Chapter 403 403 Fragrance

   But this afternoon, he didn't know how many laughter he heard from the returning teachers.

   On the other side, Liang Chengcai and the sixth princess discussed what Lin Xiaoyue taught the sixth princess for an afternoon.

   Until they smelled the fragrance from the plum garden, they both felt hungry in their stomachs, so they stopped discussing the algorithm of the question posed by Lin Xiaoyue.

   After an afternoon of discussion, the sixth princess had a good impression of Liang Chengcai and personally sent Liang Chengcai out of the Jinxiu Pavilion.

   "I don't know where this fragrance comes from? I can't help but feel greedy when I smell it." The sixth princess smiled and asked Liang Chengcai.

  I wanted to find out the source of the delicious food with Liang Chengcai by the way, so I could send a maid to ask later, and then get some back.

   She is not only fond of arithmetic, but also very fond of food.

  There are outsiders at the moment, so she didn't act rude.

   Liang Chengcai also had doubts on his face.

   "Chengcai is also the first time in the National Teacher's House to smell such a fragrance. You have to ask to know the source of the fragrance." He replied.

   The smell was really fragrant, and it made him drool a little.

   The sixth princess was taken aback.

   There was an impulse in my heart.

   Then, in the end, he was unable to suppress this urge.

   "The princess will go with her husband to see where the fragrance comes from," he said.

   Liang Chengcai's face flashed with surprise.

   "Sixth Princess, please." Immediately, he responded.

   The two walked out of Jinxiu Pavilion together.

   After walking for a while, I met a servant in the house.

   After asking, I knew the source of the fragrance.

   They were both surprised when they learned that Meiyuan was actually doing some kind of barbecue, and the National Teacher was also involved.

   "Mr. is really amazing. Not only is he good at arithmetic, but he is also good at cooking such delicacies!" The sixth princess quickly exclaimed.

   "No, this princess has to go and have a look." Then, he said again quickly.

After    finished speaking, he ignored Liang Chengcai, raised his feet and prepared to go to the plum garden.

   Just took a few steps and thought of something, the sixth princess hurriedly stopped again.

   "It's not good to eat for nothing."

   "Lu'er—" Then, the sixth princess looked at one of the maids who followed not far behind.

   "Yes." The maid named Lu'er hurriedly bowed.

   "Go and fetch this princess' half jar of Hundred Flowers Brew and send it to the plum garden." Sixth Princess said.

   Hundred Flowers Brew, that was the fine wine that her father gave her half a year ago.

  Because I was reluctant to drink it, half a year passed, so I only drank half the jar.

   is also a coincidence, this time she was invited to live in the National Teacher's House, and she brought Baihua Brewing with the idea of ​​​​living for a longer time.

   Now it's just right, you can send the wine to the plum garden and drink it with Mr. and the National Teacher.

   Little green face flashed a struggle.

   "Yes!" He replied immediately, and hurriedly turned around to get the wine.

  Princess is really getting better and better towards that Madam Li, but that one doesn't seem to be very friendly to their princess...

   But forget it, the princess always respects math masters.

   That Madam Li has excellent arithmetic ability and deserves the princess's attention.

   When Liang Chengcai saw this, his heart also moved.

   Mrs. Li and Master were both there, and they were enjoying the food together. He also wanted to join in the fun.

   However, the Sixth Princess prepared the precious Hundred Flowers Brew. What can he send?

   His mind moved, and Liang Chengcai finally had some clues.

   "Someone." Then he shouted behind him.

   Soon, someone came over.

   "Young Master." He bowed and saluted Liang Chengcai.

   "Go to Songhuayuan and get the basket of fruits that my father sent. After washing it, put it on a plate and send it to the plum garden." Liang Chengcai said.

   He doesn't drink much, and he doesn't have any precious drinks.

   Right now, it is suitable to send to the plum garden, and it seems that there is only the basket of fruits.

Although the    ceremony was a little lighter, it was fortunately appropriate.

   "Yes!" The servant responded and hurriedly left.

  The sixth princess looked back at Liang Chengcai.

   The corner of his mouth raised a smile.

   "Since Mr. Liang is also going, let's go together." He said.

   Just right, her husband didn't have a good impression of her. She went there alone, and was worried about being embarrassed by her husband.

   There is someone going with her, so she can feel more at ease.

   Liang Chengcai responded and walked with the sixth princess again.

   On the way, the two deliberately controlled their speed, walked very slowly, and deliberately took a detour.

The purpose of    is to leave time for the next people, and I hope to be able to enter the plum garden after the things are sent to the plum garden.

   The speed of the people did not disappoint the two of them, and they quickly sent the things to the plum garden.

  Lin Xiaoyue saw the things that the two of them sent, and she didn't refuse, she stayed.

   Immediately, not long after the servants left the plum garden, the sixth princess and Liang Chengcai arrived.

   Since it is a gift from others, there is no reason to reject others.

   As a result, the sixth princess and Liang Chengcai were also able to stay smoothly.

   "Sir, I want this, this, and this! Can you bake it for me?" The sixth princess quickly rushed to Lin Xiaoyue and ordered a lot of skewers.

   "There is a plate next to it, take what you want to eat by yourself. Take it and send it over, and I will teach you to bake." Lin Xiaoyue said while busy.

   She wasn't going to be the kebab chef all the time.

   Now that she has baked herself, she is ready to withdraw.

   After saying this, Lin Xiaoyue thought that the sixth princess would be angry, and then asked someone to bake it for her.

   As a result, unexpectedly, Lin Xiaoyue saw her eyes light up.

   "Okay! Thank you sir!" Immediately, the sixth princess said even more.

   Then, hurry up to get the skewers.

   Liang Chengcai followed behind the sixth princess, glanced at Lin Xiaoyue and Li Xiao, and followed.

   Compared with the excitement of the sixth princess, he actually didn't want to get started with grilling skewers.

   But in this situation, the sixth princess has to get started on her own, what else can he say?

   After a while, the sixth princess chose her own skewer, and happily came to Lin Xiaoyue's side.

   "You watch from the side to see how I operate."

   "I've finished roasting these skewers, and later, you will get started." Lin Xiaoyue said while busy.

   "Okay!" The Sixth Princess agreed readily.

   Lin Xiaoyue's subordinate Ma Liu, then told the sixth princess about the precautions for barbecue and the use of various seasonings.

   Six princesses listened and looked very seriously.

   After a while, he actually took over Lin Xiaoyue's position, and under Lin Xiaoyue's guidance, he was busy with his work.

  Although I have never done such a thing before, the sixth princess didn't find it annoying, but found it very interesting and worked very hard.

   After a while, Lin Xiaoyue saw that the sixth princess had mastered the barbecue method.

   Only then did I feel relieved to give up my seat, and left with the skewers that I grilled myself.

   At the same time, Li Xiao also gave up his position to Liang Chengcai.

   Unlike Lin Xiaoyue, he did not teach Liang Chengcai how to cook barbecue.

   As for Liang Chengcai's own inability to bake, that's none of his business.

  Liang Chengcai glanced at the fireworks-filled barbecue grill, his expression a little resisted.

   But after being greeted by the sixth princess, he went to her side.

   Then, he changed into the outfit that Li Xiao wore before.

   "Don't be afraid, it's quite easy to bake this! Come on, I'll teach you!" Sixth Princess said enthusiastically.

   She has now successfully mastered the essence of grilling, and she has tasted it just now, and the taste of the grill is similar to that of Mr.

   Thinking of this, the Sixth Princess was very happy.

   I felt that if I asked Lin Xiaoyue for some more barbecue seasonings, I would be able to grill myself in the house in the future.

  The taste of this barbecue, she thinks it is really good.

   Liang Chengcai was feeling powerless in the face of what was in front of him.

   Hearing that the Sixth Princess was willing to teach herself, she naturally agreed.

   Then, the scene of the sixth princess instructing Liang Chengcai to roast and barbecue appeared next.

   Not far away, Lin Xiaoyue and others were already sitting together.

  Liu Wuji was next to Lin Xiaoyue, followed by Zhao Shanshan, then Li Xiao and Fan Teng.

   Sitting like this is mainly because of Li Xiao's current external identity, he is only Lin Xiaoyue's bodyguard and cannot sit next to Lin Xiaoyue.

   But despite this, Li Xiao looked at Lin Xiaoyue from time to time, as if he couldn't do anything if he wanted to care.

  Liu Wuji felt very interesting when he saw this.

   While chatting with Lin Xiaoyue, he also glanced at his disciple from time to time.

   "Master Guoshi, you can try this spicy skewer, it tastes very good too. It is one of the special snacks in our 'Quick Access' snack bar."

   Suddenly, Lin Xiaoyue took two strings of boiled spicy skewers from the small pot on the table and handed them to Liu Wuji.

  Yes, in addition to barbecue, she also prepared two small pots of spicy soup for cooking spicy skewers.

  Liu Wuji smiled and hurriedly took it.

   "The old man has to try it." His eyes almost crooked with laughter.

  Lin Xiaoyue also had a smile on her face, waiting for Liu Wuji to eat the spicy skewers she gave, looking forward to seeing the astonishing expression of the National Teacher.

  Hehe, her spicy skewers will be a snack that the National Teachers will praise in the future.

  Liu Wuji did not live up to Lin Xiaoyue's expectations and quickly started eating.

  As a result, just as the meat was in the mouth, I was surprised by this fragrant and spicy taste.

   "Delicious!" Liu Wuji said slightly exaggeratedly.

   On the one hand, I want to make my granddaughter who is staring at me happy, on the other hand, I really think the spicy skewers taste good.

   At this time, Master Guo Shi finally understood why his granddaughter's snack bar business was so prosperous.

  With such delicious snacks, it’s no wonder that business is booming.

   Lin Xiaoyue was instantly amused.

   At the same time, the rest of the people on the table also laughed.

  The Sixth Princess and Liang Chengcai, who were not far away, also heard laughter.

  The Sixth Princess, who has always been a bit of a lively person, immediately looked over.

   Seeing people talking and laughing on the other side, Master Guo Shi even seemed to have changed his personality, from unattainable to amiable, and wanted to join in the fun.

   "These meat skewers won't be grilled anymore, let's go with them!" Sixth Princess said quickly.

   Liang Chengcai glanced at the few remaining skewers, and nodded.

   There are other things to eat on the table over there. It’s okay for them to bake some skewers less.

   He is really not used to grilling this barbecue.

   So, the two continued to get busy.

   After a while, with the accelerated work of the Sixth Princess, the remaining meat skewers were finally cooked.

   "Complete!" The Sixth Princess said excitedly.

   Then, he started putting the skewers on the plate.

After the    was put away, the sixth princess took off her apron.

   Immediately, without seeing her waiting for Liang Chengcai, carrying two large plates of barbecue skewers, he walked over to the opposite table with a smile.

   "The barbecue skewers are ready!" He said loudly as he walked.

  Everyone looked at the sixth princess, and they were a little surprised to see her "heroic" appearance.

   But they also all smiled, feeling that the princess was more "grounded".

  The six princesses quickly took their seats, and relying on their familiar personality, they quickly reached a consensus with everyone.

   "This is the first time this princess has eaten such delicious barbecue skewers and spicy skewers!" After eating the two types of skewers, the sixth princess did not hide her love for the two types of skewers.

   "Sir, don't you really think about opening a branch in Kyoto for your 'Fast Up' snack bar?" Thinking that she might not be able to eat such delicious food in the future, the Sixth Princess showed a pity on her face.

   Lin Xiaoyue's heart moved.

   "Not necessarily." After thinking about it, he said.

   Now it is going fast and the expansion of the territory is slowing down, in order to wait for the result of the Three Kingdoms peace talks.

  If the peace talks go well, the war will not continue, and if you go fast, you will naturally continue to expand.

  Kyoto is the capital of Yan Kingdom and is very prosperous.

   It is of great significance to come to Kyoto to open a store.

   It’s just that if you come to Kyoto, the people of the Chiwu Army will have to choose carefully.

   Even, for safety's sake, it's best not to use it. Avoid being discovered.

   When the six princesses heard this, their eyes lit up.

   "Can that princess join in?" asked Lin Xiaoyue unexpectedly.

   As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Lin Xiaoyue.

  Lin Xiaoyue was stunned.

   "This princess doesn't have many franchisees, so she wants to open a chain store near the princess mansion. In this way, when you want to eat, you can go directly to the store to pick it up." Sixth Princess added.

   As soon as he thought that he would be able to eat spicy skewers nearby in the future, the sixth princess felt beautiful in her heart.

  Everyone looked at the Sixth Princess, with some admiration in their hearts.

  The store is just for the convenience of eating, this one is really free to do whatever he wants...

   "It's done! When the store opening plan in Kyoto is finalized, the Sixth Princess will be notified." Lin Xiaoyue responded.

   is just a chain store, there is nothing wrong with it.

  The important thing is that if a fast-moving chain store has a princess to join, the meaning is very different.

  With such a relationship, it can save a lot of trouble when the time comes.

   "That's great, thank you sir!" The sixth princess hurriedly thanked Lin Xiaoyue and raised her glass to Lin Xiaoyue.

   Hehe, there will be delicious food in the future. And, doing business with Mr., has their relationship been brought closer...

  Lin Xiaoyue smiled and raised her glass to the sixth princess.

   The more she got in touch, the more she found that the sixth princess was not as unpleasant as before.

   Everyone ate and drank for a while, and the sixth princess talked about the arithmetic test in the palace tomorrow.

   "According to this princess, there is actually no need to hold any assessment. If there is a gentleman, you will definitely win the leader." The sixth princess said, looking at Lin Xiaoyue with admiration.

   is true worship.

  This afternoon, she and Mr. Liang discussed the topic raised by Mr. Liang for a long time.

   In the end, he found that, except for testing with numbers, he couldn’t think of a specific calculation method at all.

   Mr. Ke said that there is actually a calculation method for that question.

   (end of this chapter)

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