Hot Farmer’s Wife: Buying a Husband for the Farm

Chapter 412: 412 want to participate

   Chapter 412 412 Want to participate

   As soon as these words came out, Mo Fei and the others all showed disappointment.

   You can also understand that Master Guo Shi is trying to keep the answer secret.

   Immediately, Mo Fei and other talents dispersed.

   Keep busy with your own business.

   They couldn't think of any difficult problems, so they could only do some work of selecting topics.

  Lin Xiaoyue quickly wrote the answer.

After   , he gave Liu Wuji the answer.

   Liu Wuji read it and wrote it down again.

   also asked Lin Xiaoyue to confirm it, and then put it aside.

   Lin Xiaoyue breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that the National Teacher had done all this.

   I feel like I can rest for a while.

  Unexpectedly, the national teacher even let her continue to think about the problem.

   "These questions you asked are much better than those questions. Think a few more questions while you still have time." The old man looked at Lin Xiaoyue with a smile, as if she was a lump of shining gold.

  Lin Xiaoyue's face stiffened.

   "No! I've racked my brains for the five questions just now!" He said quickly.

   Really racked my brains.

   In fact, the questions can still be asked. The key is that the questions should not be of the same type, and the standard of the problem should be subject to the stumbling teacher.

   The strength of this person in front of him is not simple.

   She didn't have as much math knowledge as she did, otherwise, she really couldn't figure it out, and she would be stumped by his problem.

   "Try again." The National Teacher did not give up, and smiled lightly.

  Lin Xiaoyue was helpless and had to answer.

   then went back to his seat.

   bit the tip of the brush and continued to sharpen it.

   Of course, because she had already provided five questions before, this time she was less concerned and anxious.

   When the others had finished choosing the topics, she only wrote three questions.

  In the end, the National Teacher brought everyone together and set the ten exam questions for the Yan Kingdom tomorrow.

   The first six questions are without any suspense, so I directly chose the question that Lin Xiaoyue asked before.

After   , the National Teacher took everyone to read three new questions by Lin Xiaoyue.

   found that the quality of these three questions is somewhat unsatisfactory.

   In the end, the National Teacher only reluctantly chose one question.

   So we get the seventh question.

   There are still three questions left, you can only choose from the questions selected by the crowd.

  I saw that the National Teacher picked up a stack of test questions and went through them one by one, while watching them, they were eliminated.

   There are only six questions left.

   Then the National Teacher started these six questions.

   Let everyone vote on the spot and decide the last three questions.

   After a while, the topic of tomorrow's second half game came out.

After    set the topic, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

  Liu Wuji sorted out the topic a little, and then asked the servants waiting outside the door to invite Eunuch Hu.

   It didn't take long before Eunuch Hu came.

  Liu Wuji handed the sorted questions and answers to Eunuch Hu in front of everyone.

   asked Eunuch Hu to personally deliver the things to Emperor Yan, and this was the end.

   When Eunuch Hu was ordered to leave, Liu Wuji looked at everyone in the room again.

   "Here, you don't have to clean up."

   "Tomorrow, when the game is over, the old man will let someone clean it up." Liu Wuji said.

   There are many manuscripts, some of which are inevitably related to the test questions.

  Leave them here tonight.

  Everyone, look at me, and I look at you.

   "Yes!" They responded immediately.

   "It's getting late. You've had a hard day too."

   "The old man has instructed the kitchen to prepare a meal. It will be sent to your respective courtyards later."

   "After dinner tonight, we will all rest early. To meet the envoys of Chu and Jin tomorrow." Liu Wuji said again. When he said this, his face was a little excited.

   "Yes!" Everyone responded again. When he answered, his voice was much louder than before.

   Immediately, Lin Xiaoyue and the others left the room.

After   , we went out of Bamboo Garden together.

   After saying goodbye to everyone, he followed Li Xiao, who was waiting for her, and returned to the plum garden together.

   Not long after returning to the plum garden, the servant brought dinner.

   After the servants put down the food and left, Li Xiao stayed behind and ate dinner with Lin Xiaoyue in the room.

   Zhao Shanshan went out to guard, leaving only the husband and wife in the house.

   While eating, Lin Xiaoyue asked Li Xiao about his side today.

   "I have already met the prince." Li Xiao said.

   "After the discussion, we believe that tomorrow is the best time." After speaking, Li Xiao looked at Lin Xiaoyue.

   Tomorrow, the Chu and Jin envoys will enter the palace to compete with Dayan in arithmetic.

   At that time, everyone's eyes will be focused on the front hall, which is the time when the guards in the harem are the most slack.

   If you can find the right time to take my sister out of the palace, it will not be difficult.

   Moreover, Queen Anyang will leave Beijing early in the morning.

   is just right, you can arrange along the way to **** my sister out of Kyoto.

  Lin Xiaoyue was surprised.

   I didn't expect it to be so fast.

   Immediately, he nodded.

   "Is there anything I need to cooperate with?" he asked.

   Xianggong and Anyang King are not reckless people, since tomorrow is set, then tomorrow must be the most suitable.

  Li Xiao raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.

   stretched out his big hand and touched Lin Xiaoyue's head.

   "Nothing needs your cooperation. Tomorrow, you can play with peace of mind."

   Lin Xiaoyue felt warm in her heart.

   "After the elder sister leaves the palace, what will be the arrangements?" After a while, he asked again.

   "After leaving the palace, go directly out of the capital city. Wait on the way." Li Xiao said.

   "The day after tomorrow, the lord will set off. When he meets with my sister, the rest will be easy."

   If Emperor Yan found out that his sister was missing, he would not rule out the possibility of a city closure search.

   It is the best choice to hurry up and send my sister out of the city.

  Lin Xiaoyue nodded again.

   After thinking for a while, he said, "Your Highness is leaving the capital, you should go back as well."

  Tomorrow's game is over. If Yan Kingdom wins, she will have to stay in Kyoto for a while.

   Accept the help of the National Teacher, prepare for the compilation of arithmetic books, strike while the iron is hot, and fight for fame for yourself.

   As a result, in a short period of time, she is afraid that she will not be able to go back to Qingshi Town.

   And when my sister goes back, she has to be taken care of.

   Therefore, she couldn't go back here, but Li Xiao had to leave.

  Li Xiao was silent for a while.

   "I asked Henry Zhang to take care of my sister." Then he said.

  The daughter-in-law doesn't leave, and he doesn't want to either.

  With him, the safety of the daughter-in-law is more guaranteed.

  Lin Xiaoyue looked at Li Xiao.

   "No, when you go back, my sister can feel more at ease."

   "And at the Liu residence, with you, I can rest assured."

  Li Xiao just wanted to speak, but Lin Xiaoyue reached out and grabbed his arm.

   "Don't worry, I won't stay in Kyoto for long after you leave."

   "I'll go back to Dashi Village when the book is finished."

   "This is also for our future." Lin Xiaoyue said the last sentence a little heavy.

  Li Xiao finally stopped insisting.

   "Then I'll go back and settle my sister, and then I'll go to Beijing to pick you up." After thinking for a while, he said again.

  Lin Xiaoyue gave Li Xiao a helpless look.

   "It's not too tiring to toss back and forth."

   Seeing her man's insistence, Lin Xiaoyue was relieved.

   "Give me a month. After January, if I haven't returned, you will come back to Beijing."

   "Half a month." Someone bargains.

  Lin Xiaoyue was amused.

   "Between Kyoto and Qingshi Town, if you're not in a hurry, it will take half a month to go back and forth."

   "One month is one month. Come pick me up when the time comes."

  Li Xiao was helpless. Seeing that his daughter-in-law couldn't make sense, he could only helplessly nodded.

  Lin Xiaoyue asked some more about Li Xiaoming's plans, and was relieved after confirming that his man and King Anyang had arranged things properly.

  After washing up, I went to bed early.

   The next day.

  Lin Xiaoyue got up early.

   After washing and dressing up with help from Zhao Shanshan, he changed into the fancy clothes prepared in the palace.

   After that, I went to have breakfast with Mo Fei and others, and Master Guo Shi.

  After breakfast, wait until Eunuch Hu arrives.

   A group of talented people went abroad to the teacher's house and boarded the carriage prepared by Eunuch Hu in advance.

   Passed through several palace gates along the way, and finally the carriage stopped at a huge palace gate.

   After getting off the bus, Eunuch Hu led everyone into the side hall to rest.

   "Let's rest here first, wait for the summons in the front hall, and the miscellaneous family will come to lead you into the hall." Eunuch Hu said to everyone.

   Everyone responded, and Eunuch Hu left.

  Lin Xiaoyue noticed that everyone was nervous, only the sixth princess looked calm and even a little excited.

   Without saying much, Lin Xiaoyue simply found a seat and sat down.

   As soon as he sat down, the sixth princess came over.

   "The game will be played in the lobby later."

   "Not only the messengers of Chu and Jin, but also the father and emperor, the national teacher, and our Dayan minister of civil and military affairs."

   The sixth princess looked at Lin Xiaoyue with burning eyes.

   "I really want to go to the competition with you guys. Unfortunately, I'm not strong enough." Then, he said with some disappointment.

  Lin Xiaoyue glanced at Liang Chengcai and Mo Fei.

   "There's nothing to envy. When there are so many people staring at it, the pressure will not be small." He laughed.

  The sixth princess also followed Lin Xiaoyue's gaze and looked at Liang Chengcai and Mo Fei.

   then laughed.

   "It's normal to be under pressure. The responsibility on you this time is too heavy. You can only succeed, not fail."

  Lin Xiaoyue was taken aback.

   Can't fail? The game has not yet started, who would dare to make such a guarantee?

   However, Lin Xiaoyue didn't say much since the match was imminent.

   "With you here, we will definitely win!" Suddenly, the sixth princess said again. Looking at Lin Xiaoyue, her eyes were full of admiration.

  Lin Xiaoyue nodded awkwardly.

"I'll try my best."

   Six princesses moved their eyes.

   "Yeah! After defeating the envoy of Chu and Jin, the royal father will definitely reward him."

   "You will be the biggest hero then. Is there anything you want?" Chong Lin Xiaoyue asked.

  Lin Xiaoyue was taken aback.

   Are you so optimistic about her? The game hasn't even started yet, so I'm thinking about what's going to happen after winning.

   "What I... want, the emperor can reward?" Lin Xiaoyue asked. Under the guidance of the sixth princess, the imagination really came into being.

what do you want? Want a gold medal to avoid death, or a gold ten thousand taels or something...

   Hehe, of course just thinking about it.

   She wants to make a name for herself next, so how can people in the world feel that she is so "tacky".

   "You can! If you can really defeat the Chu and Jin envoys, you have done a lot of credit!" The Sixth Princess replied.

   Immediately, seeing Lin Xiaoyue smiling, she pulled Lin Xiaoyue's arm carefully.

   "Hehe, I heard... Well, that's what Mr. Liang said."

   "After the competition, you will prepare some books on arithmetic. Then, promote it to the major colleges in Dayan?" The sixth princess looked at Lin Xiaoyue expectantly.

  Lin Xiaoyue was taken aback.

   Seeing the expression of the sixth princess, I can't guess what kind of abacus this guy is playing.

   "Yes... there is this matter. But it has not been decided yet." Lin Xiaoyue said.

   "First of all, we have to win the competition later. Second, to promote the book to the academy, we have to have the support of the imperial court."

   "This second item, the national teacher said before, he will mention it to the emperor. But whether it can be done or not, I actually have no idea in my heart."

   Six princesses' eyes lit up.

   "Naturally it can be done! Master Guo Shi speaks, and the royal father will definitely agree!"

   "Come again, if you win this time. Afterwards, at the celebration banquet, you can mention it directly to the father! How can the father refuse such a good thing that benefits the country and the people?!" said excitedly.

  Lin Xiaoyue pretended to be thinking, then nodded.

   "What the princess said is very reasonable."

   Seeing this, the six princesses looked even more excited.

   The hand that grabbed Lin Xiaoyue's arm also exerted some force.

   "Sir, for the sake of my sincerity in the way of arithmetic and my admiration for you. Let me also join the book editing!" He said immediately.

   "This..." Lin Xiaoyue hesitated.

   Judging from the two days of getting along, she found that these six princesses are still somewhat capable.

   A passion for arithmetic, in particular, is indeed rare.

   Besides, the Sixth Princess has a noble status, and with her participation, this matter will indeed be a lot easier.

   But the game isn't over yet, it's too early to say this...

   "Oh, sir, just promise me! As long as you promise, you can arrange the dirty work in the book editing process for me! I have no complaints here!" Sixth Princess hurriedly said.

   Compile books! It is still the books that will be supplied to Dayan's major academies in the future.

  According to Mr.'s knowledge, once the book comes out, it will definitely have a huge impact and even spread through the ages.

   If she can participate in the compilation, she can also be famous in history!

   Throughout the history of the dynasty, how many people can be remembered in history?

   Even if there are emperors and generals, there are not many who can really leave a place in history.

   And she, as long as she seizes this opportunity, she will have a chance to make a name for herself in history.

  Think about it, future generations will praise her when they see that she, a princess, actually participated in the compilation of such an important book.

   Isn't this more famous than those who are pro-princesses, or even some emperors who have not outstanding political achievements?

   Earning fame is another aspect, and writing a book will definitely not be completed in a short period of time.

   If she can participate in this process, she can study with her husband every day.

  There is so much to learn.

   In case the husband likes her, he will accept her as a student. That's another good talk...

  Yes, she doesn't want to be a teacher anymore, she wants to be a teacher more.

  Although, at this age, sir, it seems...a little bit younger than her.

   Yes, the way of arithmetic, the one who achieves it is the first.

Mr.    has much more knowledge than her, and it is perfectly fine to be her master.

   "This... okay." Lin Xiaoyue finally nodded.

   "If you really want to compile a book in the future, you will be counted as one." Then he added.

   At this time, Lin Xiaoyue was thinking.

   Now she has promised the Sixth Princess, and even if Emperor Yan does not agree to promote the compiled book to the whole country, this one will find a way to facilitate it.

   (end of this chapter)

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