Chapter 407 407 Winner

   He quickly read the rest of the test papers, and let Eunuch Hu announce the results.

   Only one person was eliminated this time.

   So far, there are four people left in the examination room.

   are Lin Xiaoyue, Mo Fei, Liang Chengcai and the sixth princess.

   After learning the result, the sixth princess was nervous, for fear that she would be eliminated next.

   After a while, with the order of Emperor Yan, a new question was sent up again.

   This time the problem is more difficult.

   When Lin Xiaoyue finished reading the question this time, the other three were still staring at the question.

  Lin Xiaoyue didn't think too much, she buried her head and started to count.

   Immediately, after a while, the answer came.

   Thinking about it, I was not very relieved, so I checked it again.

   After confirming that there is no problem, I wrote the answer on the paper.

After writing   , Lin Xiaoyue started to be bored again.

   As soon as he looked up, he met Emperor Yan's gaze again.

   Just wanted to dodge, but unexpectedly, I saw Emperor Yan smiling at him.

   Lin Xiaoyue froze for a moment, then pulled the corners of her lips.

   Then, he quickly avoided his sight.

   The look in your eyes was very unfriendly before, what is the situation now?

   No matter what the situation is, if this person has hatred against her husband, he is also hated against her. Must be vigilant.

   Emperor Yan was not angry when he saw this.

   It was even more interesting for Lin Xiaoyue to return her smile just now.

   is a daring girl.

  Lin Xiaoyue lowered her head and played with the pen for a while, and couldn't help but look at the few people beside her.

   Seeing that Mo Fei and the others were all working hard, they looked back.

  Thanks to the advanced mathematics in the 21st century, I have solid basic skills.

  Otherwise, how can we kill this era, the most powerful mathematicians...

   Finally, in Lin Xiaoyue's boring waiting, the gong sounded again.

  The guards came forward again to wrap up the scroll.

  The three people in front were okay, Lin Xiaoyue looked relieved when she saw Mo Fei and Liang Chengcai.

When    arrived at the Sixth Princess, the Sixth Princess was nervous and almost grabbed the paper to prevent the guards from taking it away.

   Seeing this scene, Lin Xiaoyue probably guessed the result.

   It looks like this match will come to an end.

   Sure enough, after Emperor Yan got the test paper and read it, he directly announced that the sixth princess was out.

   When the sixth princess heard the result, her face was pale, but she could only accept it.

  Emperor Yan glanced at his sixth child and felt relieved when he saw that she didn't cry.

   To be honest, he was already surprised that his sixth child was able to enter the top four.

   After all, the people who came to participate in the assessment this time are really not easy.

  Emperor Yan thought, maybe in the future he shouldn't stop his eldest son from studying arithmetic, and he should even give more support.

   After all, if the royal family can produce a mathematician who is famous in history, it will be a good talk.

   Emperor Yan smiled and looked at the three off the field.

   "Now there are only the three of you left. According to the rules, you will represent Dayan and the envoys of Chu Jin in the next match."

   "But even if there are only three people, there must be a priority."

   "Therefore, next, I decided to play an extra question."

   "Only those who answer correctly can lead the remaining two to compete with the envoys of Chu and Jin." Emperor Yan said solemnly.

  Lin Xiaoyue and the three looked at each other.

   "Yes!" He bowed and saluted Emperor Yan.

  Emperor Yan showed satisfaction, and then looked at Eunuch Da Hu.

   Eunuch Hu waved his hand, and the guard sent a question.

   This time, even Lin Xiaoyue read it twice before starting to write.

   As for Mo Fei and Liang Chengcai, although they picked up the pen and sketched, they kept frowning and couldn't find a suitable entry point.

  Lin Xiaoyue did some calculations on the manuscript paper and finally came up with the answer.

   After doing some checking and making sure the answer is correct, I wrote the answer on the test paper.

   When Emperor Yan saw Lin Xiaoyue, he quickly finished writing the answer, and his eyes softened when he saw Lin Xiaoyue.

   Maybe what the National Teacher's Office said is true, this girl, maybe she can really win on behalf of Dayan.

  This time, it didn't take long before the gong sounded.

   Mo Fei and Liang Chengcai flashed helplessness on their faces, stopped writing, and didn't write the answer on the paper.

  The guards came to collect the test papers, and the two of them admired Lin Xiaoyue's relaxed expression.

   The result is already obvious, they are indeed inferior to Mrs. Li.

   Emperor Yan quickly got the test paper.

   Seeing that Lin Xiaoyue really answered correctly, a look of admiration appeared in her eyes.

   Immediately, I was not surprised when I saw that the last two exam papers were blank.

   After all, this question is really difficult.

   Even if it was him, after seeing the problem-solving ideas and answers, he still didn’t quite understand it.

   "The results have come out, next—" Emperor Yan looked at Lin Xiaoyue.

   "The two of you will be led by Mr. Lin, representing Dayan, to compete with the envoys of Chu and Jin."

   Everyone immediately looked at Lin Xiaoyue, and they were all convinced.

  Lin Xiaoyue was overjoyed and greeted Emperor Yan to thank him.

   "Thank you, Your Majesty! The women must do their best!"

   Emperor Yan nodded with satisfaction.

   "Get up."

   looked at Lin Xiaoyue.

   "Before, the National Teacher's Office recommended you to me, but I had doubts. I was superficial..." Emperor Yan said.

   Immediately, he looked at Liu Wuji, and his eyes were filled with apology.

  Liu Wuji's complexion was better now, but he avoided the sight of Emperor Yan.

   Emperor Yan couldn't help but smile when he saw this.

   "Haha, today, I finally saw it once, what is a woman who does not allow men."

  Emperor Yan did not stingy with his praise, and even praised Lin Xiaoyue several times in a row.

   When he saw Liu Wuji finally looking at him, he finally stopped.

   "Today, the assessment took half a day, and the three of them worked hard. I have ordered people to prepare a banquet in advance. Later, the three of them will have a banquet with me." Emperor Yan said happily.

   "Thank you, Your Majesty!" Lin Xiaoyue and others quickly thanked them.

   At the same time, Concubine Shu was in the palace.

  Li Xiao and Concubine Shu are talking about the old days.

   Concubine Shu already knew that her son was fine, and now she is living well in the Liu family.

  I also know the relationship between the imperial concubine and the king of Anyang with their younger brother's family.

   "Strangely, the imperial concubine has always taken good care of me. I thought—" Concubine Shu stopped behind her lips.

   I thought the imperial concubine was arranged by the emperor to test her.

   "I'm afraid you don't believe me, or show your guilt. The imperial concubine didn't tell the truth." Li Xiao said.

   Concubine Shu nodded.

   "Then I'll pretend I don't know, so as to avoid suspicion."

  Li Xiao looked at his elder sister.

   "It's okay. King Anyang has already returned to the capital, and he knew that I was going with Yue'er, and he also followed me to the capital."

  The King of Anyang knew that the noble concubine should have known it too.

   Seeing Concubine Shu's worried face, Li Xiao continued: "Sister, don't worry too much."

   "This time I took the risk to find you, just to talk to you."

   "Before Yue'er and I leave the capital, we will find a way to take you out of the palace." Having said this, Li Xiao's eyes were firm.

   Concubine Shu was shocked, and immediately felt ecstatic in her heart.

  But it only took a moment for him to calm down, and his expression turned into worry again.

"No! Although the emperor's care for me is relaxed now, I feel that someone is still watching me. If someone finds out—" Knowing that her son and brother are now safe and living well, she Don't worry.

   As for her, she stayed in the palace with the imperial concubine looking after her, no one dared to be too embarrassed with her, and it was nothing.

   "No one will find out." Li Xiao said solemnly. Directly interrupted Concubine Shu.

   "I cooperated with Prince Anyang before, and the prince agreed to help you out of the palace."

   "Before I didn't show up, the imperial concubine felt that it was difficult to win your trust. In addition, the Chiwu Army incident happened. The time was too sensitive, and the prince didn't act."

   "But now, more than half a year has passed. When Chu Jin talks with Dayan again, the time is almost ripe."

   During the peace talks, the harem will not be so heavily guarded.

   In addition, he, Yue'er, and the King of Anyang are all there.

   In addition, with the help of the master and the concubine, the probability of success is very high.

   "But——" Concubine Shu was still worried.

   "Don't do it, Sister. We're all waiting for you to come home."

   "Also, only you have left the capital. Next, Yue'er and I can let go of our hands and feet and help King Anyang." Li Xiao said in a deep voice.

   Concubine Shu was stunned for a moment.

  Wait for her to come home? The Great General's palace has been destroyed, does she still have a home?

   After thinking for a while, Concubine Shu finally nodded.

"it is good."

  Adi was right, she stayed in the palace for one day, and she was a **** in the hands of the emperor to threaten Adi.

   Only when she leaves the palace can Adi lessen this fear.

   got the result he wanted, and Li Xiao finally felt relieved.

   "It's getting late, I have to go." Immediately said.

   Concubine Shu's complexion changed immediately.

   subconsciously grabbed Li Xiao's arm, and was reluctant to meet with his younger brother, so he had to part with him again.

  But he also knew the seriousness of the matter, and he let go of his hand as soon as he reached out.

   It's really not suitable for Adi to stay here any longer, she can't be too selfish.

  Li Xiao glanced at his elder sister, reached out and patted the back of Concubine Shu's hand.

   "Sister, please stay in the palace and wait for us to pick you up." He smiled and comforted.

   "Yes." Concubine Shu nodded firmly.

  Li Xiao turned around and quickly disappeared.

   Concubine Shu looked at the door and didn't move for a long time.

  Are you leaving? Can she really get out of this cage? ...

   At this time, in the imperial garden.

  Lin Xiaoyue followed Emperor Yan and was heading towards a side hall in the Imperial Garden.

Other than Mo Fei and Liang Chengcai, Liu Wuji and the Sixth Princess were also among the   .

   Along the way, Emperor Yan actually took the initiative to talk to Lin Xiaoyue, interrupting her slightly ecstatic state.

   "I am amazed by such a talent for arithmetic at such a young age."

   "Mrs. Li is the origin of family education?"

  The origin of family learning? nonexistent.

   After receiving a recommendation from the National Teacher's Office, after he issued the imperial decree, he once asked people to investigate this Lin family.

   The information that can be obtained is that this woman is actually only a peasant girl.

   That's why he didn't have any hope for her.

   After seeing this woman again, he found that she looked very similar. He had some other guesses about the person who caused the national teacher to leave the national teacher's mansion.

  Who knows, he is still thinking too much.

  The national teacher had behaved erratically many times because of that woman. But on the issue of right and wrong, it was not sloppy.

   He now speculates that perhaps this Lin's master may be the national master himself.

  After all, they have that kind of relationship.

   Come again, apart from the national teacher, he couldn't think of anyone else who could teach such a genius.

  Yes, judging from Lin's current performance, her performance in arithmetic is indeed a genius.

   For this Lin family, if she can really make a great contribution on behalf of Dayan this time.

   In the face of the national teacher, he didn't mind opening or closing one eye.

   After all, what happened back then, although he kept it secret. According to the performance of the national teacher over the years, it may not be completely unknown.

   Continuing, he was also worried that the matter would be exposed and completely cut off the friendship between their monarchs and ministers.

  Lin Xiaoyue was named, quickly recovered, and bowed to Emperor Yan.

   "Returning to the emperor, the women were from the folk, and they farmed at home for a living, and there was no family theory."

   "Oh? How did the lady get this ability?" Emperor Yan looked interested, but glanced at Liu Wuji calmly.

   How could Liu Wuji not notice Emperor Yan's movements, but he pretended not to know.

   When the rest of the people heard this, they also looked at Lin Xiaoyue with a curious look.

  Lin Xiaoyue smiled, "It's a coincidence. When I was a child, I met an old man who was studying abroad. Master said that I was talented and taught me some time."

   As soon as these words came out, unconsciously, everyone looked at Liu Wuji.

  The old man? Don't you be a national teacher?

  Liu Wuji had a warm smile on his face and did not explain the crowd's scrutiny. Happy to be misunderstood.

   When Emperor Yan saw this, he was convinced.

   was a little angry, the national teacher found someone tomorrow morning, but he kept running out. It even gave him the illusion that no one was found.

   After thinking about it, he put away his temper again.

   Protecting him so much, did he really find something?

   That’s it. Since the national teacher didn't turn his back on him, he pretended not to know.

   After all, the national teacher will also have scruples if he wants to keep people by his side in the future.

  Lin Xiaoyue saw Liu Wuji's expression, smiled and didn't explain much.

   Master Guo Shi is willing to help her to lie, she is naturally willing.

   "It's not bad to be able to have such ability after just learning for a while!" Emperor Yan said to Lin Xiaoyue.

   "I heard from King Anyang before that in addition to strong arithmetic skills, Madam is also good at doing business?"

   "There are a lot of snack bars and workshops." Of course, these are not what King Anyang said, but he asked people to find them.

   "I have tried the sausages and bacon that King Anyang sent to Beijing before, and they taste really good."

   The sausages and bacon that the boss sent back to Beijing were really delicious, and even he ate them, and he was fond of them.

   Moreover, he only learned about it recently.

  Since some people in Kyoto have eaten sausage and bacon, the Liang family even launched a dish made of sausage and bacon in the restaurant, attracting a lot of business for the restaurant.

   Everyone looked at Lin Xiaoyue in surprise when they heard the words "sausage" and "bacon".

   These two dishes have been popular among the upper classes in Kyoto during this time.

   Everyone has a good reputation, saying that the sausages and bacon of Ruyi Lou are very delicious. They also used to eat it as a talking point.

   Even Liu Wuji heard Liang Chengcai mention this.

   And he accompanied his disciples and went to Ruyi Lou to eat once.

   "What? The sausages and bacon were also made by you sir?" The sixth princess' eyes lit up, and suddenly rushed forward and grabbed Lin Xiaoyue's arm.

   When the elder brother brought something back, he also left a copy for her.

   She also likes the taste of sausage and bacon.

   (end of this chapter)

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