Chapter 231 231 recruited

   "I have something to do with the shop owner." When he said this, his attitude was two points more arrogant than before.

   saw Lin Xiaoyue frown.

   "I'm the boss, what's the matter with you?" asked.

   The woman's complexion changed.

   "You—" The look in Lin Xiaoyue's eyes was a little uncertain.

its not right.

   She had already inquired about it, and this shop was opened by Lin Erya, the daughter of Lin Laosan's family in Dashi Village.

   Lin Xiaoyue felt irritable in her heart, but she still spoke to the woman.

   "I am Lin Xiaoyue from Dashi Village, but I am not called Erya. Also, our family has cut off the relationship with the Lin family, and Lin Lanhua is not my aunt." Finally, she said to the woman.

  The woman's expression stiffened.

   "You—" was a little speechless in shock.

   Of course she knew about the third room of the Lin family and cut ties with the Lin family.

  Because she heard about this before, she even went to Dashi Village specially to cancel her marriage with the Lin family.

   In the end, I heard that this incident was caused by the girl from the third room of the Lin family. And there are many misunderstandings.

  The Lin family didn't really want to sever ties with Sanfang, but waited for Sanfang to bow his head and admit his mistake, saying that there would be no such thing as severance.

   At that time, she only inquired with a family around the Lin family, and after confirming the situation, she came back.

  As a result, I recently heard that this girl from the third room of the Lin family not only built a big house for her family, but also started a cold cake business. Now there is a snack bar on Qingyun Street.

  After the third family of the Lin family was separated from the Lin family, not only did they not fall down, but they became more prosperous.

   She was about to inquire more about this matter, but she heard her son mention it, the recruitment of Liu's snack bar.

   The working hours are not long, the work is not heavy, and the wages are high.

   Although her family lives in the town, she just bought a house in the town, and her family is not well-off now.

   She thought of applying for this job, taking care of the family and earning some money to support the family.

  According to her idea, this girl from the third room of the Lin family would definitely still want to return to the Lin family, no matter how developed or not.

  After all, an orphan with a widowed mother, even if he is rich, can’t be without the help of his family.

   She, the future mother-in-law of the Lin family aunt, came to the door, she should have been warmly entertained and hired her. After that, it is better to ask her to talk to the Lin family.

  Who knows, the situation is completely different from what she thought.

  Lin Xiaoyue restrained her emotions.

   "If you want to find Lin Lanhua, you can go to Dashi Village to find it." Shen said.

  The woman came back to her senses.

   "I don't have Lin Lanhua, I'm looking for you." He said quickly.

   "What's the matter?" Lin Xiaoyue asked again.

   "I want to work in your shop." The woman said.

   I wanted to say it more confidently, but when Lin Xiaoyue stared at it, the first two words sounded louder.

   "You are late, people have already been recruited." Lin Xiaoyue said.

The    woman was surprised.

   "The recruiter resigned, let me come." He said.

  Lin Xiaoyue was startled.

   I suspect that my ears have heard it wrong.

   "You hire me, and I'll help you to tell the Lin family that you should go back to the Lin family." Before Lin Xiaoyue could reply, the woman said again.

  Lin Xiaoyue looked at the woman with the same eyes as she was looking at a lunatic.

   "You—what kind of eyes are you looking at?" Lin Xiaoyue stared at the woman, and she felt a little hairy in her heart.

   After a while, Lin Xiaoyue took her eyes back.

   "People have been recruited, you can go." said displeased.

   "Hey, you girl! Who taught you to talk to your elders with this attitude?" The woman instantly became angry.

   (end of this chapter)

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