Chapter 229 229 Ready to Open

   "At a later date, Boss Jin's people will send tubs, and we can make as many tubs as we have. I'm not afraid of making too many cold cakes, but there are not enough ones."

   Wang Erya nodded.

   Big brother went back last night and told him about selling cold cakes in partnership with Brother Laishun, and also said the number of cold cakes he expected to sell.

The number    scared them all.

  The key, the eldest brother also said that Sister Yue'er agreed to prepare so many cold cakes for them.

   Just now she went to move the cold cakes in the creek, and she knew it was true.

   To make so many cold cakes, she is under a lot of pressure.

  Lin Xiaoyue reached out and patted Wang Erya's shoulder.

   "From now on, you and Aunt Jiang will make cold cakes at home, come here at 10:00 in the morning, and get off work before 0:00 noon. You can go to work in the early afternoon until the end of 10:00."

   Working nine hours a day, almost just enough to meet the current demand for cold cakes.

   When the shop opens, if the cold cakes are not enough, she will arrange overtime work.

   Anyway, the cold cake business can only be done for less than two months. This period of hard work has passed, and when winter comes, there will be more time to rest.

   "After Aunt Jiang comes over, you tell her the time to work. You are in charge of making cold cakes, and Aunt Jiang can help you out." Lin Xiaoyue said again.

   Wang Erya looked a little scared.

  Lin Xiaoyue reached out and patted Wang Erya's arm.

   "Do well, I believe in you."

   Wang Erya looked at Lin Xiaoyue with more confidence in her eyes.

   "Understood, Sister Yue'er." She said firmly.

   "Yes." Lin Xiaoyue nodded.

   Then he turned to the bullock cart.

   Arrived at Qingshi Town, Li Xiao was at the ox cart under the door of Ruyi Building.

  Lin Xiaoyue arranged for him to go to the grocery store to set up a water tank, and then went to the West Market with Aunt Wang to set up a stall.

   After selling the cold cakes, Lin Xiaoyue instructed Aunt Wang before letting Aunt Wang drive the ox cart back to Dashi Village alone.

  Lin Xiaoyue went to Liu's snack bar to find Li Xiao.

  The two first ate at Qin's restaurant, and then Lin Xiaoyue entered the restaurant to check the situation.

  Her snack bar, after entering the store, there is a huge operation table directly on the left, occupying almost one third of the area of ​​the store.

  The operating table has a long depth and a wide table top, which can hold a lot of things.

   Then the middle aisle is very wide, and then facing the console is the dining area, with three rows of long tables and six rows of benches that match the long tables.

  Lin Xiaoyue walked inside, walked to the side of the console, opened the small wooden door, and entered the operation area.

   I found that there is a lot of space inside, there is no problem with people moving in it, and there is still enough space to put things.

  Under the countertop of the operating table, some cabinets were also made, and there was also a lockable drawer.

  Lin Xiaoyue unlocked the lock, opened the drawer and looked at it, feeling very satisfied.

  With this lockable drawer, when the clerk leaves for a short time, you don't have to worry about money being stolen.

   comes out from the operation area, and there is a small vacant area next to it.

   This is also what Lin Xiaoyue marked on the drawing before.

   "Here, write the big characters 'Bowl and spoon collection area' and stick it on the wall." Lin Xiaoyue said to Li Xiao, "Then put two large buckets with half a bucket of water here."

   "After the guests have finished eating, ask them to bring their bowls and spoons and put them in the bucket. This also saves the time when the shop is overwhelmed with no one to collect the bowls."

   "I'm going to fetch the water, you write!" Lin Xiaoyue said again.

   She doesn't know traditional Chinese characters, and she has never practiced writing brushes, so she might not be able to read it.

  Qing'er's handwriting is beautiful, but it's a pity that people are not here now. Only Li Xiao could write it.

   (end of this chapter)

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