Chapter 411 Question 411

   "Afterwards, this person left ten papers to express his gratitude. Ask, how should A and B distribute these ten papers?"

  Liu Wuji listened and wrote, and quickly recorded the topic.

   This question is not complicated. Liu Wuji understood the meaning of the question just after writing it.

After reading   , Master Guo Shi was a little stunned.

  The title is very clear, but the question gives a weird feeling.

   Two people caught different numbers of fish, and one came to eat.

  It’s okay to eat, but he actually gave ten pennies.

How does    count?

   Ten pennies are distributed directly according to the contributions of A and B?

   In this case, A gets six, and B gets four.

   But is the title really that simple?

   "How is it? Has the National Teacher figured out the answer?" Lin Xiaoyue asked Liu Wuji with a smile.

  Liu Wuji looked at Lin Xiaoyue, and felt more and more that the problem could not be so simple.

   frowned, just about to continue thinking.

   As a result, I saw Mo Fei and the others all stopped their work and looked towards them.

   The frown of the national teacher loosened.

   "Okay, let's all come here. Try it and see if you can solve her problem." Then he rushed to everyone.

   There is still more time, and the topic selection is not difficult. You can choose later.

   It is the question that the girl came up with, which is very interesting.

  Everyone looked happy when they heard the words of the national teacher.

   Immediately, he rushed towards the two of them.

   "It's time for a cup of tea, everyone will talk about the results later." When everyone arrived, the national teacher said.

   Everyone should be.

   Then he looked at the topic on the desk and thought.

   One by one, just like Mr. National Teacher, they all felt a little weird.

  Finally, it's almost time.

   Master Guo Shi said: "Okay, let's talk about your answer."

  Everyone, look at me, and I look at you.

   Then, the sixth princess was the first to speak.

   "A gets six, B... gets four." With some uncertainty, he looked at Lin Xiaoyue.

  Lin Xiaoyue smiled and said nothing.

   Lord National Teacher's expression fluctuated slightly, but he didn't express his opinion.

   looked at Liang Chengcai and Mo Fei immediately.

"what about you?"

   Liang Chengcai and Mo Fei looked at each other and spoke hesitantly.

   "My answer is the same as that of the sixth princess."

   "The old man... too." Mo Fei also followed, but with some uncertainty.

   Lin Xiaoyue's eyes widened, but unexpectedly, these three people answered all wrong.

   Just wanted to say the answer, but unexpectedly, the national teacher spoke.

   "But the old man's answer is that A gets eight wen, B gets two wen."

  Lin Xiaoyue was startled and quickly looked at Liu Wuji.

   "How? Is the old man right?" The old man asked Lin Xiaoyue with a smile.

   Lin Xiaoyue only felt her heart tremble and nodded quickly.


   The sixth princess and the other three were shocked when they heard this.

   "A gets eight wen, B gets two wen. How did this answer come from? I also ask the National Teacher to clarify the doubts!" ​​The sixth princess quickly asked Liu Wuji.

   Liang Chengcai and Mo Fei also looked at Liu Wuji with admiration.

   They all believed that the answer from the National Teacher was the correct one.

   This question has a strange energy, and there must be some mystery in it.

   It's just this mystery, they didn't discover it. And the national teacher must have discovered it.

  Lin Xiaoyue also smiled and looked at Liu Wuji, waiting for his answer.

  Liu Wuji smiled, and then said: "This question is actually not complicated."

   "The third person gave ten pennies, which can only be counted as part of the fish he ate."

   "If three people eat fish together, then all the fish are worth thirty cents."

   "Thirty fen, five fish, six fen a day."

   "Among them, A produced three fish, and the total value was 18 yuan. B produced two fish, and the total value was 12 yuan."

   "Then they each ate the value of ten cents, so that A should have eight cents left and B left two cents."

   "That works out the answer."

   Everyone listened to the explanation of the national teacher, and there was no obstacle to understand.

   While marveling at the clear thinking of the National Teacher, he complained about his own stupidity.

   is very simple.

  How could they not solve such a simple question?

  Lin Xiaoyue also looked at the National Teacher with bright eyes.

   "What do you think about this question, Master Guo Shi?" asked Master Guo Shi with a smile.

  Since they can control Mo Fei at the same time, Liang Chengcai and the sixth princess are stumped, so they should be able to be selected.

   After all, it is impossible for everyone to have the same clear thinking and accurate answers as the National Teacher.

   Mo Fei and the other three also looked at Liu Wuji, but there was some uncertainty in their hearts.

   They didn't ask this question.

   can be explained by the National Teacher, and they found that this problem is not difficult.

   Chu and Jin messengers are all masters of arithmetic, what if the other party also finds such a train of thought?

   As a result, this question is not solved by the other party?

   Lord National Teacher pondered slightly.

   "It can only be used as an alternative first. The difficulty of this question is not high enough, and the other party may be able to solve it." He said.

   Seeing Lin Xiaoyue's lost expression, Liu Wuji added: "Don't underestimate the ability of Xu Yan and others. If the old man can solve the problem, if he solves it, it should not be a big problem."

  Lin Xiaoyue was surprised.

  The opponent is so strong?

   took a look at Master Guo Shi, and seeing his serious expression, Lin Xiaoyue didn't say any more.

   It seems that choosing this question, the probability of stumbling the opponent is really small.

   After thinking about it, Lin Xiaoyue has a new topic.

   So, he asked Liu Wuji to record.

  The National Teacher was very interested and soon got ready.

   Several people who were going to go back and continue to work also stayed, waiting to hear Lin Xiaoyue's new question.

  Lin Xiaoyue's eyes swept around the faces of everyone, and then she said: "There is a job, if the two people cooperate, it will only take four hours to complete."

   "If it is B and C for cooperation, it will take five hours."

   "Now ask A and C to cooperate for two hours, and leave the rest to B, then it will take B another six hours to complete."

   "The question now is how long would it take if B was to do the work alone."

  Liu Wuji just wrote down the topic when everyone looked at the topic.

  Liang Chengcai and others, without even waiting for the instructions of the national teacher, went to get a pen and paper, looked at the problem and began to calculate.

  Unfortunately, after reading it for a long time, it was the same as the previous question, but I still could not find the entry point.

  Liu Wuji also frowned and didn't speak for a long time.

   After a while, he finally stopped reading the question and looked up at Lin Xiaoyue.

   "This question is the same as the one you gave to the sixth princess before." He said, "If it is the same type of question, according to the rules, only one question can be asked."

   For the previous question, he had no idea how to solve it.

   Now that I encounter this problem again, naturally I can’t solve it.

  Lin Xiaoyue smiled, "Is the problem-solving idea inconsistent, will it also be restricted?" She asked.

   Liu Wuji was taken aback.

   "Let's talk about how to solve this problem. Tell us about the solution to the previous problem."

   "Whether it is consistent or not, we have our own judgment." He said.

  The rest of the people also looked at Lin Xiaoyue, very curious about the way of solving this kind of problem.

  Lin Xiaoyue nodded.

"All right."

   then looked at the topic on the table.

   "Let's talk about the algorithm for the problem in front of you."

   "A and B cooperate, and it can be completed in four hours. If the two cooperate, a quarter of the total project can be completed in one hour."

  Lin Xiaoyue only recently learned that there are actually fractions in this world, but this calculation method is not popular.

   As a group of people with the strongest arithmetic ability in Yan Kingdom, Lin Xiaoyue does not doubt that everyone here understands fractions.

   Sure enough, after hearing Lin Xiaoyue's words, everyone nodded.

  Lin Xiaoyue had a bottom line in her heart, so she continued: "Similarly, B and C can work together for an hour to complete one-fifth of the total project."

  The crowd nodded again.

   "Next, we let A and B work together for two hours to complete two-quarters of the chief engineer. Immediately, let B and C work together for another two hours to complete two-fifths of the total project again."

   "Adding it all up, that's nine-tenths of the chief engineer's job."

  While everyone listened, their hearts followed.

   Confirmed that the calculation result was correct, and nodded.

   "This nine-tenths of the amount of work, when taken apart, A and C have each done two hours, while B has done four hours."

   "At the same time, we also know that A and C can work for two hours, and B can work for six hours to finish the work."

   "That is to say, on the basis of just now, B only needs to do two more hours to complete the remaining one-tenth of the project."

   "In this way, it can be easily calculated that B can only complete one-twentieth of the amount of work per hour."

   "In this way, the result is out. If this work is left to B alone, it will take twenty hours."

   Everyone was surprised after hearing this.

   I never thought that the calculation process would be so simple.

   Even Liu Wuji was startled for a while before he came back to his senses.

   "This question is great!" He said immediately.

   Then, quickly sorted out the problem-solving ideas and recorded the process.

   After doing all this, put away the answers and questions.

  Liu Wuji raised his head in satisfaction and looked at Lin Xiaoyue.

   "Let's talk about the previous topic." Chong Lin Xiaoyue said.

  The rest also looked at Lin Xiaoyue, one by one, with a strong desire for knowledge in their eyes.

  Lin Xiaoyue nodded.

   "The previous topic involves some knowledge points that you don't understand. In order to facilitate the explanation, I have to give you a lecture first." He continued.

   Everyone's eyes lit up.

   "All ears." Liu Wuji said with a smile.

   He likes to see the confident appearance of his granddaughter, his granddaughter, that's how it should be!

  Lin Xiaoyue was not polite, she went to the desk and explained the operation of equations to everyone, as well as the method of formulating and solving equations.

   The presence of a group of people who are very talented in arithmetic naturally understands what Professor Lin Xiaoyue said without much effort.

   Not only that, after Lin Xiaoyue posed the questions consecutively, everyone also found a solution to this type of question.

   For some of the problems encountered before, all of a sudden there are ways to deal with them.

  What is the problem of chickens and rabbits in the same cage, and the ternary linear equation proposed by Lin Xiaoyue before, all have a fixed and simple solution to the problem.

   After listening to the class, including Liu Wuji, all looked at Lin Xiaoyue with admiration.

   This is the real master, a master-level figure who can write a book and write a book and pass it on to future generations.

   "How? With these two different problem-solving ideas, can my two questions be selected together?" Lin Xiaoyue asked Liu Wuji with a smile.

  Liu Wuji took out the two questions and thought about it.

   said: "Although you have given two different ways of solving the problem, the two questions are still too similar. To be on the safe side, I recommend leaving only the first question."

   Mo Fei and the others looked a little reluctant, but they still nodded in agreement.

   These two questions seem to have different solutions, but in fact, the problem-solving ideas can also be the same.

   In case Chu Jin is cheating, Dayan may not be able to win.

  Lin Xiaoyue showed regret.

   So, wasted effort again?

  Liu Wuji smiled when he saw his granddaughter's reaction, and continued: "Don't worry, you continue to think slowly. Try to come up with four more difficult problems."

   After thinking about it for a while, Liu Wuji said again: "It's better that these four problems can stun the old man."

   "In this way, you will have a greater chance of winning the battle tomorrow."

   There is little chance that Xu Yan could answer the questions he could not answer.

   In this way, as long as the performance in the first half is good, the probability of winning is high.

  Yes, after seeing Lin Xiaoyue's ability to write questions, Liu Wuji felt that it was more suitable for Lin Xiaoyue to write questions than to choose topics from the sea of ​​questions.

   At the same time, he is also happy to let his granddaughter help him share his worries.

   to solve the three difficult tasks that the emperor gave him.

   Liu Wuji said these words, Mo Fei and the others all looked at Lin Xiaoyue expectantly.

   seems to see her as the key to their victory tomorrow.

  Lin Xiaoyue rubbed her temples.

   "Okay... I'll try my best." He said.

   She had to think about it.

  After all, time has passed for too long, and she has forgotten a lot of interesting topics that she remembered before.

   Next, Mo Fei and the others were arranged by Liu Wuji to go back and continue to choose the topic, while Lin Xiaoyue sat and continued to write the question.

  I don't know how many brain cells were abolished, so Lin Xiaoyue managed to find five questions.

   It even includes questions such as numbers, geometry, and probability on the nine-square grid.

  Liu Wuji was a little surprised that Lin Xiaoyue came up with the question so quickly.

   After getting the title, I checked it.

   The more you look at the results, the more surprising you are.

   After confirming that he could not answer a single question, Liu Wuji was so excited that he quickly copied down the questions one by one.

   Immediately called Mo Fei and others, and asked them to take a look at the details.

   As a result, they couldn't answer a single question either.

   "Sir, you are really amazing! How did you come up with these questions?!" The sixth princess couldn't hold back, she stepped forward and grabbed Lin Xiaoyue's arm.

  Because she was familiar with it, Lin Xiaoyue didn't dodge.

   "Haha... just a flash of light in my head." I dealt with it.

   After hearing this, everyone looked at Lin Xiaoyue with more admiration.

   When an aura appeared, why didn't they have such an aura.

   "Haha, alright." Liu Wuji said.

   then looked at Lin Xiaoyue.

   "You will give me the answers to these questions later."

   "As for the problem-solving idea, don't talk about it."

   (end of this chapter)

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