Chapter 243 243 Black Lord

   Needless to say about the women in the main room.

  Even the men in the yard, one by one, became terrified at this time.

   What is the origin of these four people?

   is not from their Dashi Village at all, and it doesn't look like a peasant.

   On the contrary, there was a gangster-like look on his face, especially the one who took the lead, who looked like the King of Hell. Could it be that the bandits came from which mountain?

   Although their Lin family is in Dashi Village, they dare not fight against the lifeless bandits.

   "This lord - lord, he was a dog just now, and he has offended you. I hope you -" Lin Dachui, the head of the family, stepped forward and spoke despite his fear.

   If this is really a bunch of desperate mountain bandits, if things are not handled well, their Lin family will lose money, and if they don't make it right, they are afraid that they will be destroyed.

   "What grandfather is calling his mother, I don't have a grandson as big as you!" Hei Gang interrupted Lin Dachui directly.

   The Lin family almost trembled.

   Ignoring the expressions of the Lin family, Hei Gang picked up the stick in his hand and pointed one end of the stick at Lin Dachui and the others.

   "Do you know why Lao Tzu is here today?"

   Just this bunch of cowards, dare to bully Li Xiao's family?

   It's also because his brother Li Xiao has a good temper and doesn't have the same knowledge as these people, otherwise...

   "Yes - if you have something to do, just tell me." Lin Dachui said with fear.

   "Humph! I don't have anything to tell you, so I just came to tell you. You Liu family in Dashi Village, I just got covered in black."

   "If you dare to go to Liu's house without opening your eyes in the future—" Hei Gang said after a while.

   Then, the stick in his hand shot again.

   Another jar was broken.

   "Huh, this is the end."

  The Lin family was all silent.

   In addition to being scared, one by one was also a little shocked.

  Invited by the Liu family?

  Damn, that Kefu Ghost and Shaman Star know bandits?

   No, this person just said his name is Hei Gang?

  Lin Dazhuang and Lin Dashan were shocked.

  Hei Gang, what kind of bandit is this?

   But even though he is not a bandit, this man is no better than a bandit.

   The famous Hei Ye of Qingshi Town, the number one person in the wharf of Qingshi Town, can eat no matter the underworld or the white road.

   What's going on?

  How did the Liu family get close to this guy? You can also ask this guy to come out.

  Damn, they said strangely, why did Lin Xiaoyue's girl not come to the door all afternoon, and the feeling was to invite Hei Ye.

  Liu's family, it's hard enough to have a Li Xiao, and Hei Gang also relies on this.

  The matter of their sister-in-law being divorced, is that the only thing you can do?

   "Master Hei, don't be fooled by the Liu family. Our Lin family will go to the Liu family this time—" Second Lin suddenly said.

   When he heard Hei Gang announced his name and knew that the other party was not a bandit who would kill without blinking an eye, he felt less afraid.

He has also heard the name    Hei Gang, so naturally he dare not offend the other party.

   But he felt that Hei had just started for the Liu family, and there might be something tricky in this matter.

  Li Xiao gathered some people from Dashi Village and set up a transport team at the town's pier. What he did was to grab business with Hei Gang.

   He didn't believe it, Hei Gang came here because of Li Xiao.

   It must be that **** of Liu's or that **** of Lin Xiaoyue, who often runs to the town, maybe it is because Hei Gang slept with him, and then Hei Gang came forward for them.

   He must tear up the true colors of the mother and daughter, and it is best for Hei Gang to clean up the Liu family instead.

   "I don't care why you go to the Liu family!" Hei Gang interrupted the second child Lin with a word.

   (end of this chapter)

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