should be enough.

   You can have more, I would rather have more than less.

   "There is still some rice milk, why don't you make some while it's still early?" Liu Shi said to Lin Xiaoyue.

  Hey, Shuanzi's business is so good, because she was delayed, she felt bad about it.

   "How many?" Lin Xiaoyue smiled and went directly to the kitchen.

   "Not much, there is still half a bucket, enough for two pots!" Liu Shi hurriedly chased after him. When I say this, I feel a little sad.

   If she knew that she could not do well, she should put less rice milk.

   Accidentally ruined the whole pot, a lot of money!

   "Then make two pots and come out! Let it cool down early, and have dinner later, Brother Shuanzi can also arrange it here!" Lin Xiaoyue said.

   "I'll start the fire!" Liu Shi hurriedly said.

   "Let Shuanzi help wash the tub, and I'm here to help you do chores!" Aunt Wang followed.

   "It's done! Auntie and Brother Shuanzi will stay later and have dinner together!" Lin Xiaoyue was not polite and said directly.

   "Okay!" Unexpectedly, Aunt Wang was not polite today.

  Lin Xiaoyue was satisfied.

   That's good, come and go politely, and delay things.

  The kitchen quickly got busy.

   Only two pots of cold cakes are made, and the lime water is prepared in advance, so it is not troublesome at all.

   It only took more than a quarter of an hour, and Lin Xiaoyue was done.

   Then Lin Xiaoyue soaked another forty-five kilograms of rice, thinking about waiting for a rest after the meal before preparing the cold cake for the afternoon.

   "The rice is also consumed quickly. In the afternoon, I will go to Boss Qian again and buy a few hundred kilograms directly so that he can send it to the house." Lin Xiaoyue muttered.

   (end of this chapter)

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