Hot Farmer’s Wife: Buying a Husband for the Farm

Chapter 213: 213 will increase the price after the store opens

   Chapter 213 213 The price will increase after opening the store

   "Yeah. Then I'll keep your blueprint first. For the exact size, I'll measure it for Li Xiao along the way, and you can also decide the size of the furniture."

   "Okay! Thank you Uncle Jiang!" Lin Xiaoyue quickly thanked.

   "Don't be polite with me! If you have work in the future, remember to find me!" Jiang Dahe said.

   "It's nature!"

  Lin Xiaoyue invited Jiang Dahe to eat a bowl of cold cakes before sending Jiang Dahe out.

   Then it was almost time. After Aunt Wang came over, Lin Xiaoyue packed her things, took the banner written by Xiao Qing, and got on the ox cart.

   On this trip to town, Lin Xiaoyue brought thirty-two pots of cold cakes.

   Twelve pots are for Ruyi Building, and the remaining twenty pots, Lin Xiaoyue is going to sell with Aunt Wang, just to sell more money.

  The two went to Ruyi Building to deliver the goods, and then went outside Qingyun Academy.

  Lin Xiaoyue asked Aunt Wang to set up a stall, went to Boss Qin to borrow some rice grains, and put the big-character banner on the corresponding door of her shop.

After   , many people who came to buy cold cakes noticed this and asked Lin Xiaoyue.

   Lin Xiaoyue responded one by one.

   "After the store opens, everyone can go to our store to buy cold cakes!"

   "However, the rent of the shop is high. In the future, if everyone buys from the shop, the cold cake will not be discounted. At that time, the cold cake will be sold for five cents a bowl!" Lin Xiaoyue said.

   In this regard, some people think that an extra penny is nothing.

  After all, when the time comes, they can sit in the store and eat cold cakes, which is much better than standing outside now.

   Some people also think that it is not worth a penny more.

  Especially for the packaged ones, if you buy a lot, a few bowls of cold cakes are counted together, and they add up to several cents more expensive.

   However, just because of these thoughts, everyone is willing to buy more while the price has not risen yet.

   In addition, in the academy, there are more reading clerks who have heard about the cold cake. Today, Lin Xiaoyue's business is better than yesterday.

   Don't look at Lin Xiaoyue's preparation of twenty pots of cold cakes, which were sold at the gate of Qingyun Academy. As a result, after the peak period, there were only seven pots of cold cakes left.

   Moreover, after the peak period, there were more reading men who came to buy cold cakes one after another than yesterday.

  I finished work today about half an hour later than yesterday, but Lin Xiaoyue and Aunt Wang still packed up before the hour and returned home.

   On the way back, Aunt Wang seemed happier than Lin Xiaoyue.

   "Look at the situation today, I'm afraid it will be sold out with five more pots tomorrow!" Aunt Wang said to Lin Xiaoyue with a smile.

   "If you can sell it, you can sell it, but it's too late to finish work." Lin Xiaoyue responded with a smile.

"What are you late for?! We'll be back in another quarter of an hour. It's almost dark when we arrive in the village." Aunt Wang said, "Unfortunately, I heard that there is a night market in the town. Before Hai Shi, the street was very lively. !"

  If the night market continues to set up stalls, they don’t know how much they can sell.

  Lin Xiaoyue looked back.

   "Wait for another quarter of an hour, it's not just dark in the village, it's dark." He smiled brightly.

  Although there is moonlight in summer, the sight at night is worse.

   In addition, she and Aunt Wang are women after all.

   Although she is not afraid of encountering bad guys, it is also troublesome to be targeted.

   "As for the night market, when my shop opens, it will definitely be open until the evening." Lin Xiaoyue said.

   "Let the buddies watch over it at that time."

   Aunt Wang's eyes lit up.

   "Your shop, you want to recruit people?"

  Lin Xiaoyue smiled, "Yeah! My mother has to guard the house, I have to make cold cakes and set up a stall, I guess I have to recruit two people in the store."

   (end of this chapter)

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