Chapter 269 269 Presiding over the branch

  Twelve taels? The money for the appointment is indeed enough, but don’t you want to pay for the wedding?

  Mother, the fifth one, your heart is cruel enough...

"You can't just let the younger sister take the money from our second room! I don't believe there is a private room! If you don't give this money to the fifth, then the younger sister will have the second room with us. When the time comes to marry, from She has a button in the dowry!" Mrs Deng suddenly said.

   She has no choice but to say, if the money is not returned, her man will not let her go. She couldn't explain herself to her two sons.

   Mrs. Lin's eyes immediately went out to Mrs. Deng.

   Just wanted to scold, but was stopped by Lin Laowu.

"Second sister-in-law, when Yaomei gets married, in addition to receiving dowry, the family also pays dowry. Do you think that Yaomei will go to her in-law's house to be bullied after she gets married?" Yan Chong Deng said.

   Hearing that Lin Lanhua was moved.

   "Humph! When she extorted me, she never thought about our second room!" Mrs Deng said displeased.

  Lin Laowu's expression darkened.

   "This is not just Yaomei's fault. Second sister-in-law, if you are not guilty, will you be threatened by Yaomei?"

   Before waiting for Mrs. Deng to reply, Lin Laowu said again: "It's impossible to pay all the compensation. Mother, you give the second room 10 taels. In the future, the younger sister's affairs will have nothing to do with the second room!"

   Mrs Deng's eyes widened, dissatisfied.

   But before he spoke, Mrs. Lin had an opinion.

   "There is no separation, all the money in the family is mine! What are you doing for this bitch?!"

   "Why keep such a cheap hoof that ruins the family style? You are disobedient and unfilial, and you keep throwing it out?! It's defiled the door of our Lin family!"

   Mrs Deng's mouthful of sweetness almost poured into her throat, and she couldn't catch her words.

  Lin Dazhuang realized that something was wrong, he stepped forward and supported Mrs Deng.

   Lin's second child took a step forward when he saw this.

   "Okay! Just ten taels!" Grinning his teeth, he said to Fifth Lin and Mrs. Lin.

  In this way, everyone no longer has any objections, and the plan for the Lin family to split up has been settled.

  Lin Yuanshan then asked Lin Laosi to invite the village head over to preside over the division and the document.

  The village chief brought his eldest son Li Gengtian together. After inquiring about the situation, he helped the Lin family to divide the house.

   First, the Lin family's house was divided into four equal parts.

  The best room in the upper room was assigned to Lin Yuanshan because the two old men followed Lin Yuanshan.

   In this regard, each room has no opinion.

  Then the furniture, kitchen utensils, grain and poultry were all taken out and distributed.

  Except for Lin Yuanshan who brought the old couple a little more, the rest are equally divided.

   Then, there is the field. The four rooms are also equally divided.

   In the end, a special document was ordered, stating that the money in the family was not divided, and it was left to the two old people for the old age.

   Then, the big room, the second room, and the fourth room don’t need to give filial piety money.

   In addition, the two old ones followed Lin Yuanshan, and Lin Yuanshan took care of him and died.

   In addition, Lin Lanhua's household registration follows Lin Yuanshan's.

  The village chief informed that the new household registration would be available in two days, and then left.

   I sighed a little when I walked out of Lin's house.

   The two elders of the Lin family were too partial to the fifth, and even made such a document with the eldest, second and fourth.

   This Fifth Lin, it would be better if nothing happened in the future, but if something happened, the two of them would be too late to regret it...

After the village chief left, the Lin family immediately moved.

  I started moving things separately when I was hungry.

   Before Shen Shi, the Lin family was separated.

After   , the rooms didn't even have dinner together.

   Each cooked food for each room, and then sent it back to each room to eat, even ignoring the two old ones.

   (end of this chapter)

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