Hot Farmer’s Wife: Buying a Husband for the Farm

Chapter 222: 222 Zhang's Intention

   Chapter 222 222 Zhang's Intention

   "Mother, cut two bowls of cold cakes for Aunt Gengtian and Aunt Juanzi!"

   "Where did this come from?!" Mrs. Zhang said quickly, before Mrs. Liu could answer.

   "There's no way! Sister Li, Sister Juanzi, it's rare for you to come here!" Liu Shi responded and cut the cold cake.

   "That's right, folks in the village, don't be polite!" Lin Xiaoyue responded and went to Liu's to serve cold cakes.

  Li Juanzi and Mrs Zhang looked at each other with smiles on their faces, and they didn't stop.

   "That girl, help me pack six cold cakes, and I'll take them away later!" Mrs Zhang said with a smile.

   Usually, their family often comes to Liu's house to buy cold cakes, but most of the time, it is her mother-in-law or the family's children who come to buy it.

   She has to work at home, and sometimes she has to go to the ground, so she has no time to come.

   "Hehe, done!" Liu Shi replied with a smile.

  Lin Xiaoyue brought two bowls of cold cakes to Zhang and Li Juanzi, and then went to Liu's side to cut a bowl of cold cakes.

   The three ate cold cakes and continued to chat.

   "Hehe, Girl Moon. Actually, this visit is not just for your aunt, Juanzi. I also have something I want to discuss with you." Mrs. Zhang took a few bites of the cold cake and finally said to Lin Xiaoyue.

  Lin Xiaoyue looked at Mrs. Zhang and put the unfinished cold cake on the small table beside her.

   "Auntie, you said."

"Uh, it's like this. Look at my family Laishun... I'm only a year younger than Shuanzi, and I can endure hardship. There's not much work on the pier in town now, so I thought, can I..." Mr. Zhang glanced at Lin Xiaoyue several times.

   Where does Lin Xiaoyue still not understand?

   Mrs. Zhang was watching Wang Shuanzi sell cold cakes to make money, and wanted to ask her to wholesale cold cakes so that her son would sell them.

   Not much work at the wharf?

   It's still a busy farming season, and Li's family has a lot of land. I'm afraid he's busy with harvesting. Li Laishun probably didn't even go to the town for a while.

   This excuse can be found...

   "Laishun has a good relationship with his brother Shuanzi, and I also heard from Shuanzi that you can take cold cakes to sell in Shiliba Village, and you can earn four hundred and fifty cents a day!" Zhang shi said excitedly.

Li Juanzi on the side of    was a little surprised, but didn't show it too clearly.

   Her sister-in-law has never studied, let alone knowledge.

   These words made her, a bystander, feel a little embarrassed.

   Seeing that Lin Xiaoyue didn't reply, Mrs. Zhang also realized that she was a little excited when she spoke just now.

   Then, his expression changed, and his face became a little worried again.

   "Hey, my family Laishun is not too young. After the year, I think I should help him settle the marriage."

"If you get married later, there will be more places to spend money. Don't look at the Li family as if they live a good life, but there are more places to spend money. In the past few years, they are almost living on their own. If nothing else, just Erlang—" Mr. Zhang said here, and stopped again.

   This is actually true.

   Their Li family is not prosperous and only has two bedrooms.

  Their big house, she and her husband had only one son from Laishun.

   As for the second room, Erlang, that is, their Huaiyu family, their parents left early, so Erlang was left behind.

   Erlang was almost brought up by her, and she never had any bad thoughts towards Erlang.

   Her family's Laishun is not a material for studying. Her father-in-law has high hopes for Erlang, and she has not opposed it.

   even wholeheartedly hope that Erlang will be good, and that he will be able to pull her family to be smooth in the future.

   It’s just money for studying. Erlang spends a lot of money in Qingyun Academy every year.

  My father-in-law and mother-in-law are old and decent people, and they hardly go to the ground.

   (end of this chapter)

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