Chapter 409 409 Xu Yan

  Thinking of this, he couldn't hold back, and felt envious of his mother-in-law and princess.

   Immediately, this emotion was quickly suppressed.

  It is his hard work as a son and a husband that allows mothers and wives to live so easily and comfortably.

   After talking about playing mahjong, everyone is not interested in dinner.

   After a while, several people put the bowls one after another and went to the small table to wait.

   As soon as the noble concubine gave the order, the maid brought the mahjong.

  The happy time begins soon.

   "Speaking of which, during this period of time, the two most discussed matters in the upper circles of Kyoto were actually caused by the Lin Dong family." Rubbing mahjong, the imperial concubine suddenly spoke up.

   Everyone was puzzled and looked at the imperial concubine.

   "It's mahjong and sausage bacon!" The imperial concubine immediately said.

   then looked at King Anyang.

   "Since you sent me this mahjong, I was taught by someone. I found some poker friends and often played poker in the bedroom."

   "And guess what?"

   King Anyang was puzzled.

   Seeing Concubine Shu snickering aside, she stared blankly at her mother concubine, "What's wrong?"

   "They were actually taught by them, and they even found someone to make mahjong by themselves, and even spread it out of the palace." The imperial concubine laughed.

   "Now, the noble ladies and ladies in Kyoto like to play mahjong very much. There are very few who can't."

   "I heard—hehe—" The imperial concubine suddenly smiled and covered her mouth.

   "I heard that the ministers in the DPRK also played cards."

"When your father was in court before, I met a minister, because I was dragged by my female family the night before, and I played cards too late. When I went to court the next day, I almost fell because I was so sleepy. "

   King Anyang was also amused.

   "Hehe, Erchen also heard about this."

   "I heard that because of mahjong, it is not only the minister who affected the rest. For this reason, the father seems to have made a special trip to warn the ministers, so that everyone should be wary of playing things and lose their minds."

   "Pfft—" The imperial concubine couldn't help but burst out laughing.

   Seeing his son looking at him suspiciously, he smiled and said, "Your father is too embarrassed to talk about others."

   "When he first learned to play mahjong, his condition was not much better than those of the ministers."

   King Anyang was surprised.

   The imperial concubine looked at Concubine Shu with a look of "If you don't believe me, ask your Aunt Yue".

   Concubine Shu saw the imperial concubine mentioning Emperor Yan, and she had a smile on her face, but she immediately restrained her smile.

   Not long ago, the emperor did come to the imperial concubine often. But he didn't come here to stay overnight, but to play mahjong.

   is also not right, playing mahjong is actually secondary, but to test her.

   She could feel that the emperor wanted to repair the relationship with her.

   It was just that he couldn't hold back his face, so he found the imperial concubine as a middleman and found such an opportunity.

  Unfortunately, no matter if he is true or false, she can't go back with him.

   Since the accident happened in the palace of the Great General, she stopped thinking about the emperor.

   She is not willing to take any more risk, even a little bit, to put her family in danger because of herself.

  So, after she discovered the accident, she didn't play cards in the imperial concubine's palace for a while.

   Even later, in the face of the imperial concubine's active invitation, she also pushed it.

   After that, the imperial concubine took the initiative to come to the door and said that after the emperor did not go to her palace again, she resumed walking with the imperial concubine.

   The imperial concubine saw that Concubine Shu's expression was different, so she hurriedly said that she was wrong.

   "Oh, look at me, I said something wrong again! Draw a card and draw a card!" He said quickly.

   Immediately, he quickly changed the subject.

   Indeed, she said the wrong thing.

   Concubine Shu's situation, it's no wonder that she can go back with the emperor.

  Reminiscent of the beginning, Concubine Shu entered the palace and favored the harem.

  The concubines and concubines in the harem, who wouldn't envy them?

   Even her, who has been with the emperor's old man since the emperor became the crown prince, doesn't she feel sour in her heart?

   But in the end, the emperor also took action on the concubine Shu who loved him so much.

   wiped out Concubine Shu's mother clan, and even he and Concubine Shu's son were not spared.

  From that day on, she also understood.

  Your Majesty, that's a heartless one...

  So, she also let go of the last bit of unwillingness in her heart.

  Man, unreliable. Emperor, even more unreliable.

   There is only a son, who was born to her. Always be with her.

   Concubine Shu was silent for a while, and then quickly recovered her emotions under the occasional questioning of King Anyang and Princess Anyang.

  The game finally got lively.

   The next day.

   Lin Xiaoyue went to the bamboo garden on time after washing up and having breakfast.

   At this time in the bamboo garden, Mo Fei, Liang Chengcai and the sixth princess have already arrived.

   Seeing Lin Xiaoyue's arrival, Liu Wuji didn't delay any longer.

After    let everyone take a seat, the class began.

   "This morning, I will mainly tell you about the rules of tomorrow's game. Also, let me introduce the origin of the Chu Jin messenger this time."

  Everyone kept quiet and looked at Liu Wuji seriously.

   Liu Wuji then spoke up.

   "The rules of the game are simple."

   "There are two rounds, one in the morning and one in the afternoon."

   "From 1:00 p.m. to noon, it is the starting stage. From late afternoon to 1:00 p.m., it is the ending stage, which lasts for two hours."

   "On the field, Dayan is the attacking side. It's up to you to come forward and answer the arithmetic question raised by the envoys of Chu and Jin. In the end, the opposite is true."

   "There are ten questions in total."

   "If you answer a question correctly, you will get one point. At the same time, you can only see the next question after you answer the previous question correctly or give up the question."

   "Note that discarded questions have no points and can no longer be answered."

  Lin Xiaoyue looked at each other with serious expressions.

  Two hours, or four hours, to answer ten questions.

   On average, the answering time for each question is 24 minutes.

   But the problems must be difficult or easy, and the time to solve some problems is probably far more than 24 minutes.

  It is not scientific to decide whether or not to pass the question strictly according to this time.

   Liu Wuji looked at Lin Xiaoyue.

   "The old man's suggestion is to take a quarter of an hour as the boundary. If you find that there is no way to solve the problem after a quarter of an hour, you can choose to pass the problem."

   "Of course, after a quarter of an hour, if you feel there is still hope, you can extend the time to two quarters of an hour."

   "But if two quarters of an hour later, you still haven't figured out the answer. In any case, you have to give up. To avoid the impact, the answering time of the next question."

  Lin Xiaoyue nodded.

  The rest of the people also nodded in agreement.

   It is necessary to set such rules in advance to avoid problems on the spot.

  Liu Wuji saw this, and then continued: "This is the first half of the game."

   "After the game, no matter what the situation is, the emperor will join the important ministers of Dayan to entertain the envoys of Chu Jin and you."

   "No matter what the result of the game is, you must keep your mind steady."

   Then, Liu Wuji said again: "Actually, what you can do here is basically the same."

  Lin Xiaoyue and others looked puzzled.

   "Because in the second half of the game, you basically don't need to contribute any more. All you have to do is to help show, and Dayan asked the envoy of Chu Jin."

   "Since the Three Kingdoms negotiated peace, Chu Jin added a request for this arithmetic competition. The emperor actually started to arrange it a long time ago."

   "Therefore, in the second half, Dayan, as the defender, doesn't need you to worry about the questions to be asked."

   "This afternoon, what you have to do is to come here with the old man and select ten questions from hundreds of questions as exam questions."

   Everyone was surprised, and then they felt that everything was reasonable.

   Then, it was a lot easier.

   You don’t need them to write questions, and the pressure is reduced by half.

   Seeing everyone's expressions, a smile appeared on Liu Wuji's face.

   "Next, let me introduce to you the messengers from Chu Jin this time..."

   Then, Liu Wuji told everyone about the situation of the Chu Jin envoy.

   It turns out that this time Chu and Jin also sent three people to compete with them.

   Among them, there is one from the state of Chu and two from the state of Jin.

   Two people came out of the state of Jin, not because the state of the state of Jin was stronger than that of the state of Chu, but because the two envoys of the state of Jin were in a master-disciple relationship, and the one who was the master was not as famous as Liu Wuji.

   "Xu Yan has always been arrogant and arrogant. Before, despite repeated invitations from the Jin royal family, he never came out."

   "But this time... the old man was also a little surprised, he actually agreed to send the ambassador to Dayan." Liu Wuji said with a frown.

   When he was young, he followed the master and visited Xu Yan's master. I have been with Xu Yan for a while.

   At that time, Xu Yan showed a very strong talent.

  Whether it is Wen Tao or Wu Lue, both are extremely strong. Even compared to him, it's not on par.

   After so many years, he was so busy with other things that he didn't study much in the way of arithmetic. But I heard that Xu Yan has been concentrating on research.

   Therefore, even if Chu Jin did not prohibit him from participating in the competition, he actually had no confidence that he could beat Xu Yan.

   It's his granddaughter...

   For some reason, he thought maybe she could work a miracle.

  Lin Xiaoyue was a little puzzled when she heard that Liu Wuji admired Xu Yan so much.

   As for Liang Chengcai and the others, their faces were already stained with panic.

   Xu Yan? My God, it turned out to be Master Xu Yan.

   This one is almost as famous as the National Teacher! Compared with such people, can they win?

  Liu Wuji was satisfied when he saw Lin Xiaoyue's expression.

   comforted everyone, and then introduced the other two messengers of Chu Jin.

   In addition to Xu Yan, the other two messengers were named Xu Qing and Meng Lin.

  Xu Qing is a close disciple of Xu Yan, and he is also quite famous in Jin recently.

   I heard that in the Jin Kingdom he also passed five tests and killed six generals before he became the envoy of Dayan on this mission.

   The two masters and apprentices should have been prepared before going out of the mountain this time.

   And he was aggressive, with a will to win.

   As for Meng Lin, this man was also famous in the state of Chu.

  Although he is not as famous as him and Xu Yan, his achievements in arithmetic are also praised by the world.

   Liang Chengcai and the others looked even more terrified when they heard this.

   Only Lin Xiaoyue's expression remained unchanged.

  Three Kingdoms peace talks, involving 30% compensation clause.

  In order to get more benefits, Chu Jin will naturally try his best to send the strongest people.

  Oh, afraid? What's there to be afraid of?

   She is thousands of years wiser than the people of this era.

   In addition, the current situation is not that she is afraid, things can be solved perfectly.

   In short, play with peace of mind and try your best.

  Liu Wuji felt even more relieved when he saw his granddaughter's reaction.

   Then, without waiting for the others to calm down, he told everyone about some of the arrangements he made tomorrow.

   and some of his advice in case of an emergency.

   In the morning, Liu Wuji was full of dry goods.

   Even Lin Xiaoyue felt that she had benefited a lot.

  At noon, everyone did not go back to their yard for lunch.

   Instead, he stayed in the bamboo garden and ate with Liu Wuji.

   In the afternoon, Liu Wuji was not in a hurry to continue the class, but let everyone make their own arrangements and left.

  Liang Chengcai and the others were naturally not idle, and went to the bookshelf of the National Teacher to look for books to read.

   During this time, because of the exam questions, the books on the bookshelf of the National Teacher are all books on arithmetic.

  Lin Xiaoyue has no interest.

   found a place to sit and nap.

  When Liu Wuji came out of the room, he saw his granddaughter dozing off, looking like he was about to fall asleep.

With a smile on his face, Liu Wuji glanced at the rest of the people who were reading the book seriously and walked towards Lin Xiaoyue.

   Seeing this, everyone sweated for Lin Xiaoyue.

  The sixth princess even stretched out her feet and kicked in Lin Xiaoyue's direction, trying to remind her that the National Teacher was coming.

  Unfortunately, even if Lin Xiaoyue, who was sleepy in the afternoon, was kicked, she didn't care.

   just raised his heavy eyelids, glanced at the sixth princess, and continued to close them.

   Seeing this, the sixth princess became even more anxious.

   Just wanted to stretch out his feet again, but saw the national teacher looked at him with a warning.

   Sixth Princess tightened her body and hurriedly lowered her head to read.

   How dare you send a signal to Lin Xiaoyue in front of the National Teacher?

   Forget it, sir, just ask yourself for more happiness...

   Six princesses thought silently in their hearts.

   Just when the sixth princess, Liang Chengcai and Mo Fei were all worried about Lin Xiaoyue, unexpectedly, the national teacher just glanced at Lin Xiaoyue and walked past her.

   "The test papers haven't been delivered yet, so it's useless for you to wait here. Just go back." Liu Wuji said suddenly.

   then smiled and looked at Lin Xiaoyue, who woke up forcibly.

   "Better go back and take a nap. Keep your spirits up."

   "When the test papers arrive, this old man will send people to each hospital, please come here."

   "Master—" Liang Chengcai subconsciously wanted to refuse.

  It's all about this time, shouldn't we hurry up? How can you go back to rest, so slack?

   Mo Fei and the sixth princess also looked at Liu Wuji, and the meaning expressed by their expressions was similar to that of Liang Chengcai. The key is that they have no intention of resting when they go back.

   But before Liang Chengcai exited, Liu Wuji reached out his hand to stop him.

   "Older, I have to rest for a while. You can do it yourself." Then, Liu Wuji said something unexpectedly.

   Immediately, he ignored everyone's reaction, turned around and left.

   There was a moment of stagnation in the house.

   Lin Xiaoyue was the first to react.

   got up from his seat and yawned inconspicuously.

   "Heh--I--I'm leaving first. Everyone, see you later." After speaking, he walked away.

  I ate a bit more at noon, and today’s drunken meal is a bit serious.

  It's better for the National Teacher, let her go back to take a nap.

   When Lin Xiaoyue was out of the room, everyone in the room reacted.

  You look at me, I look at you. Not a single one left.

  The National Teacher and Mrs. Li are the best in arithmetic among them. People don't need cramming, but they do...

   (end of this chapter)

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