Chapter 232 232 Opening ceremony

   Lin Xiaoyue's eyes suddenly turned cold, and when she looked over, the woman closed her mouth.

  Then took the child and took a step back quickly.

   "Hmph, just leave!" said unwillingly, and then led the child away.

  Lin Xiaoyue's eyes were gloomy.

   It's the Lin family again...

After the woman left, Lin Xiaoyue stopped working.

   went to the bench beside and sat down and waited for Li Xiao.

   After about a cup of tea, Li Xiao came back with the ox cart.

   The guy helped get the water tank off the ox cart, and Li Xiaocai carried the water tank to the backyard.

   When Li Xiao came out, Lin Xiaoyue asked Li Xiao to sit down and started arranging for him to write again.

   After asking Li Xiao to write before, Lin Xiaoyue found that Li Xiao's handwriting was actually very good.

How to say   , there are two styles of words with Xiao Qing.

   One is handsome and elegant, the other is fierce and domineering.

   Of course, she prefers Li Xiao's aggressive and domineering style.

   "On this piece of paper, there are five big characters written 'Grand Opening Reward'." Lin Xiaoyue put a larger piece of red paper in front of Li Xiao.

  Li Xiao glanced at Lin Xiaoyue and complied.

   Lin Xiaoyue was very satisfied with the words written by Li Xiao.

   After admiring for a while, he put the red paper aside.

   Then he took out a second red paper of the same size.

   "This one has a smaller font and writes the content of our store's activities."

   "Well. In this piece, write the words 'Today's Special'."

  Li Xiao complied.

   Then, Lin Xiaoyue pointed to the following positions.

   "Here it says 'buy three get one free'."

   "Write 'buy five get two free' below."

  Li Xiao looked at Lin Xiaoyue with a hesitant expression.

  Lin Xiaoyue smiled.

   "Write it down, the cost of a bowl of cold cake for our family is less than a penny, so it's not a loss!"

   "Tomorrow is the first day of business, I won't go to the West Market to set up a stall."

   "At that time, not only Aunt Wang and Aunt Juanzi, but my mother and I will also come to help. Let's see how many cold cakes the store can sell in one day."

   "Well." Li Xiao then wrote.

   After Li Xiao finished writing, Lin Xiaoyue pointed to the blank space at the bottom.

   "Here, the characters are written in larger size, and the words 'only today' are written."

  Li Xiao complied again.

   "Okay, take it and fix it on the advertising display board. When we open tomorrow, put the advertising display board outside the store." Lin Xiaoyue said and got up.

   She specially asked Uncle Sun to make two advertising display boards, the kind that can be folded and folded in the 21st century and are usually displayed on the roadside.

   Putting the door can attract more people's attention.

   Then, the two went to get the billboard.

   It's finally time for you.

  The two waited until Aunt Wang arrived.

   The three sold the cold cake together, and then closed the shop and locked the door back to Dashi Village.

  Lin Xiaoyue has since learned that Wang Shuanzi and Li Laishun are doing well, and that forty pots of cold cakes have been sold in the morning, and she has already returned to her heart.

   After getting on the official road, he immediately asked Li Xiao to speed up the bullock cart.

   "Tomorrow, there will be an event in the snack bar, and there will be many people nearby to buy cold cakes."

"Brother Shuanzi and Brother Laishun are selling so well. The cold cakes Erya and Aunt Jiang made today are definitely not good for us tomorrow morning. I'm afraid we will have to stay up all night to make cold cakes again tonight." Lin Xiaoyue said.

   "What are you afraid of? Erya and I are here to help you!" Aunt Wang said.

  Lin Xiaoyue smiled and looked at Aunt Wang.

   "No, I only have two stoves in my house, and the speed can't be fast with many people."

   "After you go back, you can rest early tonight. Tomorrow, the store will open on the first day, it will be very busy."

  Aunt Wang thought about it, and what Lin Xiaoyue said seemed to make sense.

   (end of this chapter)

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