Chapter 214 214 Store Manager

   "Two more?!" Aunt Wang was surprised.

   "Well. One looks at the day, the other looks at the afternoon and evening, take turns." Lin Xiaoyue thought of something.

   "Auntie, are you interested in coming to my store to be the store manager?" Aunt Chongwang asked.

  Aunt Wang is quick at work and good at arithmetic. She is also a trustworthy person. She is also relieved that the shop will be handled by her.

   "Three days off a month, five taels a month." Lin Xiaoyue said again.

   Aunt Wang was surprised.

   "This... so high?" I felt a little excited.

   "Hehe, it's not too high. If the monthly sales target is achieved, there will be a bonus."

   Aunt Wang's expression was dazed, and she obviously didn't understand Lin Xiaoyue's new words.

"Eh, I mean, at the beginning of each month, I will set a target turnover for the store for the month. By the end of the month, if the turnover of the store exceeds the target I set at the beginning of the month, in addition to the monthly silver, I will There are additional rewards." Lin Xiaoyue explained.

   Aunt Wang's expression was not as confused as before, although she still encountered new words that she did not understand, she probably understood what Lin Xiaoyue meant.

   "I...can I do it? Also, I went to the store, when you're here—" Aunt Wang was a little moved.

   Moon silver five taels, where to find such work?

   And it's not a short-term thing, but the shop of Yue girl will continue to open.

   "Isn't there Erya here? Let Erya follow me then." Lin Xiaoyue smiled.

   "Let her go to the West Market with me in the morning, and let her stay at home in the afternoon to make cold cakes with me."

   "On the other side of the dock—" Aunt Wang suddenly said again.

  My son is now carrying cold cakes to sell in Shiliba Village, earning 300 cents a day.

   She listened to Girl Moon before and wanted to go to the pier to set up a stall.

   Selling a bowl of cold cakes earns a penny. After a day, I am afraid that the income is not less than that of my son.

  Girl Moon wants to go to the store now, so she can't go to the pier.

   There are jobs in the shop, and she doesn't care if she doesn't go to the pier.

   It's just that the girl Yue gave up the business of the wharf, which is a pity.

   "Oh, I asked Li Xiao to ask about the situation at the wharf. He said that the Yamen will plan the management of the wharf in the near future, and focus on planning shops in some locations, and now they are not allowed to set up stalls."

   Aunt Wang was surprised.

   "That's a pity." He said.

   "Hehe, it's not a pity. It's a good thing for the Yamen to plan a shop. In the future, when the plan is completed, if there is a chance, it's also good for us to rent one, and it will just be a branch of Liu's Snack Bar."

   Aunt Wang smiled.

   "You girl, you have a big idea!"

   After speaking, the two returned to Dashi Village.

the next day.

   Another busy day, Wang Erya came to help today.

  In the early morning, Lin Xiaoyue mixed a dozen buckets of lime water, let Wang Erya filter it at home, and helped Liu's sell cold cakes.

  Lin Xiaoyue and Aunt Wang continued to set up stalls in the West Market.

   Before closing the booth, Li Xiao came over.

   also brought the size drawings of the furniture designed by Lin Xiaoyue.

   "Uncle Jiang has marked the estimated size after the measurement. For the furniture, you can go to Uncle Sun after you go back." Li Xiao gave the drawings to Lin Xiaoyue.

  Lin Xiaoyue opened the drawing and looked at it, and found that size information was added to her original drawing.

   "It's done! I'll go back to Uncle Sun and ask him to make more furniture before the shop starts." Lin Xiaoyue said, and put away the drawings.

   "Well, I'll go to the brick kiln to buy bricks and order other materials later. I won't go back at noon. Let's go back together in the afternoon." Li Xiao said again.

   (end of this chapter)

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