Chapter 221 221 Interview passed

   Moreover, with this rule, the shop assistants can also be prevented from being distracted.

  Li Juanzi suddenly looked at Lin Xiaoyue.

   "Lin - Boss Lin, I'm not going to detour. This time I shyly begged my sister-in-law to take me to the door, just to apply for the job as a clerk in Liu's Snack Bar."

   "I went to Mongolian school when I was a child, and I didn't go home until I was ten years old. The arithmetic is still good!"

  Lin Xiaoyue was startled when Li Juanzi called her name.

   "Aunt Juanzi, you are serious! You are an elder, just call me by my name or Moon Girl, what is Boss Lin, I don't like this here!"

   Mrs. Zhang was very satisfied when she saw Lin Xiaoyue's reaction.

   I actually looked down on the little sister-in-law calling Boss Lin Xiaoyue Lin just now.

   In order to find a job, this is not even the face of being an elder.

   "That's right, if you really go to your store, then you will be my owner." Li Juanzi said. Face is a little red.

   Of course she saw her sister-in-law's expression.

   But their family is different now, she really needs this job.

   Besides, we should respect the future owner as well.

  People are people, so don't be polite and respectful, but choose someone who is holding the air of an elder.

  Lin Xiaoyue smiled, but she was somewhat satisfied with Li Juanzi's performance.

   "Aunt Juanzi is very polite. Since you are interested in this job, I will test you now. If you pass, I will not recruit people tomorrow."

   "Okay, you take the test." Li Juanzi's expression instantly became tense.

   He also quickly sat upright.

   Lin Xiaoyue was amused and comforted Li Juanzi not to be nervous.

After   , the math test was given to Li Juanzi.

   At first, it was addition and subtraction within twenty.

   As a result, Li Juanzi responded fluently, and Lin Xiaoyue was able to say the answer as soon as she asked the question.

  Lin Xiaoyue was very satisfied, and then increased the difficulty and extended the arithmetic range to less than 100.

   Next, Li Juanzi paused for a moment when he answered, but he was able to quickly calculate the answer, and all the answers were correct.

The    test was completed, and Lin Xiaoyue nodded with satisfaction.

   "Yes, Aunt Juanzi, you have passed the assessment. You can go to work in the shop the day after tomorrow, but on the first day you have to be there all day, and I will ask Aunt Wang to take you."

  Li Juanzi looked happy.

   "Okay, thank you boss!" He quickly got up, and then bowed to Lin Xiaoyue.

  Lin Xiaoyue quickly followed, reaching out to help Li Juanzi.

   "I'm a junior, Aunt Juanzi, you're going to kill me like this!"

   "You and Aunt Wang will be in charge of the Liu's Snack Shop from now on. When you go to the store, Aunt Wang will arrange your work. Also, in the future, just like Aunt Wang, just call me Moon Girl!" Lin Xiaoyue said.

  Li Juanzi was a little embarrassed.

   "No... It's just right to call the owner!" But he still insisted.

  The owner is good to talk, respect her, that is the owner's goodness, but she has to be careful.

   Having lived in the town for many years, she has many opportunities to deal with people, and she is not so confused in life.

   Seeing Li Juanzi's attitude, Lin Xiaoyue was even more satisfied.

   "Okay, then you can do whatever you want." Lin Xiaoyue made a slightly helpless expression.

   When Li Juanzi heard this, she was only glad for her persistence just now.

  This girl can take her mother and younger brother out of the Lin family at a young age.

   After that, I built a house and started a business. Step by step, it was not easy.

   "Look, I said before to make sugar water, you don't want it either, then eat two bowls of cold cakes!" Lin Xiaoyue glanced at Zhang Shi.

   Then, he looked aside again, his mother who had already returned but did not come to disturb them.

   (end of this chapter)

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