Hot Farmer’s Wife: Buying a Husband for the Farm

Chapter 406: 406 True talent and practical learning

   Chapter 406 406 True Talents and Real Learning

  Emperor Yan was still stunned, Liu Wuji had already laughed out loud.

   stroked his white beard with a look of satisfaction.

   "Yes, yes! That girl, did you get full marks?" asked the examiner.

   The examiner had a smile on his face.

   "Master National Teacher is like a god, and it is indeed a full score." Chongliu Wuji saluted.

   As soon as these words came out, there was another uproar.

What? The first woman to submit the paper, still got full marks?

   She answered all the questions correctly?

   Looking at the large number of blanks left on their exam papers, many people sighed in their hearts.

   Did they despise someone else as a woman before? I feel that people come to participate in the assessment, which is beyond their capabilities.

   Now it seems…

   Emperor Yan was also startled.

   Immediately, he frowned and looked at Liu Wuji displeasedly.

   The suspicion in my heart was raised several degrees.

   perfect score? how is this possible?

   He deliberately set the assessment time of three quarters of an hour, not so that people could answer all the questions.

The purpose of    is to allow candidates to answer as many questions as possible within a limited time.

   But that woman, she answered all of them, and all the answers were correct.

   What does this mean?

   Liu Wuji looked back at Emperor Yan with a smile on his face.

   Never thought that he would be suspected by Emperor Yan.

   When Emperor Yan saw this, it was not good for him to directly confront his own national teacher, so he could only bear it.

   After all, the examiner has already said that the woman got a perfect score in the exam. If he questioned it now, he could only slap the national teacher in the face.

  You can let him just watch the national teacher Hu Lai, but he can't do it.

  Fortunately, there is still an assessment next.

   In the second test, he will change the subject and will not let the woman pass the test again.

   Lin Xiaoyue was waiting outside at this time.

   Eating refreshments and drinking tea is very pleasant.

   didn't know what was going on in the Imperial Garden.

   Finally, with the sound of a gong, the first assessment time ended.

  The guards began to come forward to collect the test papers.

   Immediately, the candidates left the venue one after another and waited outside.

   Six Princesses and Liang Chengcai came out at about the same time.

When    came out, the two were still checking the answers to some questions.

   After seeing Lin Xiaoyue, the two quickly walked towards Lin Xiaoyue.

   What is the correct answer? Would it be better to ask Mr./Mrs. Li directly?

   People got full marks in the test, so asking her is the most accurate.

   Immediately, after a while, Lin Xiaoyue learned that she had a perfect score in the exam.

   Facing the adoring gazes of the Sixth Princess and Liang Chengcai, as well as the seemingly non-existent gazes cast from elsewhere, Lin Xiaoyue looked calm.

   Full marks, as expected...

   Soon, the sixth princess and Liang Chengcai asked Lin Xiaoyue the answers to some of the questions.

   Lin Xiaoyue couldn't remember the question number.

   After listening to the two describe the content of the question, she can also answer which question it is.

   Immediately, he told the two of his answers.

   After the two of them listened, some laughed and others were annoyed.

   Soon, the two asked Lin Xiaoyue again, some questions they hadn't answered.

  Lin Xiaoyue also told the two of her ideas for solving the problem.

   After listening to this, the two were amazed, and their admiration for Lin Xiaoyue deepened.

   At the same time, some test takers gradually gathered over to listen to Lin Xiaoyue's explanation of how to solve the problem.

   The more I listen, the more I admire it!

   It is worthy of being recommended by the National Teacher's Office. Lord National Teacher's eyes are like torches, and he really knows his talents.

   This woman is the top of the list!

   After a while, the list finally came out while the candidates waited anxiously.

   As expected, Lin Xiaoyue took the top spot.

  The second place is not the sixth princess or Liang Chengcai, but a person named Mo Fei.

   The third place is Liang Chengcai.

   And the sixth princess was only ranked fifth.

   Seeing the list, the sixth princess almost didn't cry. Suddenly, he threw himself into Lin Xiaoyue's arms.

   She didn't even make the top three!

   If you don't make it, it's fine, you only got sixth in the test.

   She was struck.

  Lin Xiaoyue patted the sixth princess on the back funny.

   "Okay, victory or defeat is a common thing in military affairs. A defeat is nothing. Isn't there a second assessment next? Just try to catch up."

   After hearing this, the Sixth Princess really felt better.

   "Yeah! I will definitely try my best to compete with the envoy of Chu Jin with your husband!" Wiping away the tears from the corners of her eyes, the sixth princess said firmly.

  Lin Xiaoyue smiled and nodded.


   Immediately, Eunuch Hu appeared and asked the guards to invite those who failed the list out of the palace gate.

   invited the twenty people on the list to re-enter the examination room.

   This time, everyone stood in accordance with the ranking and sat behind the first twenty desks.

   Lin Xiaoyue only found out at this time that it turned out that the second place was an old man.

   And looking at the twenty people on the list, there are very few young people, and almost all of them are middle-aged and elderly people.

   Could it be that seeing Lin Xiaoyue looking at her, she nodded at her.

   Just now, when he was waiting for his grades, he joined the others and listened to this guy's explanation of some topics.

   found that although this man was young, his arithmetic skills were really high. He also admired it in his heart.

  Lin Xiaoyue was stunned for a moment, and then she nodded at the other party.

   "哐——" At this moment, the gong was struck again.

   Everyone looked up.

   Eunuch Hu raised his voice and opened his mouth again.

   "Next, is the second assessment."

   "In this assessment, the sage will personally choose the questions, and everyone will answer them in a unified manner. After a cup of tea, write the answers. Those who answer correctly can continue to participate in the assessment. Those who answer incorrectly, leave the venue."

   "The assessment will continue until only three people are eliminated."

   "If there are less than three people left after the elimination, the final elimination will be played in an extra match, and the number of people will be selected to make up the quota."

   After finishing speaking, Duke Hu looked at everyone off the field.

   "Everyone, do you understand?"

   "Understood." The crowd responded.

   Eunuch Da Hu looked satisfied, and then looked at Emperor Yan.

   Emperor Yan nodded.

   Eunuch Hu looked at the guard not far away again.

   "The first question." He said.

   As soon as the voice fell, the two guards brought a scroll over.

After   , expand.

  The scroll is very large, so that everyone who can refer to it is enough to see the content of the topic above.

   "哐——" A gong sounded, and Eunuch Hu announced that he could start answering.

  Lin Xiaoyue looked at the questions on the scroll and began to read the questions silently.

   While reading, take note of key points.

  Because her reading speed is relatively slow, everyone else has finished reading the question, and after calculating, she is still looking at the question with her head held high.

   Seeing this situation, there was a hint of irony in Emperor Yan's eyes.

   Surprised? The topic that was originally set was actually changed by me.

   I can't cheat this time, I want to see, how can you stay here?

  Liu Wuji saw Lin Xiaoyue's unhurried appearance. Although it was a little strange, he appreciated it very much.

  Looking at this calm and calm appearance, his granddaughter must be sure about it.

   Finally, Lin Xiaoyue also finished reading the topic.

   Immediately, the corner of his lips ticked, and he calculated it on the manuscript paper.

   This question is not too difficult. Compared with the questions on the previous examination paper, it can only be regarded as a moderate level of difficulty.

   After a while, Lin Xiaoyue figured out the answer.

   To be on the safe side, she also used the second method to check.

   After confirming that there is no problem, the answer is written on the test paper.

   After writing the answer, Lin Xiaoyue raised her head and waited for someone to collect the test paper.

   It was only at this time that he realized that, except for himself, everyone seemed to be still calculating.

   Even the person beside her is no exception.

  Emperor Yan was a little surprised when he saw that Lin Xiaoyue had finished the calculation so quickly.

   Then there was another burst of contempt.

   must not be able to do it, just write it randomly.

  Lin Xiaoyue didn't know this, so she just sat obediently and waited for the exam time to end.

   Mainly, this second test is a round-by-round elimination system, and the interval between each round is too short.

   Even if she submits the papers ahead of time, it is estimated that she can only wait in her seat.

   Rather than that, it's better to wait for the guards and come over later to unify the scrolls.

   I was bored and waited for a while, and the gong was finally struck with a sound of "bang--".

  The guards immediately came over to wrap up the scroll.

   Immediately, the marking officer marked the papers on the spot.

  Because there was only one question, and there were only 20 answer sheets, in just a while, the examiner finished the examination.

   After reading the paper, the examiner will sort out the wrong answer and give it to Eunuch Da Hu.

   Eunuch Hu took over and immediately announced the elimination list.

   The result was somewhat unexpected by Lin Xiaoyue.

   In the first round, four people got the wrong answers.

   In other words, there are only sixteen people left for reference.

   The person who was even more surprised was Emperor Yan.

   He thought that Lin Xiaoyue would be eliminated this round. Who knows, she has the right answer.

how can that be? Meng right?

   Yes, 80% are Mongolian.

   After all, the answer to this first question is eight, just a number within ten.

It is not impossible for    to be fooled by her.

  Thinking of this, Emperor Yan felt more at ease.

   Actually this is fine, otherwise, in the first round of the second assessment, the leader of the previous assessment will be eliminated, which will easily arouse suspicion from everyone.

The    guards quickly left with those who were eliminated.

   Then the second round of assessment continued.

  Lin Xiaoyue's reading speed was still very slow. She was the last person on the field to finish reading the questions, and then she lowered her head and started to calculate.

   But like the previous round, she was the one who wrote the answer first.

   Emperor Yan couldn't help frowning when he saw this.

  Liu Wuji stroked his beard with satisfaction, a look of pride on his face.

   Immediately, in the different minds of everyone, the second round ended.

   This time, six people were eliminated again, and there were only nine people left on the field.

   To the surprise of Emperor Yan, Lin Xiaoyue had not yet been eliminated.

   At this point, Emperor Yan finally felt something was wrong.

   He has already changed the question, how could she still answer the question correctly? Moreover, the speed of answering questions is so fast.

   couldn't help but glanced at his next national teacher, and Emperor Yan quickly denied his guess.

  Impossible, all the topics he changed were not from national teachers.

   Moreover, when he received these questions, the national teacher was no longer in the imperial study, and he hadn't read the questions at all.

   In this way, it is impossible for the national teacher to know the existence of those problems.

   Then how could he tell this woman to let her cheat?

   Could it be that this woman is really talented?

   Watching Lin Xiaoyue play with a brush again bored, Emperor Yan's brows furrowed.

   Still, there is a problem with the examiner...

  Thinking of this, Emperor Yan looked at the examiner sitting not far away.

   The examiner immediately felt a sight.

   Looking down the line of sight, he saw that Emperor Yan was looking at him, so he quickly retracted his gaze and made a respectful gesture.

   At the same time, my heart was full of anxiety. He quickly recalled whether there was something wrong with his work, which caused the emperor's dissatisfaction.

   Seeing the examiner's reaction, Emperor Yan withdrew his gaze.

   Right under his nose, no one should dare to do such a thing, fool him...


  Emperor Yan's eyes moved, and he had some thoughts in his heart.

   After a while, the gong was struck again.

  The guards stepped forward to rewind.

   Eunuch Da Hu got the test paper and prepared to send it to the examiner.

   Unexpectedly, Emperor Yan suddenly said something at this time.

   "Bring it here, I will approve the next papers myself."

   Everyone was surprised.

   Liu Wuji also looked sideways at Emperor Yan.

   He had long noticed that the emperor was a little unusual today, as if he had been holding back something, and there was no attack.

  Now, when he heard the emperor's words, he suddenly understood something.

   frowned, Liu Wuji glanced at his granddaughter again, and a burst of anger rose in his heart.

   So, is it really aimed at his good granddaughter?

   Noticing Liu Wuji's expression, Emperor Yan felt a little guilty.

After   , he simply stopped looking at Liu Wuji.

   After the test paper was delivered, the test paper was approved.

Whether    is true or false, we will know immediately.

  If he cheated, the national teacher bought the examiner for a woman, and he would not be angry at that time.

  I want that woman to have real talent and real learning...

   Then he stopped targeting her.

   At least, he will not target her again before the match with the Chu Jin messenger.

  Thinking of this, Emperor Yan opened the first test paper.

   is exactly Lin Xiaoyue's.

   When he saw the answer above, Emperor Yan was still shocked.

   Although the word is a bit ugly, the answer is correct.

   couldn't help but glanced at Lin Xiaoyue, who was below her. Emperor Yan's eyes were a little displeased, but she still let her pass.

   It was he who underestimated people. He didn't expect that he was really a talent who was proficient in arithmetic.

   It was confirmed that Lin Xiaoyue had real skills, and Emperor Yan did not delay much, and quickly approved the following examination papers.

After   , let Eunuch Hu announce the result.

   In this round of assessments, four more people were eliminated.

   Now there are only five players left on the field.

   Soon, another round of assessment begins.

   The difficulty of this question has risen to a new level.

   After seeing the title, everyone frowned.

   Lin Xiaoyue was the only one who read the question at the latest, but after reading it, she looked as usual and wrote it down on the manuscript paper.

   Then, after a while, he wrote the answer again.

  Emperor Yan paid attention to Lin Xiaoyue intentionally this time. Seeing that she was easy to do the questions, he finally lost the contempt he had before her. On the contrary, there is more appreciation.

  This woman, I am afraid, is indeed the strongest among these people off the field.

   Soon, a quarter of an hour is up.

  The guards took the paper, and soon received the paper in the hands of Emperor Yan.

   The first test paper that Emperor Yan saw was still Lin Xiaoyue's.

  Although the handwriting is as ugly as ever, as expected, the answer is correct.

  Emperor Yan couldn't help but looked at Lin Xiaoyue again.

   Seeing Lin Xiaoyue hurriedly avoided, she was not so angry anymore, but more interesting.

   (end of this chapter)

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