Hot Farmer’s Wife: Buying a Husband for the Farm

Chapter 248: 248 Mrs. Lin's Thoughts

   Chapter 248 248 Old Lady Lin's Thoughts

   "You are a girl, it's a big deal to marry far away. But what do you want us to do?"

   Boss Lin looked at Mrs. Lin, who had been frightened by him.

   "Mother, you're not so biased, are you. Or do you think it's better to rely on a girl's movie in the future than our sons?"

"Hey, in the past, Yaomei was married to the Wu family, and Erlang of Wu's family was a child born and qualified to be a scholar. You can also point to Yaomei to marry and let you enjoy the happiness. But now the marriage has also retired, and Yaomei is still there. With the reputation of being dismissed from relatives, you will know what to do in the future."

   Lin Lanhua's face instantly turned pale as soon as Boss Lin said these words.

   What kind of character is her mother, she still doesn't know?

   She can be loved by her mother and has been pampered since she was a child. Why is it because her mother really loves her, she just wants to take care of her better and rely on her for happiness.

   It is precisely because she knows this that she has a sweet mouth and keeps coaxing her mother, becoming the most favored person in the family except the fifth brother.

Before   , in order to exchange her for a good price, she was almost promised to fill a house for a wealthy family in the town.

   If it wasn't for her holding on and not nodding, and the Wu family with better conditions appeared, she would have gone to be their stepmother long ago.

   She is really satisfied with the marriage of the Wu family.

  Although his family is not very good, Wu Erlang was born a child at a young age, and his future prospects are unlimited.

  I thought she would get married smoothly this time, but who would have thought that her good marriage was ruined by Lin Xiaoyue's cheap hoof.

  It took a lot of effort for her to stabilize her mother, saying that things might turn around in the Wu family.

   After leaving the Wu family, she can find a better family.

   But now, these things have been broken by the big brother.

   also said that her reputation was bad, and she didn't know what to do in the future.

   Sure enough, when Old Lady Lin heard this, she stopped crying.

   has a gloomy face, as if thinking.

   Mrs. Lin has no knowledge and is not very smart.

The principle that    has always pursued is that she likes whoever follows her, coaxes her, and can make her live a good life.

   She liked the little girl before, because the little girl was obedient and filial, and she looked good.

   But now...

   What the eldest son said makes sense.

   It is hard to say whether the Wu family can recover. If the resignation is really irreversible and you lose your reputation, what kind of good in-laws can your daughter find in the future?

   The fifth is to test for fame, and there are still many years before he wants to make his mark.

   Before that, couldn't she rely on the eldest, the second and the fourth?

   The man outside...

   Thinking of Hei Gang, a trace of fear crossed Mrs. Lin's face.

   She didn't know the origin of that person, and she didn't know the situation would be so serious.

   Just now she quarreled with Lin Dazhui because she was used to being domineering and couldn't stand Lin Dazhui yelling at her like this.

   It's not that he really wants to fight against the person outside, much less that he really wants to harm the Lin family.

   She is also from the Lin family, how can she harm herself.

  Boss Lin waited for a while, but before Mrs. Lin could speak, she was a little anxious, and Mrs. Lin finally spoke up.

   "Orchid, go with your eldest brother and second brother." Mrs. Lin said solemnly.

  's demeanor became serious, and he stretched out his hand, signaling the person beside him to help him up.

   Mrs. Jiang and Mrs. Deng hurriedly stepped forward to help Mrs. Lin and pushed aside Lin Lanhua, who had not reacted for a while.

   "Mother--" Lin Lanhua hurriedly called Mrs. Lin.

   A huge panic spread from my heart.

   "I'm going to ask you to apologize, but I'm not going to let you go to Jiandao Mountain. What are you doing like this?" Mrs. Lin immediately glared at Lin Lanhua.

The attitude of    is very different from before.

   (end of this chapter)

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