Chapter 402 402 Win Money

  The sixth princess followed Lin Xiaoyue's calculations, and nodded while listening and watching.

   "This formula is valid for the sum of all arithmetic progressions. You can now make your own questions and try it out." Lin Xiaoyue added.

  The sixth princess glanced at Lin Xiaoyue and was suspicious.

   Immediately, he really picked up the brush and began to measure.

   Consecutively calculated several questions, and found that the situation was indeed consistent with what Lin Xiaoyue said, and the sixth princess was shocked and admired.

   After the sixth princess stopped writing, Lin Xiaoyue continued: "In addition to this formula, there is another formula."

   "What's the formula?" The sixth princess immediately became interested.

   "In addition to the calculation method just now, the sum of the arithmetic sequence is also equal to the sum of the first term multiplied by the number of terms, plus the difference between the number of terms multiplied by the number of terms minus one multiplied by the tolerance divided by two."

   "You can follow this formula now and do the math," Lin Xiaoyue reminded.

   Six Princesses hurriedly followed suit.

   After a while, it was found that the results were still the same.

   At this moment, the eyes of the sixth princess looking at Lin Xiaoyue have turned into adoration.

   Really is a master of arithmetic! Master of masters!

   Strange that Mr. Liang would admire her so much.

  Lin Xiaoyue felt somewhat useful.

"Looking at your purse, you probably only have one thousand taels left. I will also give you a question now. If you answer correctly, I will pay you back one thousand taels. If you make a mistake, we will discuss it this morning. That's it." Then, he said to the sixth princess.

  It's a pity, this guy only brought more than 3,000 taels of silver to go out.

  Otherwise, she might have to make a fortune today.

   Sixth Princess glanced at the purse in her hand and nodded.

   As for the knowledge of arithmetic sequence that Mrs. Li told her just now, she had to spend a lot of time absorbing and sorting it out.

   If she learns more today, she will be too busy.

   You can't chew too much. Anyway, Mrs. Li still has to live in the National Teacher's House for a while, and she has more opportunities.

   Oh, yes, don't forget it.

   After we go back, we have to send someone back to the Princess' Mansion to get more silver taels.

  Otherwise, if there is no luck, Mrs. Li may not be able to "compete" with her again.

   Thinking that she could learn arithmetic with Madam Li in the future, the sixth princess felt that she was bubbling with beauty.

   And the maid who helped the sixth princess hold the money was also relieved at this time.

   There is only more than a thousand taels left, otherwise, her princess would have to lose all the money today.

   This maid still doesn't know her princess' plan at this time, otherwise she will be so angry that she vomits blood.

  Lin Xiaoyue came to the table, picked up the pen and thought about it.

   Only then did I start sketching and conceptualizing in my notebook.

  The sixth princess has been exposed to multiplication and division, and has a certain foundation in arithmetic. She is really worried that she will not be able to take the test for ordinary questions.

  Lin Xiaoyue initially thought to come up with a chicken-and-rabbit co-cage problem with a linear equation in two variables.

   After thinking about it, I increased the difficulty and came up with an application problem of a three-dimensional linear equation.

   In this era, there is no arithmetic method of solving equations. Within a quarter of an hour, the probability that the sixth princess can solve the answer is not high.

   "My topic is ready." Suddenly, Lin Xiaoyue said.

   Six Princesses immediately came up.

   Lin Xiaoyue took away her notebook.

   "I'll read it, you write it. After you've written the question, you can solve it. The time for writing the question doesn't count, and you will be given an extra quarter of an hour after you finish writing." Lin Xiaoyue said.

   Her handwriting is really not very good-looking, so don't be ashamed.

   When the Sixth Princess heard it, writing the question by herself was equivalent to reading the question. The time to write the question is not included, it is more beneficial to yourself.

   responded immediately.

"to make!"

Lin Xiaoyue then said: "There is a guy who went to the same grocery store for three consecutive days to buy things. Every time he bought three kinds of items, A, B and C. On the first day, he bought two items A and one item B. , and a small item, costing a total of seventeen pennies."

   "The next day, I bought one item A, two items D and one item C, and spent a total of fourteen pennies."

   "On the third day, I bought another item A, one item B, and two items D, which cost a total of thirteen pennies."

  Lin Xiaoyue controlled the speed of her speech, allowing the sixth princess to keep up with her narrative.

   Six princesses wrote hard, but they didn't fall. But the more he wrote down, the more solemn his expression became.

   I feel like I can’t handle this problem myself.

   "On the fourth day, this guy needs to report the bill, and then I remembered that I forgot what the price of each item was."

   "Now, please ask the princess to help this group calculate, what is the unit price of each of the three items, A, B, and C." Lin Xiaoyue said with a smile.

   Six Princesses quickly recorded the last question.

   Immediately, he frowned at the title.

   Lin Xiaoyue raised the corner of her mouth when she saw this.

   "In order to make it easier for the princess to calculate the result, I set the unit prices of these three items relatively low, all within ten. In a quarter of an hour, the princess still has the opportunity to calculate the result."

   "If the princess is all right, I will start the timer." Lin Xiaoyue said again.

   Sixth Princess frowned, "Let's get started." But she still said.

   Immediately, he picked up the brush and counted on the manuscript paper.

   But Lin Xiaoyue didn't look at it, but went to sit at the coffee table and let Zhao Shanshan make herself a cup of tea.

   Then, he drank leisurely.

   The whole process remained quiet, which did not affect the performance of the Sixth Princess.

   Compared to Lin Xiaoyue's leisure, the Sixth Princess is different.

   I saw that the sixth princess was sullen the whole time, constantly writing on the manuscript paper, and constantly overturning her previous settings.

   After a while, even the sweat on his forehead came out.

   Finally, after a cup of tea, the sixth princess felt hopeless to solve the problem, and gave up the meaning of giving up.

   Lin Xiaoyue, who was not far away, saw that the sixth princess had stopped writing and sat down on the chair in a dejected manner, with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

   "This is the sixth princess, have you solved the answer?" Lin Xiaoyue asked with a smile, putting down the teacup in her hand.

   Sixth Princess sighed and finally got up.

   "I give up." Immediately said to Lin Xiaoyue.

   Lin Xiaoyue's eyes widened.

   "There's still about half a cup of tea, so don't try it again?" he asked with a smile.

  The sixth princess smiled helplessly, and reached out to wipe the sweat from her forehead.

   "If you don't try, keep going, and you won't get it."

   Immediately, he took out his wallet.

   walked over and directly gave Lin Xiaoyue the entire purse.

   "Sir, please tell me the answer directly. Apart from the 1,000 taels of silver, the rest is the reward for explaining my doubts to me." Sixth Princess said.

   This time, he actually called Lin Xiaoyue "Sir". This also represents the respect of the sixth princess to Lin Xiaoyue.

  Yes, respect.

   Such a master of arithmetic is naturally worthy of the title "Mr.".

  Lin Xiaoyue weighed the weight of her purse and thought about it, but she opened the purse.

   Immediately, he took out a thousand taels of silver bills and returned the purse to the sixth princess.

  Under the suspicious gaze of the sixth princess, he said: "This topic involves more arithmetic knowledge than the previous topic. To explain it to you, you must first explain other knowledge to pave the way. If you want to explain it clearly, it will be more troublesome."

   "And I've been on the road for a few days, and I really don't have the heart to teach people at this time. So, you should keep the money yourself." Lin Xiaoyue smiled.

  To talk about ternary linear equations, we have to start with equations.

After   , we will talk about equations, one variable, two variables, and three variables. It was indeed a bit laborious.

   In the purse of the sixth princess, after removing one thousand taels, the rest was only three or four hundred taels of silver.

   For these three or four hundred taels of silver, it is not worth wasting your time.

   Well, she is floating now, and the money is in front of her, and she doesn't want to earn it.

  Mainly, she found that she seemed a little hungry now...

   Six princesses wanted to fight for one or two.

   When she heard Lin Xiaoyue say that she had been driving for several days in a row, she suddenly felt a sense of guilt.

Mr.    really worked hard. He just arrived in Kyoto and was just making up his sleep, but she woke him up.

   "No—it's fine, next time, Wan Ning will ask Mr. for advice." Thinking of this, the Sixth Princess said. He also gave Lin Xiaoyue a salute.

  Lin Xiaoyue was slightly surprised, and nodded to the sixth princess.

   Immediately, he walked over and said the answer.

   "The unit price of item A is six yuan, the price of item B is three yuan, and the price of item C is two yuan. You can calculate it."

   Six Princesses hurriedly wrote down the answer.

   is then brought into the question for calculation.

   found that they were all right, and the eyes of the sixth princess lit up.

   "Mr. Talented! Wanning is convinced!" Immediately, she saluted Lin Xiaoyue again.

  Lin Xiaoyue smiled.

   "Princess is very polite."

   "If there is nothing else—" Lin Xiaoyue issued an evacuation order.

   Now he actually has no bad impression of these six princesses, but she is hungry and really doesn't have the mood to continue chatting with her.

   An embarrassment flashed across the face of the sixth princess.

   "'s all right...then, Wanning bids farewell..." After bowing to Lin Xiaoyue again, the Sixth Princess left with her.

When    left, he also took away the manuscript papers he recorded on the table.

   When the people went out, Zhao Shanshan couldn't help laughing.

   "Miss, they, they..."

   Lin Xiaoyue glared at Zhao Shanshan.

   The other party is the sixth princess, she doesn't give the other party face, after all, she is now a guest of the National Teacher's House, and the other party is the first to bully.

   But a maid, laughing at Her Royal Highness the princess is gone.

   Zhao Shanshan immediately put away her smile.

   At the same time, some vigilance was raised in my heart.

   "The sixth princess has already come here, why didn't you wake me up?" Lin Xiaoyue asked.

   Actually, she was woken up by the sixth princess. He just got up from the bed without opening his eyes.

The quality of sleep during the period after    was actually not good.

   "I—Oh, I wanted to tell the sixth princess the truth and called you. But the sixth princess, she didn't give me that chance." Zhao Shanshan took Lin Xiaoyue's arm and said coquettishly.

   She also felt that maybe she could handle the Sixth Princess. This way, you don't have to disturb the lady's rest.

  Who knows, I finally woke up the lady.

  Lin Xiaoyue glanced at Zhao Shanshan angrily.

   "Forget it. You go to the kitchen and take a look. Bring some food. This lady is hungry." He said lightly.

   Zhao Shanshan's face was happy.

   "Yes!" replied quickly.

   Immediately, he went out the door.

   Just after leaving the yard, Zhao Shanshan saw Li Xiao and Fan Teng.

   and Steward Liu who were blocked by two people outside the yard.

   Zhao Shanshan didn't ask any further questions and went to the kitchen.

   Later, Lin Xiaoyue found out that it was not long after the sixth princess arrived in the plum garden, butler Liu brought people there.

   Even after that, Liang Chengcai also came.

   But none of these people dared to enter the plum garden, they just watched from the outside.

   It was only discovered by Li Xiao and Fan Teng that they were blocked outside for questioning.

   When Zhao Shanshan saw Liu Steward and others, Liang Chengcai had already left.

   Where to go? Naturally, she went after the sixth princess.

  , of course, is the manuscript paper in the hands of the Sixth Princess.

   Actually, not only the sixth princess, Liang Chengcai also wanted to learn more arithmetic knowledge from Lin Xiaoyue.

   With the instructions of the National Teacher, and Li Xiao was in the plum garden, he didn't have the courage to approach Lin Xiaoyue.

   Now that he saw the Sixth Princess "returning with a reward", he naturally had to go and see it.

   Zhao Shanshan went to the kitchen, and after asking, did she know that the kitchen had prepared a sumptuous meal for their young lady, and the portion was still large.

   Zhao Shanshan was not polite. He couldn't take so much by himself, so he called two people from the kitchen to bring the meal back to the plum garden.

   In the end, Lin Xiaoyue did not eat this meal alone.

  Li Xiao entered Lin Xiaoyue's room, and the two of them had the meal together.

   In the afternoon, the sixth princess and Liang Chengcai were busy discussing the arithmetic knowledge on the manuscript paper taught by Lin Xiaoyue, as well as the algorithm and ideas for calculating the problem that Lin Xiaoyue posed. No one came to disturb Lin Xiaoyue.

  Lin Xiaoyue was relatively leisurely, so she called Li Xiao and prepared to cook some delicious food to honor the national teacher.

   When Master Guo Shi got the news, he naturally joined.

   Came to the plum garden and saw Lin Xiaoyue with Li Xiao and the two servants busy, which was very novel.

After   , the national teacher was caught by Lin Xiaoyue and joined the busy ranks.

   Wearing meat skewers, preparing seasonings, etc., it is fun and lively.

   While doing things, the National Teacher can listen to his granddaughter and little maid and chat with him.

   Hearing what happened in the plum garden in the morning, the national teacher was full of smiles.

   As expected of his granddaughter, she is smart.

   As soon as he made his move, he defeated the mighty Sixth Princess.

  Haha, he was wondering just now, why is it so lively here, and that kid Chengcai didn't come to join in the fun.

  The feeling is to go to Jinxiu Pavilion to ask the sixth princess for advice.

   Those two have the same temperament...

   Prepared all afternoon, and in the evening, Lin Xiaoyue finally let the fire start.

  Lin Xiaoyue personally operated in front of the barbecue grill, and brought Li Xiao to kebabs for everyone.

  With the combination of spices, the aroma of barbecue wafts out of the plum garden and spreads far and wide.

   And the laughter in the plum garden also attracted the attention of the people under the Guoshifu.

   Butler Liu took a few servants and watched from a place not far from the plum garden.

   Hearing the laughter from the plum garden, even including the laughter of the national teacher, a burst of shock surged in my heart.

  What are you doing in this plum garden? It's also so fragrant.

   And what kind of magic does Madam Li have? Not only did his son and the sixth princess convince him, but now he even coaxed the national teacher into such a happy state.

   That is the National Teacher. Since he entered the National Teacher's House, I have never seen the National Teacher laugh once.

   (end of this chapter)

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