Hot Farmer’s Wife: Buying a Husband for the Farm

Chapter 228: 228 Mother still hurts me more

   Chapter 228 228 Mother still hurts me more

  She is still busy now.

  Liu Shi ignored Lin Xiaoyue and walked towards Li Xiao who was burning fire in front of the stove with a basket.

   chose the second largest peach in the basket and handed it to his son-in-law.

   "Come on, Xiao'er, have a taste!" said with a smile.

  Li Xiao glanced at Lin Xiaoyue, who was looking at him with a smirk, got up quickly, and took the peaches that Liu Shi handed over.

   "Thank you mom!" Thank you with a smile.

   "Thank you?! You kid!" Liu Shi couldn't stop laughing.

   She is now more and more satisfied with her son-in-law.

   Practical and hardworking, good to daughters, and filial.

   "Okay, I won't bother you two with cooking." Liu's eyes circled around the faces of his son-in-law and daughter-in-law before leaving.

   Hehe, she is a mother, she is very interesting...

   When Liu Shi left, Lin Xiaoyue laughed out loud.

  Li Xiao looked at Lin Xiaoyue with a puzzled expression.

  What are you laughing at?

  Lin Xiaoyue smiled and looked at the peach in Li Xiao's hand.

   Then, he looked at the big peach he put aside.

   "It seems that my mother still hurts me more." There was some smugness on his face.

  Since Li Xiao came to the house, her mother's attitude towards her future son-in-law is getting better day by day, and she has been a little jealous these days.

  I didn't expect it... When it came time for real benefits, it was her daughter who was even more loved by her mother.

  Li Xiao couldn't help being amused.

   "If you like it, I'll give you this too." Saying that, she put the peach in her hand next to Lin Xiaoyue's peach.

   Putting the two peaches together, Li Xiao felt extra-"matching".

   Lin Xiaoyue blushed.

   "Make a good fire, the pot won't be hot anymore!" said Chong Li Xiao.

   "Oh." Li Xiao responded.

   Then we went back and continued to burn the fire.

   After dinner, Lin Xiaoyue ate the big peach before going to work.

  Tonight is a lot of work, they have to finish double the amount of cold cakes before they can rest.

  Li Xiao and Liu Shi went to the mill to grind rice pulp, and Lin Xiaoyue went to mix lime water.

   After the preparation is almost done, we start to make cold cakes.

   After more than two hours, Lin Xiaoyue realized that it was already one o'clock in the morning.

   Glancing at the lime water he had just exchanged, Lin Xiaoyue couldn't help stretching her neck and arms.

   Finally done.

   Fortunately, after inviting people, there is no need to make cold cakes at night.


   looked at the two large water tanks in the yard.

  Lin Xiaoyue looked outside again.

   It's so late, Li Xiao is still fetching water.

  The family makes more cold cakes every day, and two cylinders of water are not enough every day.

   When I go to Boss Jin tomorrow, I need to order two more tanks.

   is just right, we can order it to be delivered to home together.

  It was too late, Lin Xiaoyue didn't wait for Li Xiao, and went to take a bath and rest.

   Originally, she wanted to wash her hair, but she can only do it tomorrow.

the next day.

   Early in the morning, it was very lively outside the side door of Liu's house.

   In addition to Aunt Wang, Erya Wang, and Shuanzi Wang, Li Laishun also drove the ox cart from the Li family.

  Lin Xiaoyue asked Li Laishun and Wang Shuanzi to get the cold cake by themselves, but all four of them went.

   By the time she came out after breakfast, almost all the cold cakes in the stream had been taken up.

   Li Laishun and Wang Shuanzi ordered forty pots of cold cakes to be sent to the car in front of Lin Xiaoyue, and then asked Lin Xiaoyue for a large pot of brown sugar water before leaving.

  Li Xiao pulled out the ox cart of the Liu family.

  Everyone loaded the car and put the things to be used and the remaining thirty-five pots of cold cakes on the car.

   "I put all the lime water in the bucket at home. Later, when Aunt Jiang comes over, the two of you can grind the rice milk, and then start making cold cakes." Lin Xiaoyue said to Wang Erya.

   (end of this chapter)

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