Hot Farmer’s Wife: Buying a Husband for the Farm

Chapter 408: 408 Seeing Concubine Shu

   Chapter 408 408 See Concubine Shu

  Because the house’s sausages and bacon are exhausted, when I am greedy, now I occasionally go to Ruyilou for dinner.

  I never thought that such delicious sausages and bacon were actually made by Mr.

   Having said that, if your husband comes to Kyoto to open a snack bar in the future, he will even settle down in Kyoto. Maybe a sausage bacon workshop will also be opened?

   In this way, she will have a good time! Oh no, it is the people in the whole Kyoto who are going to have a good time!

   Thinking of this, the sixth princess was even more excited.

   "It is indeed from the workshop of the Minwomen." Lin Xiaoyue replied with a smile.

   As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Lin Xiaoyue with more respect.

   Mrs. Li, how amazing!

   "That's great! Then why don't you come to Kyoto to open a workshop. We people in Kyoto like sausages and bacon. I...I like it too!" Sixth Princess hurriedly said.

  Sausage and bacon are one of Ruyi Lou’s signature dishes now.

  Because of the limited supply, the guests who are going to eat now can only order one dish per table, related to bacon and sausages. If you want to add more, it won't work.

  If the husband is willing to come to Kyoto to open a workshop, then it will be much easier for her to eat sausages and bacon.

   The rest also looked at Lin Xiaoyue. There are also some expectations.

   Even Emperor Yan looked at Lin Xiaoyue meaningfully.

  Lin Xiaoyue smiled embarrassedly.

   "This...min woman, there is no such arrangement for the time being." He said.

   The bacon sausage workshop in Qingshi Town can be opened quickly, that is because there are Chiwu Army.

   In addition, there are people from Zhou's and Liang's business to help her solve some problems with the source of live pigs.

   When you come to Kyoto, you have to start from scratch.

  The site, the manpower, and the source of live pigs are all troublesome.

   As soon as these words came out, the sixth princess was instantly disappointed.

   Just wanted to hold Lin Xiaoyue to persuade him, but unexpectedly, he was warned by his father.

  The sixth princess then restrained herself and stood aside obediently.

   "Hehe, I heard that the King of Anyang issued a series of policies in Anyang County to encourage the development of workshops and farming in rural areas." Emperor Yan suddenly said.

   "All of this seems to be related to the few workshops you run?" She looked at Lin Xiaoyue suspiciously.

  Lin Xiaoyue's expression changed slightly.

   immediately surrendered to Emperor Yan.

   "Returning to the emperor, it does have something to do with it."

   "Minwomen open workshops, which require a lot of raw materials and manpower. But the women's strength is limited, so I have been very troubled by this."

   "It's also just right, Mr. Liang from the Liang's firm took a fancy to the things produced by the Minwomen's workshop and reached a cooperation with the Minwomen."

   "After learning about the women's situation, Young Master Liang actually introduced the King of Anyang to the women."

   Lin Xiaoyue raised a touch of reverence on her face.

   "Your Highness had just arrived in Anyang County and wanted to do something for the people of Anyang County."

   "After listening to the women's needs and ideas, I feel that the women's suggestion is feasible."

   "After discussing with the elders of Anyang County, we decided to support the rural workshop industry and develop the village's characteristic economy."

   There was some interest in Emperor Yan's eyes.

   "Oh? Tell me, what is the specific policy? How will it help you?" Chong Lin Xiaoyue asked.

   Since he had asked someone to investigate Lin, he knew the relationship between Lin and his eldest son.

   He didn't take it too seriously before, but now that he knew that Lin's was related to the National Teacher's House, he had to be vigilant.

Before   , he was a little strange. He thought that the Lin family was only a peasant girl, so how could he have the ability to cooperate with the Liang family and the Anyang palace.

   Now, knowing her relationship with the National Teacher's Mansion, it all makes sense.

  Lin Xiaoyue quickly told the truth.

   talked about the policy content, usefulness, and practical help to her.

  's eyes lit up when they heard it.

   Even Liu Wuji looked at his granddaughter in surprise.

  His precious granddaughter, how did this head grow? It's too smart!

   The rest are adoring.

   Strangely said that King Anyang would be lobbied by her, and even issued a decree to support her.

   These ideas of hers are really good for developing the local economy!

   is not just for Qingshi Town, Anyang County. This policy is to be placed in the entire Dayan, and it is a good policy for the benefit of the country and the people!

  Listen to what she said?

   A large workshop that can solve the livelihood of several villagers.

The people around    can go to work in the workshop and earn money.

  The rest of the family work in the fields, and sell the harvests of the fields to the workshops, and they also make money.

  The owner of the workshop purchased raw materials from the local people for production, which solved the problem of raw material supply and reduced the cost. There are workers available, and the manpower problem is solved.

   As long as the owner of the workshop is here, he can support all the people in the workshop and the villagers in the surrounding villages who supply the workshop with raw materials.

   At the same time, the business of the workshop is good, and more taxes are paid to the imperial court.

  The villagers have money in their hands, and they will not default on the grain tax to the imperial court every year.

   Really achieved a win-win situation for the three parties!

   and "If you want to get rich, build roads first." The summary is really incisive!

  A place with good traffic is indeed easier to develop...

  Emperor Yan's eyes lit up.

  I didn't expect that Lin Xiaoyue could come up with these ideas.

   Soon, he even discussed with Lin Xiaoyue.

   When I got to the place to eat, I didn't even mean to stop.

   Directly let Lin Xiaoyue sit at the bottom of his right, so that he could continue to discuss with her.

   Liu Wuji, who was sitting at the lower left of Emperor Yan, had no objection. He also looked at his granddaughter curiously, looking forward to hearing her more opinions.

   "Haha, I really didn't expect it. Madam not only has excellent arithmetic ability, but also has such insight into important matters of people's livelihood!" Emperor Yan praised.

   At the same time, he couldn't help but glance at the national teacher who was sitting at the bottom of his left.

   worthy of being a descendant of the national teacher, after being trained by the national teacher, he is so excellent.

  Unfortunately, she is a woman.

  Otherwise, even he might not object to the national teacher training her as the next heir.

   "Your Majesty is wrong." Lin Xiaoyue replied modestly.

   Wait until Emperor Yan asked everyone to move their chopsticks before eating.

During the banquet, Emperor Yan asked Lin Xiaoyue a lot of questions, and Lin Xiaoyue answered them one by one.

   With constant contact, Emperor Yan's impression of Lin Xiaoyue became better and better.

  After lunch, Emperor Yan sat for a while before leaving reluctantly.

After   , Lin Xiaoyue and others returned to the National Teacher's House with the National Teacher.

   After leaving the imperial garden, Lin Xiaoyue's eyes began to look around calmly.

   I was afraid that Li Xiao would not come back.

   Fortunately, Li Xiao appeared shortly after.

   also brought the carriage over.

   The stone in his heart fell to the ground, Lin Xiaoyue gave Li Xiao a smile, and neatly got on the carriage.

   Liu Wuji, who was not far away, also had a smile on his face when he saw this, and got into his carriage.

The    team quickly assembled and headed for the National Teacher's House together.

   On the carriage, Lin Xiaoyue moved to a position close to the carriage.

   lowered his voice and spoke to Li Xiao.

   "How is it? Have you seen my sister?"

   A smile appeared on Li Xiao's face under the mask.

   "Well, I see."

  Lin Xiaoyue looked happy.

   "Then... how is my sister now?" asked.

   To the eldest sister-in-law, although she has never met.

   But he heard some things from Li Xiao and Qing'er.

   I heard that her eldest sister-in-law has a gentle personality and beautiful appearance. She is a rare lady.

   It is precisely because of this that he was named Concubine Shu by Emperor Yan. It means virtue and virtue.

   She was looking forward to it. There will be more scenes of a gentle and beautiful woman in the family in the future.

   "Fortunately, with the imperial concubine looking after her, no one dares to bully her." Li Xiao said softly.

  Lin Xiaoyue nodded.

   "That's good."

   "Then have you mentioned our plan to her?" Lin Xiaoyue asked again.

   "I mentioned it. Let her get ready, and when the time is right, we'll pick her up."

  Lin Xiaoyue glanced at Li Xiao and felt relieved.

   "It's done after you've cleared the air. Next, before launching, ask Anyang King to notify the concubine, and ask the concubine to contact my sister."


   After Lin Xiaoyue finished her question, Li Xiao asked her what happened in the morning.

   When he learned that his daughter-in-law really won the first place, Li Xiao couldn't help chuckling softly.

   "As a husband, I know that Yue'er is the best."

  Lin Xiaoyue was so happy in her heart, thinking that if she hadn't been outside, she would have to get into her husband's arms.

   Soon, the group returned to the Guoshifu.

   Master Guo Shi directly handed Mo Fei to Liang Chengcai to make arrangements, and then returned to Bamboo Garden.

  Lin Xiaoyue and the sixth princess tossed for a long time, and they were also a little tired, and they went back to their yard respectively.

   As soon as he returned to the plum garden, a certain woman couldn't help dragging Li Xiao into the house.

   closed the door, and the couple chatted.


  Liu Wuji finally asked people to invite everyone from each courtyard to the main hall for dinner.

   immediately announced that the next thing to do is to conduct special training for Lin Xiaoyue and the other three.

   The Sixth Princess immediately made a request that she also wanted to participate.

  Liu Wuji glanced at the Sixth Princess and agreed.

   "The special training is only for one day. The time is from Chen Shi to Shi Shi in the morning, and the afternoon depends on the situation."

   "If you don't finish talking in the afternoon, continue in the evening." Liu Wuji said.

   The day after tomorrow will be the day when Dayan and the messenger of Chu Jin agreed to compete. If you don't train tonight, you will only have time tomorrow.

   But time is so short, he has nothing to teach them.

   It’s just about some game rules and precautions, but it doesn’t take long.

   "Yes." Lin Xiaoyue waited to answer.

   That’s when we ate with Liu Wuji.

   This night, everyone lived very peacefully in the Guoshifu.

   But the other side of the imperial study is different.

   A group of veteran officials proficient in arithmetic were gathered in the side hall, and they were busy all day today.

   In order to prepare some difficult arithmetic problems.

  Yes, prepare questions for the game with the Chu Jin envoy the day after tomorrow.

   Because the rule of the game is to ask each other questions, and then the other side answers.

   Scores are awarded for correct answers, no points for wrong answers. The highest score in the end wins.

   Answer questions on the spot, they can choose people with strong arithmetic skills to participate in the answer.

   As for the question, it can be prepared in advance.

  It was also for this reason that Emperor Yan arranged for someone to prepare questions in the side hall next to the imperial study.

   Not only the people in the side hall of the imperial study, but Emperor Yan also gave Liu Wuji an order.

   Let him prepare three difficult problems before tomorrow night and send them to the palace.

  Compared to the busyness in the side hall of the imperial study, at the moment the imperial concubine's palace is quiet.

   King Anyang and Princess Anyang entered the palace today to visit the concubine, but they were left in the palace by the concubine.

   Concubine Shu now has a good relationship with the noble concubine, and was called to accompany her at night.

   Concubine Shu already knew about the relationship between her younger brother and the Anyang Palace, and when facing the noble concubine, she became a lot closer.

   To the Anyang King and his wife, I also have some respect.

   "Aunt Yue doesn't have to be so polite, they are all a family." Seeing Concubine Shu saluting her, King Anyang personally stepped forward to help her.

   Concubine Shu obediently got up.


   King Anyang was determined to win over his younger brother, and Princess Anyang had business cooperation with her younger brother and sister. Now their relationship is indeed extraordinary.

   "Your Highness broke me." Concubine Shu said flattered.

   "Aunt Yue is serious!" King Anyang said with a smile.

   "Xuyang is not in the capital, and the concubine is alone in the palace, and there is no one to take care of it. Thanks to Aunt Yue being there and accompanying the concubine, Xuyang is much more at ease."

   Seeing King Anyang's smile, Concubine Shu was a little embarrassed.

   "It was the concubine who took care of me and comforted me. When I came to the lord, it turned out to be... oops..."

   "Haha..." The imperial concubine was amused, she also stepped forward and grabbed Concubine Shu's hand.

   "Let's take care of each other."

   "Sister, don't be polite to him. He is a junior, he should respect you."

   King Anyang and Princess Anyang nodded quickly.

   Concubine Shu then smiled and nodded.

   Then, follow the family to dinner.

   During the banquet, in order to amuse the imperial concubine, King Anyang told a lot about what happened in Nan'an County and Qingshi Town.

   Considering the presence of Concubine Shu, he talked a lot about Lin Xiaoyue and Li Xiao.

   Especially Lin Xiaoyue, who gave him a lot of help. King Anyang mentioned her the most.

   Even Princess Anyang, who never spoke much, actually interjected and said something about Lin Xiaoyue. Lin Xiaoyue was quite admired in her tone.

   Concubine Shu was very happy for her brother when she learned that her younger brother and sister were so capable.

   At the same time, I am looking forward to meeting my siblings in the future.

   "Haha, this Lin Dong family is indeed a wonderful person. If nothing else, the mahjong thing won my heart." The imperial concubine suddenly laughed.

   "How is it? Let's play a few laps later?" Then he looked at the crowd again.

   She fell in love with playing mahjong since her son sent mahjong to the palace and sent someone to teach her how to play.

   On weekdays, he often pulls Concubine Shu, and there are other concubines who are familiar with him to play mahjong.

   Today, a son brought his wife into the palace to see her, and she didn't have time to play cards.

  It's all set now, just to make a table.

   Concubine Shu smiled and did not refute.

   Now that she knows that the concubine is her own, she is even more happy to play cards with her.

   Princess Anyang's eyes brightened as she looked at her prince. Obviously want to agree.

   She is in Nan'an County. Although she has some poker friends, she can't get all of them every day.

   Now listening to the mother-in-law say this, my hands are a little itchy.

   King Anyang was amused by the expression of his own princess, and nodded with a smile.

   "Then play a few laps with Queen Mother and Aunt Yue."

   Thinking of mahjong, the last time he played was last year for Chinese New Year.

   He also likes this entertainment very much.

  Unfortunately, as a prince, he is busy with business all day long, so how can he have time to play cards?

   (end of this chapter)

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