Chapter 268 Chapter 268

   Thinking like this, she really didn't want to let the big house take over the two old men for some money.

   "You can really say the fifth. You still spend your family's money for school now, where can you earn the filial money for your parents?" Deng said suddenly.

   "And my aunt, you are smart enough to know that when my aunt is at the age of marriage, she can be exchanged for dowry by raising her."

   As soon as Mr. Deng said this, the expressions of the people in the second room changed.

   "Yaomei took twenty-eight taels of silver from our second room. Fifth, I don't mind if you take Yaomei away. But you can pay back this money!" Second Lin immediately said.

  Lin Lanhua's complexion changed, and she quickly looked at Lin Yuanshan.

   "Fifth Brother..." He shouted for help.

  Lin Yuanshan frowned.

  Yes, he wanted to take Lin Lanhua away, just to exchange her for a dowry in the future.

   But now...

   "The family hasn't been separated yet, so the second house should not have kept the money from the private house. Now that I know that this money exists, this money should also belong to my parents."

   As soon as these words came out, the second room was almost fuming with anger.

   "Yes! There is no separation, the money should be given to me! Orchid is my daughter, and the dowry gift is also mine!" Mrs. Lin suddenly said.

  Lin Yuanshan looked at the second child Lin who was so angry that he was speechless.

   "Second brother, don't talk about it, you think more about your family. Younger sister doesn't do this, who would know that your second room would secretly save a private room of twenty taels?"

   Lin Yuanshan said again just as he was about to speak.

   "Okay, since that's all for today. Let's open up."

   "You want your parents to share the family's money, that's ok. Then according to what I said before, each room will give the parents two taels of filial piety money every month, and then they will take medicine when they are sick, and each room will share it equally."

   "As for the second sister-in-law, you are worried that I won't be able to get the money." Lin Yuanshan looked at Mrs Deng.

   "Don't worry, even if I sell the land that I got from the family, I will give the filial piety money to my parents. Also, if it's a big deal, I can go to the town bookstore to pick up some book copying work, and I can make money!"

   "If you don't want to give filial piety money, then the family's money will be left to the parents for the old age."

  The big room, the second room and the fourth Lin looked at each other with some struggle in their eyes.

   They didn't know how much money Mrs. Lin had.

  The old lady is obsessed with the fifth, and even if she has a lot of money, I am afraid that they will not let them know. Maybe only part of it will be taken out.

   Instead of this, it is better not to distinguish.

   Saved the filial piety of 2 taels a month.

   Twenty taels a month, twenty-four taels a year.

   The family's money is really divided, maybe it won't be much more than this amount.

   "It's done! It doesn't matter if the money is divided! But mother, you have to help me marry a mother-in-law!" Lin Laosi suddenly said.

   In an instant, everyone looked at Mrs. Lin.

   "Mother, eldest brother, second brother, even the dead third brother married a mother-in-law! Why, when you came to my place, you asked me to be a bachelor?!"

   Mrs. Lin angrily looked at Fourth Lin angrily.

   "You worthless thing!" cursed.

   Just wanted to continue scolding, but saw Lin Yuanshan wink at himself.

   Mrs. Lin stopped.

   "I'll give you 10 taels of silver, think of a way yourself!" Then, he said angrily.

   Lin Lao Si was taken aback for a moment, and his heart was dissatisfied.

   Just wanted to speak, but was interrupted by Lin Yuanshan.

   "Fourth brother, as you said, don't pick widows and second marriages. Ten taels of silver is enough."

   "I really messed up my mother, be careful not to have any." Lin Yuanshan said with a sullen face.

  A struggle flashed across Mr. Lin's face.

   "Okay!" Then, he nodded angrily.

   (end of this chapter)

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