Chapter 241 241 Promise to help

   Then came to him for verification, and learned that he was bought by his daughter-in-law, and immediately developed a strong interest in his daughter-in-law, arguing that he wanted to meet, and also wanted to visit their house.

  I saw someone, we met three days ago.

   The two are still very close together, Hei Gang has been telling him a lot in the past two days that he wants to take his daughter-in-law as his sister-in-law.

   It's just a matter of visiting, and it hasn't been arranged yet.

  Lin Xiaoyue looked at Li Xiao.

   "Brother Hei has many brothers under his command. Please bring a few capable ones with you, and come back to Dashi Village with us."

   "I will cook a good table in the evening, and when the time comes when Brother Hei and the others are done, you can accompany them for a drink."

  Li Xiao was startled.

   thought about it and nodded.

   To clean up the Lin family, it's not that he can't come forward, and there is no one in his hands.

   But neither he nor the people under his command belong to Dashi Village.

   He really did it himself, and the people in the village will probably have some ideas by then.

   Let Hei Gang help, it won't be so troublesome.

   "Then I'll go to Hei Gang now, you wait here." Li Xiaochong said to Lin Xiaoyue.


  Li Xiao just left.

   Lin Xiaoyue didn't wait long before Li Xiao came with Hei Gang and three big men.

   "Brother and sister! Ah, brother and sister, you are finally here again!" Before the Hei Gangren arrived, the rough voice arrived first.

   Lin Xiaoyue had a smile on her face.

   "Brother Hei!"

   "Haha, brother Li said that my younger brother and sister want to invite us to dinner, is this true?" Hei Gang asked with a smile.

   The three strong men who followed him also smiled.

   Lin Xiaoyue's face flashed a hint of embarrassment.

   "I want to ask Brother Hei and some of you to help me with something. By the way, when the matter is over, let Li Xiao accompany everyone for a few drinks." Chong Hei just said.

   "Haha, if you have cool cakes to eat, you can drink it! The rest, let's talk about it on the way!" Hei Gang laughed arrogantly.

   He likes to eat cold cakes very much. Since the restaurant closest to the pier introduced cold cakes, he eats two bowls every day.

   Later, he learned that the cold cake was made by Li Xiao's wife, and he really admired Li Xiao's ingenious daughter-in-law.

   "Okay! Thank you Brother Hei!"

   So the two cars set off.

  Lin Xiaoyue, Li Xiao and Hei Gang rode in Hei Gang's carriage.

   Hei Gang's three subordinates rode in Lin Xiaoyue's bullock cart.

   In the car, Lin Xiaoyue told Hei Gang about the grievances between the Lin family and her family and what happened today.

After hearing   Black, the already black face became even darker.

   "It's too deceiving! Don't worry about this, I'll help you!" At the same time as he spoke, Hei Gang's eyes became a little fierce.

  Li Xiao and Lin Xiaoyue looked at each other and didn't speak.

   Hei Gang has a sense of proportion in his work, and he has his own measure.

  Dashi Village is coming soon.

   Hei Gang didn't go directly to Liu's house, but separated from Li Xiao and Lin Xiaoyue at a fork in the road.

  Li Xiao and Lin Xiaoyue returned to their ox cart and drove the ox cart home.

   Hei Gang took his three brothers and rode to the Lin house in a carriage.

   After arriving home, Aunt Jiang and others happened to get home from work.

   Lin Xiaoyue called her mother and Xiao Qing to the kitchen to help pack the ingredients and set the fire.

   Liu Shi was a little surprised when she saw that her daughter had bought a lot of vegetables and wine.

   "This... do you want to make so many dishes tonight?" Seeing that Lin Xiaoyue arranged for Xiao Qing to wash the dishes, and there were still too many dishes, Liu Shi's doubts deepened.

  Lin Xiaoyue asked Xiao Qing to do things, and then looked at her mother.

   "Well. We have guests tonight, so we have to hurry up and get the food ready. Mother, you can set the fire on."

   There are so many dishes to make, and you can’t wait until everything is ready.

   (end of this chapter)

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