Hot Farmer’s Wife: Buying a Husband for the Farm

Chapter 242: 242 Is it Lin Dazhui's family?

   Chapter 242 Is 242 Lin Dahui's family?

   As she prepares, she has to start frying.

  Fortunately, these did not trouble her.

   "What kind of guest?" Liu Shi was puzzled.

   In the evening, what kind of guests will come to the door?

   She has no family, and their family broke up with the Lin family, so this guest can only be a daughter or a son-in-law, a friend who is outside.

  Lin Xiaoyue looked at Liu Shi and smiled mysteriously.

   "This matter, I will sell it to you first, and you will find out later."

   Liu Shi was curious and gave her daughter a sigh.

   "You kid!"

   didn't ask any more questions.

   Her daughter, she knows. If she didn't say it on purpose, she couldn't ask.

  There are guests at home, so naturally, they must be well entertained.

   It's all over, so hurry up and make the food!

   At the same time, the Lin family.

   Hei Gang took three strong men along the village to inquire, and soon arrived at Lin's house.

  The Lin family was eating at this time, and the whole family was there.

   Suddenly, a rough voice came from outside the courtyard.

   "Is this the Lin Dachui family?!" There was still anger in his tone.

   Mr. Lin and Mr. Lin, went to Liu's house with Lin Lanhua this morning and didn't get a good deal.

   Originally thought that Lin Xiaoyue would come to the door in the afternoon, and then they would be able to rely on the number of people to make Lin Xiaoyue lose money. But the girl didn't come.

   At this time, the two of them were sulking when they were eating. When they heard someone looking outside, the voice was very provocative, and they immediately walked out of the main room with a bowl in hand.

   "Who the **** is screaming outside?! This isn't the old Lin's house, but it's yours?!" Boss Lin roared outside.

   The knocking on the door was instantly quiet.

  Boss Lin spat on the ground.

   I thought to myself, it must be some good thing coming to my door.

   Lives in a village, don't know if this is their old Lin family?

  Boss Lin was just about to go back to the main room to continue eating when suddenly——

   "bang bang" sounded the door, yes, it was the kind of sound of hitting with a stick.

   Boss Lin and Boss Lin's expressions changed.

   Before he could react, the door of the Lin family's courtyard was kicked open from the outside.

   Immediately afterwards, a black-faced strong man with a stick rushed in with three strong men who were also carrying a stick.

   Lin Boss and Lin 2nd saw that something was wrong, so they didn't dare to ask, so they hurried away.

  In the main room, Lin Dazhuang, Lin Erzhuang, Lin Dashan, and Lin Xiaoshan heard a lot of movement outside and came out to take a look.

   As a result, seeing their respective fathers, they ran back in panic.

   Before they could ask about the situation, the four brothers saw four strong men with sticks following them.

   "You—who are you, think—what do you want to do?!" Seeing his two sons and two nephews, Boss Lin gained some confidence, stabilized his body, and asked Heigang and the others.

   At this time, the rest of the people in the main room also came out.

  The women almost lost their feet when they saw this situation.

  Lin Sledgehammer quickly let the women in the family go into the main room to hide, and took the fourth Lin into the yard by himself.

   "Heh, what are you doing?" Hei Gang showed off his big white teeth to Boss Lin.

   "It was you, the old boy, who scolded me just now?" Boss Chonglin asked.

   Boss Lin's expression changed.

   "This—I, I thought it was some guy in the village who was—joking with—here, no—don't know—" Stuttering explained.

   "Just kidding? Who the **** has the heart to make fun of you!" Hei Gang suddenly burst into rage, smashing the stick in his hand onto a pickle jar in the Lin's yard.

   With a crisp sound, the kimchi jar was scrapped in an instant.

   At the same time, the hearts of everyone in the Lin family trembled.

   (end of this chapter)

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