Hot Farmer’s Wife: Buying a Husband for the Farm

Chapter 212: 212 Discuss shop decoration

   Chapter 212 212 Negotiating shop decoration

   "You don't need to wash the dishes. You, Erya, and my mother, go and grind the rice milk!" Lin Xiaoyue said.

   "It's done!" Aunt Wang replied cheerfully.

   immediately instructed Wang Erya to go to the mill with her and Liu Shi with the soaked rice.

  Lin Xiaoyue ignored them. After washing the dishes, she went to add lime water.

  The rice from the grain store was delivered in the morning, and there are enough wooden pots at home. She plans to make more cold cakes this afternoon.

   In the afternoon, she brought some cold cakes to sell at the entrance of Qingyun Academy.

Don't be afraid of    if there are too many, it won't be sold out, the big deal is that it can be delivered to the West Market tomorrow morning.

   She is still short of money on the decoration side, so if she sells an extra bowl of cold cakes, she will reduce the pressure more.

   Grinding 70 catties of rice milk, Liu Shi and others spent more time this time.

  Lin Xiaoyue also took more time to mix the lime water.

   After the preparations were done, several women were busy in the kitchen again.

  Because Mrs Liu had to go out from time to time to receive people from the village who came to buy cold cakes, Lin Xiaoyue simply let Mrs Liu go out to work and leave the kitchen alone.

  I took Wang Erya and got busy in the kitchen.

  Aunt Wang is still the same as before, responsible for sending the cold cakes made by Lin Xiaoyue into the stream, and cleaning the emptied buckets by the way.

   Everyone was busy, smiling, and it took no more time than yesterday to make the cold cake.

   After making the cold cake, Lin Xiaoyue went to Xiao Qing.

  Let Xiao Qing write "Liu's Snack Shop is under renovation, please look forward to it" in large characters, and when she is going to sell cold cakes in the afternoon, she will post it directly outside her shop.

   As soon as he got his nephew's calligraphy treasure, his eyes showed admiration, and he was about to say a few words of praise when her mother's voice came from outside.

   "Yue'er, come out quickly! Your grandson and uncle Jiang are here!"

  Lin Xiaoyue was overjoyed, "Here!" She responded to the outside.

   put down the big-character banner in his hand.

   "Well written! Put the things here first, I'll pick them up later!" Chong Xiaoqing said, and Lin Xiaoyue hurriedly went to the front yard.

When    arrived in the front yard, Lin Xiaoyue really saw Aunt Sun and Jiang Dahe.

  Li Xiao was also there, receiving the two with Liu Shi.

   Aunt Sun saw that Lin Xiaoyue was coming, she said something to her, just said that there was something at home and left first.

   Then, Lin Xiaoyue and Li Xiaocai talked with Jiang Dahe about the shop decoration.

"It will take a while to start the construction. You can buy the materials first and send them to the backyard of the store. Wait until the day comes before starting the construction, so as not to waste time." Jiang Dahe listened to Lin Xiaoyue and said to Lin Xiaoyue. .

   "It's in the town, and it's convenient to buy materials. I guess it takes two days to prepare, and that's enough. Will there be a good day in the near future?" Lin Xiaoyue asked.

   It's better to see life, and seek psychological comfort. If the time delay is not long, there is no harm in waiting.

   "Yes, it will be in three days!" Jiang Dahe said.

  Lin Xiaoyue's eyes burst with joy.

   "Then the feelings are good, we will start construction in three days!"

  Lin Xiaoyue chatted with Jiang Dahe about her own ideas, especially the interior design.

   also showed Jiang Dahe the design drawings he had drawn.

   After seeing it, Jiang Dahe praised Lin Xiaoyue for her innovative ideas.

   "Your shop is in the town, and I haven't seen the scene, so it's not easy for me to make an offer to you." Jiang Dahe said.

   "In this way, I'll go to the site tomorrow to see, and at the same time I give you the quotation, I will also give you the required materials. In this way, you can prepare accordingly."

   "Complete! Then Uncle Jiang, make an appointment with Li Xiao, and he will watch over the decoration later." Lin Xiaoyue said.

   (end of this chapter)

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