Hot Farmer’s Wife: Buying a Husband for the Farm

Chapter 249: 249 He is not a pick-up

   Chapter 249 249 He is not a pick-up

   "Hey, let's go to Lanhua! With your eldest brother and second brother here, can those from the Liu family still be able to eat you?" Jiang Shi glanced at Lin Lanhua.

   It is rare for her husband to come forward to embarrass her sister-in-law today, so of course she also wants to speak out.

   Anyway, their big room has already offended the little aunt, so they might as well offend them completely.

   Mr. Deng glanced at Mrs. Jiang, and his heart moved.

   "Yeah, Orchid! Come back after you go there, the second sister-in-law in the pot will leave you more rice." He followed.

   Her man was also implicated because of her aunt, and now it is rare for her mother-in-law to not protect her aunt.

   If you don’t speak at this time, how long are you waiting?

   "Ugh... Sister-in-law, Sister-in-law, you..." Lin Lanhua panicked completely.

   As soon as he burst into tears, Lin Dachuan shouted angrily.

   "Cry, what are you crying for?! Don't you go with the boss, the second one? It's too late to make Master Hei unhappy, and then I'll see how I will deal with you!"

   The incident happened just now that Mrs. Lin tore up with him for Lin Lanhua, and now he is full of fire.

   This fire, there is no way to send it to the wife, can't he send it to the daughter?

  Lin Orchid's body trembled.

   Before he could plead for mercy, Boss Lin grabbed his forearm.

   Then, with a direct pull, Boss Lin dragged Lin Lanhua out.

   Everyone in the room breathed a sigh of relief instantly.

   It's good to go, and they won't be implicated after all...

  In the yard, Hei Gang got a little impatient waiting.

  Second Lin carefully stayed beside Hei Gang, for fear that this master would suddenly get angry, and then greeted him with a stick.

   Fortunately, he finally saw his eldest brother dragging his younger sister out.

  Lin Lanhua cried so hard that she could barely see the road. She stumbled and was pulled forward by Boss Lin, and finally came to Hei Gang.

   "Master Hei, someone brought it." Boss Lin released Lin Lanhua and gave Hei Gang a bow again.

   At this time, Lin Lanhua was still crying, but she only dared to sob softly.

   bowed his head, not daring to look at Hei Gang at all.

   She was afraid, afraid of being spotted by Heigang, and even more afraid of going out with Heigang later, what danger would there be.

  If Hei Gang knew that Lin Lanhua had such thoughts, he would probably feel sick.

   He Hei Gang is not a scavenger, so he wouldn't be interested in this kind of shrew.

   "Let's go." He just glanced at Lin Lanhua, and Hei Gang looked away.

   and walked away with the stick.

   Hei Gang's three men spread out, staring at the three brothers and sisters of the Lin family.

   "Let's go!" Boss Lin hurriedly made a gesture to Second Youngest Lin and Lin Lanhua, and went after Hei Gang.

   Lin's second child and Lin Lanhua looked at each other and followed.

   Hei Gang's three subordinates, and then went to the end, staring at the three brothers and sisters of the Lin family.

   Leaving the Lin's yard, Hei Gang got on the carriage directly.

   One of Hei Gang's subordinates immediately ran up from behind.

While    helped lead the horse, let Boss Lin lead the way.

  Boss Lin respectfully complied.

   It was already dark at this time.

  Fortunately, the moonlight was bright and bright, and walking on the widest road in the village did not affect the line of sight much.

   Lin's house is not too far from Liu's house, and a group of people arrived soon after.

  Li Xiao heard the movement outside, and was already waiting outside with Xiao Qing and Lin Xiaozhi.

   "Brother Li Xiao!" Hei Gang shouted to Li Xiao before he arrived.

   "Brother Hei!" Li Xiao rushed to Heigang from a distance and cupped his hands.

   "Haha, let you wait for a long time! It took a little more time!" Hei Gang neatly jumped off the carriage.

   "Where, please, Brother Hei!" Li Xiao made a "please" gesture.

   And motioned to Xiao Qing to take Hei Gang's men down to put the carriage.

   Xiao Qing bowed to Li Xiao and Hei Gang before walking towards the carriage.

   Thank you/xs for the care, and the flowers from book friends 120***178! Happy New Year's Eve everyone! 2020 New Year and new atmosphere, happy for a whole year!



   (end of this chapter)

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