Chapter 219 219 Li Juanzi

   drove the ox cart and started to deliver furniture such as tables and chairs made by Uncle Sun to the shops in the town.

   Uncle Wang was also in town, cooperating with Li Xiao to place furniture and clean up.

  Lin Xiaoyue took Wang Erya and Aunt Wang to make cold cakes at home.

   Prepare the goods for Ruyi Building and set up a stall at the entrance of Qingyun Academy.

  Yes, the business at the entrance of Qingyun Academy, she did not plan to stop in the last two days.

   Because she is really short of money now.

"It will open the day after tomorrow. I have to go to the store tomorrow afternoon. I will mix the lime water in advance. I am not here. You and your mother will make the cold cake tomorrow afternoon." Lin Xiaoyue set the fire on fire, Chong Wang Erya said.

   These days, she has handed over the technique of making cold cakes to Wang Erya.

   And he took a back seat to set fire to himself and let Wang Erya make cold cakes.

   As a result, this girl has done a good job and can already replace her job.

   "Sister Yue'er—" Wang Erya's face was a little flustered.

   The reason why she dared to make cold cakes these two days is because her sister Yue'er was watching.

  Mr. Yue'er is not here tomorrow. What if something happens and she destroys the rice milk?

   A pot of cold cake can be poured out, but it can be divided into four pots, and it can be sold for a lot of money!

   "Don't worry, I believe you!" Lin Xiaoyue gave Wang Erya a trusting look.

   Seeing that Wang Erya was still worried, she added, "It's okay if you mess up, I'll give you some practice."

   "If you don't take over, I can't do the business tomorrow afternoon. The goods that Ruyilou wants, plus the stalls, will make more than twenty taels less. And your big brother-"

   Wang Erya's complexion changed.

   "I will do it - Sister Yue'er, I will definitely do it well!" Wang Erya said quickly.

   Sister Yue'er takes great care of their family. At this time, she can't hold back Sister Yue'er. Twenty taels of silver is not a small amount.

   Lin Xiaoyue raised the corner of her mouth.

"to make!"

   Then, when Aunt Wang came back, he told Aunt Wang about the arrangement.

   Aunt Wang only told Lin Xiaoyue to do things with peace of mind, saying that she would definitely make cold cakes with Wang Erya tomorrow afternoon.

  The cold cakes are ready. Aunt Wang and Erya Wang have something to go back to. Lin Xiaoyue is resting under the big tree in the yard.

   Someone came to the door.

  It was none other than Mrs. Zhang, the daughter-in-law of Li Gengtian, the village chief. Not only Mrs Zhang came, but a little woman in her early twenties followed behind her.

   "Oh, girl Yue! I just said you were here!" Mrs Zhang saw Lin Xiaoyue and walked over with a smile.

   "Aunt Farming!" Lin Xiaoyue replied with a smile.

   got up from the swing and walked towards Mrs. Zhang and the little woman with a smile.

   "My mother went to the latrine, she will come in a while." Lin Xiaoyue said.

   I just thought that Mrs. Zhang was here to find her mother, Mrs. Liu. After all, she did not have much contact with Mrs. Zhang.

   "I'm not looking for your mother, I'm looking for you!" Mrs Zhang said with a smile.

  Lin Xiaoyue was puzzled.

   "What is the aunt looking for me? Sit down and talk!" Then he asked Mrs Zhang to sit down.

   Mrs. Zhang glanced at the little woman behind her, stretched out her hand and pulled the little woman, and took the little woman with her to the bench that Lin Xiaoyue pointed to and sat down.

   "Who is this sister?" Lin Xiaoyue felt that this little woman was familiar, but she couldn't remember where she had met.

   "What's your sister? You don't even know you Juanzi-gu?!" Mrs. Zhang sneered at Lin Xiaoyue.

  Lin Xiaoyue was stunned for a moment, and then she remembered the identity of the little woman.

   It turned out that this little woman was the youngest daughter of the village chief's family, Li Juanzi, Zhang's sister-in-law.

   Just because Li Juanzi rarely went out when she was a girl. Married to the town again about six years ago.

   (end of this chapter)

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