Chapter 220 220 Intentions

   In addition to the fact that the predecessor was not very good at using his brain, he didn't have much impression of her.

   After being reminded by Mrs. Zhang, Lin Xiaoyue naturally remembered it.

   "Hey, Aunt Juanzi, I'm so sorry, look at me!" Lin Xiaoyue quickly apologized.

   "I, I'm going to make a bowl of sugar water for you!" He was about to leave.

   "No! What sugar water do you want?!" Li Juanzi quickly got up and said, her face still a little red.

   Then, his eyes turned to his sister-in-law.

   "Oh, girl Yue, you don't need the sugar water! Let's be honest, we came here to ask for your help." Mrs. Zhang said.

While    was talking, he pulled Li Juanzi and sat down.

  Lin Xiaoyue was puzzled.

   "Auntie, you said." He smiled.

   "Hey, I heard—that shop in your town is hiring?" Mrs. Zhang asked.

  Lin Xiaoyue was taken aback.

   Seeing Li Juanzi looking at herself nervously, she nodded with a smile.

   "Yeah. There's still one person left, but the working hours have to end from 1:00 pm to 1:00 pm in the evening. Because I finish work late, I thought, it's better to find someone who lives near Qingyun Street."

   Qingyun Street is the name of that street, because Qingyun Academy is named after that street.

   She will go to the store tomorrow, in addition to going to the shop, she is going to open the day after tomorrow, and the other is for recruiting.

  When the shop was being renovated, she asked Qinger to write the recruitment information and post it at the door. Tomorrow is the time written above, you can go to the store for an interview.

   Mrs Zhang's eyes brightened, and she looked at Li Juanzi.

   is really true.

   "The wages—" asked Lin Xiaoyue again.

"Oh, in terms of monthly silver, it's two taels of silver. There are four days off a month. If you don't take a rest, you will make up one hundred yuan a day for those four days. In addition, there is another person in the store. When the time comes, one person will be on vacation, and the other will have to work on it. In terms of wages, a day counts as 100 yuan." Lin Xiaoyue said.

   glanced at Li Juanzi again.

  I saw Li Juanzi's eyes light up.

   Zhang's expression was also a little excited.

   Only do it for three hours a day, and the moon silver is still so high.

  If you don’t rest, you will pay 100 wen a day, and the work of other people in the store is also 100 wen a day!

   Such a good job, where can I find it?

   "However, there are still some requirements for employment." Lin Xiaoyue saw the thoughts of the two and said again.

   "What is the request?" This time it was Li Juanzi who asked.

  She saw the job advertisement for Liu's Snack Shop in the town, and upon asking, she learned that the owner of the shop was from her parents' village. Then I came back to my parents' house, and asked my sister-in-law to bring her to ask.

  Her family lives on Qingyun Street, and her family was relatively well-off, but her father-in-law almost emptied the house due to a serious illness.

  After the autumn harvest, she plans to send her son to Qingyun Academy to open a door. By then, her husband will not be able to make money alone.

   She thought about finding a job and subsidizing her family.

   She has to take care of the family, and it is hard to find a full-time job.

   asked around and found the job advertisement for Liu's Snack Shop.

   She only went to work at 1:00 in the afternoon, and ended at 1:00 pm in the evening, which just didn’t affect her taking care of the family. The key is to be close to home, to appoint female workers, and the monthly silver is not low.

   "Because it involves collection, you have to find someone who is good at arithmetic. If you find that the amount of silver money is wrong at that time, you have to make up the money." Lin Xiaoyue said.

   Sure enough, upon hearing this, Li Juanzi and Zhang's expressions became embarrassed.

   After a while, Li Juanzi nodded again.

   "That's how it should be." He said.

   If you make a mistake in receiving money, you do have to take responsibility. It's always not your fault, and finally let the owner bear the loss.

   (end of this chapter)

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