Hot Farmer’s Wife: Buying a Husband for the Farm

Chapter 223: 223 want to wholesale cold cake

   Chapter 223 223 Want to wholesale cold cakes

  The whole family depends on their family of three, plus the rent from a shop in the town.

   If there is no human relationship, or no one in the family is sick or something, it can barely survive.

   But the father-in-law is old and the village chief, how can there be nothing like this.

   Therefore, she said that the Li family is living on their own, which is not an exaggeration.

  Lin Xiaoyue didn't believe Zhang's words very much.

  Li Laishun from the village chief's family is much better off than Wang Shuanzi, and there are quite a few girls who want to marry into the Li family.

   Not to mention, in their Dashi Village, there are several families who want to marry the Li family.

   It’s just that Mrs. Zhang is more picky and didn’t let her son settle down.

  Aunt Wang had told her before, that she felt ashamed of her son and failed to create better conditions for him, so that it was difficult for him to marry a daughter-in-law.

   Then he sighed, if their family had the family background of the Li family, the matchmaker would definitely step over the threshold.

  Aunt Wang is really envious of the Li family, not anything else, but the fact that so many matchmakers come to Li Laishun's family.

   From the point of view of a bystander, Wang Shuanzi is indeed stronger than the dull Li Laishun in terms of appearance and ability to handle affairs.

  Comparing the two, Wang Shuanzi really lost in his family life.

   Mrs. Zhang said that Chou Qian helped Li Laishun with the marriage, but she didn't really believe it.

  Because the village chief's family is really the most decent family they have ever lived in Dashi Village.

   However, she did not mean to reject Mrs Zhang.

  The village chief took good care of their family and helped her a lot.

   Come again, they live in Dashi Village, and it is only beneficial to have a good relationship with the village head.

   "Auntie may wish to speak directly." Lin Xiaoyue said to Mrs. Zhang with a smile.

   The sadness on Mrs. Zhang's face disappeared immediately, and then she looked at Lin Xiaoyue with spirit.

   "I mean, can you share some of your cool cakes for my family, and let him go to Shiliba Village for some hard money?" Mrs. Zhang said.

   "Like Shuanzi, Laishun will beat you to get the goods at the same price!" Before Lin Xiaoyue could reply, Mrs Zhang added.

  Lin Xiaoyue was startled.

   Then, in Zhang Shi's slightly nervous eyes, he nodded with a smile.

   "Auntie, it's okay for you to speak. However, I have some conditions here."

   "What conditions? You said." Mrs Zhang said immediately.

   Hearing Lin Xiaoyue's agreement, his face became a lot lighter.

   "Brother Shuanzi cooperated with me first, after all, I will cooperate with Brother Laishun later, so I can't harm his interests."

   "So, to cooperate with me, Brother Laishun must promise, at least not to go. The eight villages behind our Dashi Village sell cold cakes."

   According to her understanding, Wang Shuanzi went to sell cold cakes every day, but he actually wandered around the six or seven villages after Dashi Village, and did not visit the nineteen villages after Dashi Village.

  Wang Shuanzi does not have an ox cart, and his energy is limited every day. It is almost his limit to sell twelve pots of cold cakes twice back and forth.

   However, when the west gate of Qingshi Town comes out, there are three official roads. In the direction of Dashi Village, there are 20 villages in total. In fact, the market is quite large.

   So Li Laishun came to distribute her cold cakes and she was very welcome.

   Even, she couldn't wait for more Li Laishun.

  It's best to go separately, outside the West City Gate of Qingshi Town, and sell her cold cakes in the villages near the other three official roads.

   This is naturally a bit difficult to walk on both feet.

  But if there is an ox cart, the feasibility is actually not small.

   Mr. Zhang's face stiffened, and then he quickly responded.

   "Come on! I have an ox cart at my house. When the time comes, I will let Laishun drive the ox cart to sell cold cakes. It will be fine to walk farther!"

   (end of this chapter)

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