Chapter 401 401 Learnings

   "I said, what are you arguing about?" Lin Xiaoyue put her hand on Zhao Shanshan's arm, making herself stand firm.

   looked displeased at the sixth princess opposite.

   Facing the woman's face full of displeasure, as if she disturbed her sweet dreams, the sixth princess suddenly felt a little guilty.

   "Miss, this is the sixth princess." Zhao Shanshan reminded Lin Xiaoyue in a low voice when she saw her young lady looking like she was going to invite her teacher to ask her guilt.

  The sixth princess also heard Zhao Shanshan's words, and immediately straightened her back and raised her head.

  Unexpectedly, after Lin Xiaoyue listened, she just glanced at her lightly.

   "What about the Sixth Princess? This is the National Teacher's House."

   "Mrs. Ben is now the guest of honor of the National Teacher. Now this is Madam's residence, so anyone can break in at will?" Lin Xiaoyue said solemnly.

   What she disliked most was this "eldest lady" with **** and no brains, not to mention that this person disturbed her sleep.

What about the    princess? You can still be aggressive outside, but this is the National Teacher's House.

   Lin Xiaoyue was so imposing that she forced the sixth princess to bow her head. The raised back doesn't seem to be so straight anymore.

   "I—this princess is not trespassing. This princess—" Sixth Princess explained subconsciously.

   looked at the arithmetic problem he wrote on the table.

   "This princess is here to ask you for advice." Having said this, the sixth princess was more righteous in an instant.

   "Mr. Liang admires you so much. If you have real skills, you can solve this princess's problem!" After speaking, the sixth princess raised her head again and looked at Lin Xiaoyue.

   It looks like a comparison with me.

   Lin Xiaoyue frowned.

   "Do I have any real skills, what does it have to do with you?"

   "You are not welcome here, hurry out." The exit said.

   I hate this big-chested, brainless, arrogant and willful eldest lady the most. She doesn't have time to mess around with her.

   "You—" The sixth princess was extremely angry, and pointed at Lin Xiaoyue.

   rude, so rude!

  Lin Xiaoyue frowned even more when she saw this.

   went straight forward and took the Sixth Princess pointed at his hand away with one hand.

   "Want Mrs. Ben to send you off in person?" said displeasedly.

   At the same time, a gloomy look flashed in his eyes.

  The Sixth Princess was frightened and took a step back subconsciously.

   "Princess!" At this moment, the two maids guarding outside heard the movement and ran in.

   Seeing that his princess was being threatened, he ran over immediately.

   "Presumptuous—" one of the maids shouted at Lin Xiaoyue, raised her hand and walked towards Lin Xiaoyue.

   But before his hand fell, Lin Xiaoyue pinched it.

   At the same time, with the force of his subordinates, the maid was thrown off by Lin Xiaoyue and fell to the ground.

   Under the terrified eyes of everyone, Lin Xiaoyue stepped on the back of the maid with one foot.

   "It's really presumptuous. When the masters speak, do you have the chance to intervene as a maid?"

After   , Lin Xiaoyue turned her head again and looked at the sixth princess provocatively.

   "This person made a rude remark to this lady. This lady taught me a lesson on behalf of the sixth princess, what did the sixth princess think?" said arrogantly.

   Sixth Princess's heart trembled, and she was really stunned by the woman on the opposite side.

   "Huh?" Before the Sixth Princess could answer, Lin Xiaoyue raised her voice. Looking at the sixth princess with some evil.

  The sixth princess actually found that her heart skipped a beat.

   "I... really came to you to learn from..." Then, he explained again in a mysterious way.

   At this moment, she no longer dared to treat the woman opposite her as an ordinary woman.

   Ordinary woman, how dare you not look down on her as a golden branch and jade leaf? How dare you attack her people? How dare you intimidate her?

   Such courage and such a temperament should naturally be possessed by true masters and scholars!

   This woman must be extraordinary!

  Lin Xiaoyue was taken aback.

   Hearing the sixth princess say this, and her attitude actually brought some grievances, she was embarrassed to be so aggressive.

   Then, he took his foot off the maid's back.

   The sixth princess was relieved when she saw this.

   "This lady doesn't have time to discuss. The princess still takes your people, let's go." Lin Xiaoyue said indifferently.

  The two maids of the sixth princess looked terrified and wanted to leave with their master.

  But the sixth princess looked at the table unwillingly and wrote the title herself.

   "What do you want to promise to compete with this princess?" Then, he asked Lin Xiaoyue.

   The more she feels that the person opposite has real skills, the more she wants to compare with her.

   If she just went back like this today, she would never be reconciled.

   Lin Xiaoyue's face flashed a touch of irritability, just about to get angry again.

  Ke suddenly thought of something, and his eyes moved instantly.

   "Okay." Immediately, the answer came down.

   The sixth princess was startled, and a look of surprise flashed in her eyes.

   "One thousand taels per question."

   "We take turns to give each other the question. Within a quarter of an hour, if the other party can give the correct answer, the person who asked the question will give the other one thousand taels of silver."

   "On the contrary, if the correct answer cannot be given within a quarter of an hour, the answerer will give one thousand taels of silver." Lin Xiaoyue said.

   You have to learn from her, right, then let's get some blood...

   If there is a lot of luck, she doesn't mind playing with her.

   The sixth princess heard Lin Xiaoyue's words, not only did not feel unreasonable, but there was even war in her eyes.

  Yes, there is no lottery, what's the point of them competing?

   One thousand taels per question, which is quite a lot of work.

   She is now looking forward to asking this Mrs. Li for advice.

   "Okay!" So, Princess Six's eyes lit up and she responded.

  The corners of Lin Xiaoyue's mouth also raised, and the eyes of the sixth princess were finally more pleasing to the eye.

   "When you ask the question, let this princess come first, just the one on the table. If you can answer the question, this princess will give you one thousand taels of silver." Soon, the sixth princess said.

  Lin Xiaoyue glanced at the sixth princess.

   "Okay!" replied with a smile.

   Immediately, he walked to the table.

   Then, I saw the title written on the paper.

   read the title silently in her mind, and Lin Xiaoyue was almost amused.

   Wasn't she given to Liang Chengcai before?

Although    is not exactly the same, the principle is the same.

   As soon as Lin Xiaoyue walked to the table, the sixth princess stared at Lin Xiaoyue's expression, seeing that she didn't panic when she saw the title, but took out a pen and paper from her sleeve with a calm expression.

   Then, the sixth princess quickly noticed that the paper and pen used by Lin Xiaoyue were completely different from those used by people nowadays.

  The paper she used was bound into a booklet. Neat lines were also drawn on it, dividing the paper into equal rows.

   And the pen she uses is even more amazing. It's not a brush, and you don't need to dip ink when writing.

   The point is that, despite this, the handwriting is thin and clear, even clearer than what a brush can write.

  The sixth princess was very curious and moved forward.

   Then, I saw Lin Xiaoyue draw a lot of symbols on the paper like ghosts, and then continued to write down.

   Immediately, after a while, Lin Xiaoyue looked happy and suddenly stopped sketching.

   "The answer is 250,000." He said.

While    was speaking, the pen also hooked up the final number calculated on the manuscript paper.

   The pupils of the sixth princess shrank, and she almost lost her footing.

   Immediately, he looked at the "ghost drawing symbol" circled by Lin Xiaoyue on the manuscript paper, and his eyes were full of shock.

   "You—how did you calculate it?!" Then, he looked at Lin Xiaoyue in disbelief.

   is too fast, from seeing the title to starting to do calculations on paper, it didn’t take half a cup of tea before and after!

  Lin Xiaoyue hooked her lips.

   "First, is my answer correct?" He looked at the sixth princess.

   "Yes... that's right." Sixth Princess hurriedly said.

  Lin Xiaoyue raised the corner of her lips again, and then she reached out to the sixth princess.

   "Then bring it." He said.

   The sixth princess was taken aback.

   Just wanted to ask "What?".

   Then, I suddenly thought of Caitou.

   So he turned back and looked at one of his maids.

   "Give this princess one thousand taels of silver notes." said to the maid.

   The maid's expression changed, she glanced at Lin Xiaoyue, and a flash of fear flashed in her eyes.

   Immediately, he reluctantly took out a thousand taels of silver and handed it to the sixth princess.

   "Princess—" Just wanted to persuade the Sixth Princess to let her not be fooled by the woman across from her.

  Unexpectedly, the sixth princess had already snatched the banknotes without looking at her.

   Immediately, he turned around and gave the bank note to Lin Xiaoyue.

   "Tell me, how did you calculate it?!" After paying the money, the sixth princess asked Lin Xiaoyue excitedly.

  Lin Xiaoyue accepted the bank note with a smile, and then gave the bank note to Zhao Shanshan and asked her to put it away.

   Then, he looked at the sixth princess.

   "There's nothing difficult about this problem, it's just a sum of arithmetic progressions."

   The sixth princess was stunned.

   "What? Arithmetic sequence? What is an arithmetic sequence?"

  Lin Xiaoyue saw that the sixth princess was dumbfounded, and was amused with a "puchi".

   "Forget it, you don't understand it."

   "I guess, at your level, to calculate this problem, you should add the first item and the last item. Then add the second item and the penultimate item."

   "In this way, reduce the formula in half, and then get the same addend. Then use multiplication, and after a quick operation, you get the result."

   "Really?" Lin Xiaoyue looked at the sixth princess.

   This is also an algorithm that she taught Liang Chengcai before when she taught him multiplication.

   At that time, she thought that there was no multiplication in this world. Later, when her business expanded and she had more contact with the accountant, she realized that there is actually multiplication and division in this world.

   It’s just that there aren’t that many people who know it, and even fewer can really use the nine-nine multiplication table with ease.

  Yes, in this world, there are actually nine-nine multiplication tables. It's just that the way of reciting is not as concise as it is in the 21st century.

  The sixth princess listened to Lin Xiaoyue's explanation and found that although she did not understand some words, she could still guess what Lin Xiaoyue wanted to express.

   "Yes, this is what this princess did." After listening, the sixth princess nodded.

   "What do you mean, there is a more convenient algorithm for this question?" Immediately, he asked Lin Xiaoyue again.

  Lin Xiaoyue smiled and nodded.

   "Naturally there is." He said.

   Six princesses' eyes lit up.

   "How to calculate?!" He asked quickly.

  Because he was too excited, he even grabbed Lin Xiaoyue's arm.

   Lin Xiaoyue's expression quickly subsided, and then she looked down at the sixth princess and grabbed her hand.

   Six princesses smiled awkwardly, and then let go of Lin Xiaoyue.

   "How to calculate, why did Mrs. Ben tell you?" Lin Xiaoyue continued.

   The expression of the six princesses changed.

   Immediately thought of something, he quickly said, "I-I'll pay! One thousand taels, I'll give you one thousand taels, how about you tell me?" He looked at Lin Xiaoyue expectantly.

  The two maids of the sixth princess and Zhao Shanshan next to Lin Xiaoyue were all taken aback.

What? Another thousand taels?

   Their princess is too generous, right? /Her lady is too good at making money, right?

  Lin Xiaoyue's face softened again when she heard that the sixth princess would give one thousand taels.

   "Bring it." Immediately, he reached out to the sixth princess again.

  The sixth princess looked happy, turned back immediately, and reached out to her maid again.

   The maid looked struggling.

   "Princess—" wanted to persuade.

   "What are you doing? Hurry up and bring it!" Unexpectedly, he was interrupted by his own princess before he finished speaking.

   took the purse out of it, and just wanted to get the silver note from it.

  Unexpectedly, the sixth princess quickly reached out and snatched her purse directly.

   Then, everyone saw the Sixth Princess take out all the silver notes in the purse.

   nodded, then took out the one with the largest denomination and handed it to Lin Xiaoyue.

  Lin Xiaoyue glanced at the remaining silver notes in the princess's hand, with a pity on her face.

   took the bank note, and immediately gave it to Zhao Shanshan.

   Zhao Shanshan's expression brightened, she hurriedly received the bank note and put it in her purse.

   These happy little eyes are in stark contrast to the Sixth Princess maid who just took out her purse.

   After receiving the money, Lin Xiaoyue stopped hiding and walked to the table.

   put the small book in his hand on the table, holding a signature pen in his hand, and began to explain to the sixth princess.

   "The so-called arithmetic sequence is a sequence in which, starting from the second term, the difference between each term and its previous term is equal to the same constant. This constant is called the tolerance of the arithmetic sequence."

Seeing that the sixth princess didn't understand, Lin Xiaoyue explained again, "It's like this question you asked. Its second addend is three, and the third is five. You subtract the first from the second, and the third Three terms, minus the second term, or even the last term, minus the penultimate term, and you get the same number. It's all two."

   Seeing the sixth princess nod, Lin Xiaoyue continued: "Such a sequence is called an arithmetic sequence. And this two is the tolerance of this arithmetic sequence."

  The sixth princess nodded again.

   "There is actually a quick formula for adding arithmetic progressions like this. After you bring the numbers in, you can get the result directly."

   Six princesses' eyes lit up.

   Lin Xiaoyue just left an extra line and began to write the formula for the sum of arithmetic progressions.

   "That is, the sum of the arithmetic sequence is equal to the addition and summation of the first and last terms, multiplied by the number of terms, and finally the result is divided by two."

   The Sixth Princess didn't quite understand it, but she could see the formula written by Lin Xiaoyue on the paper, but she understood it. (Because Lin Xiaoyue wrote arithmetic in order to take care of the sixth princess, using the writing style of this era.)

   "For example, in this question, the first item is one, the last item is nine hundred and ninety-nine, and the sum is one thousand."

   "After that, multiply one thousand by five hundred, and you get half a million."

   "Divide 500,000 by two to get the final number of 250,000."

   (end of this chapter)

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