Hot Farmer’s Wife: Buying a Husband for the Farm

Chapter 415: 415 Concubine Shu leaves the palace

   Chapter 415 415 Concubine Shu leaves the palace

  Lin Xiaoyue was slightly taken aback when she heard the title.

   I couldn't help but look at Master Guo Shi.

   Seeing the National Teacher smiled at himself, a smile could not help but rise in my heart.

   Immediately, without further delay, he turned to look at Xu Yan again.

   "Trouble Mr. Xu ghostwriting." Chong Xu Yan said.

   Xu Yan was surprised.

  This woman can really solve this problem?

   Without thinking much, Xu Yan immediately asked the person beside him to put down the topic, then went to the desk and picked up the brush.

  Lin Xiaoyue stepped forward and said, "Five in the center."

  Xu Yan glanced at Lin Xiaoyue, picked up the pen, and wrote five in the center of the Jiugongge.

   "Two and four are shoulders."

  Xu Yan continued to write.

   "Six or eight are feet."

   Everyone looked at Lin Xiaoyue.

   "Three on the left and seven on the right, wearing nine and one." Seeing that Xu Yan's record could keep up, Lin Xiaoyue simply finished the answer.

  Xu Yan quickly filled in the numbers.

   After filling in the numbers, without even putting down the brush, he calculated the contents of the nine-square grid.

  As the inspection progressed, everyone found that Xu Yan's body trembled.

   Moreover, the trembling got worse.

   Then, he suddenly stepped back and vomited a mouthful of blood.

  Xu Qing's complexion changed greatly, and he quickly supported his master.

   The rest of the people in the hall were also shocked, and some even got up from their seats, trying to see what was happening around Lin Xiaoyue and others.

what happened? Master Xu Yan actually vomited blood.

   Was angry with Mrs. Li?

  So, has the correct answer to Jiugongge been solved?

  Xu Yan pushed Xu Qing and asked him to support him to regain his stability.

   Then took a deep breath, and after suppressing the surging emotions in his heart, he took a step forward and gave Lin Xiaoyue a swipe.

   "The old man is willing to be defeated, this time, he is convinced of the defeat..." Then he said.

   As soon as these words came out, there was an instant uproar in the hall.

  The ministers of the state of Yan were overjoyed and whispered.

Won! Madam Li really answered the last question correctly!

   And let Xu Yan admit defeat!

  Emperor Yan was also overjoyed, and in response to what the sixth princess had said about Lin Xiaoyue.

   As for the two princes of Chu and Jin, they almost smoked from anger.

   I saw the two of them stood up from their seats angrily.

   "hum", flicked his sleeves and left.

   Emperor Yan did not hold back when he saw this.

   was broken by Dayan in ten questions in a row, and lost completely in the first half, so it is no wonder that he is so angry.

  Let's go. Anyway, I have to come in the afternoon and continue to watch the second half of the game.

   "Old Xu accepts the concession. Victory and defeat are common affairs in military affairs, and Mr. Xu has to take care of his health." Lin Xiaoyue said.

  Xu Yan nodded.

   was exhausted, as if he had aged several years in an instant.

   "The old man retire." Immediately, he bowed to Lin Xiaoyue again.

  Lin Xiaoyue returned the gift.

   "Old Xu walk slowly."

  Xu Yan only then let Xu Qing support him and leave the hall with the rest of Chu Jin.

   When Xu Yan and others left, the noise in the hall instantly rose.

   "Congratulations! Today, this old man finally learned what it means to be a woman without a man!"

   "Mrs. Li, this old man respects you!" A general in armor suddenly got up and raised a glass to Lin Xiaoyue.

   Then, without waiting for Lin Xiaoyue to reply, he drank it by himself.

"The old man also respects Mrs. Li! Mrs. Li is fighting against the envoys of Chu and Jin today. She uses arithmetic to destroy the prestige of Chu and Jin, and promotes the prestige of my country. It is magnificent!" grown ups.

   "..." With two court officials, one literary and one military, more people began to toast Lin Xiaoyue.

   And everyone drank the toasts by themselves, there was no intention to let Lin Xiaoyue drink it too.

   At this moment, they were really amazed.

  In their eyes, Lin Xiaoyue at this moment is no longer a woman, but an important weapon of the State of Yan.

   For such a master figure, gender is not so important anymore.

   Seeing this, the sixth princess also raised her glass and spoke to Lin Xiaoyue.

   immediately drank the wine in his glass.

   Emperor Yan was watching this scene with a smile, and his heart was also very happy.

   Finally, he also raised a glass to Lin Xiaoyue.

   "Mrs. Li has made great contributions to the country and me this time. I, I also give a toast to Mrs. Li!"

   Emperor Yan toasted, and Lin Xiaoyue naturally couldn't be as simple as returning the salute.

   took the wine from Eunuch Da Hu, and after Lin Xiaoyue thanked Emperor Yan, she drank it all.

   "Hahahaha..." Seeing Lin Xiaoyue drinking the wine, Emperor Yan laughed heartily.

   At this moment, the sixth princess' eyes suddenly moved.

   "Father! Mr. today has even solved ten problems of Chu and Jin. In the end, he even solved the questions left by Master Xu Yan. It is enough to show Mr.'s supreme attainments in arithmetic."

   "How can you not use such a great talent?"

   Emperor Yan looked at the sixth princess.

   "Oh?" asked. Can't see anger.

  The Sixth Princess was not afraid, and a smile appeared on her face again.

   "My son thinks, why don't you let Mr. Compile the Book of Arithmetic, spread the Book of Arithmetic to the major colleges in Dayan, and let all my subjects in Dayan learn more arithmetic, which will benefit all people."

   As soon as these words came out, the hall was quiet for a moment.

   Immediately, the courtiers began to discuss.

  Emperor Yan looked at the ministers, and finally at the national teacher, without expressing his position.

   Let that girl compile the Book of Arithmetic, and also promote the Book of Arithmetic to major academies?

Is    the idea of ​​the national teacher?

   To guard against him?

   Seeing that the face of the national teacher was as usual, Emperor Yan looked at Lin Xiaoyue again.

   This girl deserves a reward for her great contribution to Dayan.

   She has this ability and is indeed qualified to compile books. It's just that promoting books to major academies will not pass...

   "Your Majesty, what the sixth princess said is very reasonable!" At this moment, the Prime Minister stood up and saluted Emperor Yan.

   "Today, the old minister watched Mrs. Li solve the problem and realized the mystery of the way of arithmetic!"

   "Let Madam Li compile the classics of arithmetic and pass on what Madam has learned to future generations, which is the blessing of my Dayan, and the blessing of future generations!"

   "The minister seconded."

   "My minister, seconded."

  "..." Courtiers kept standing up to express their approval.

  Emperor Yan wrinkled slightly when he saw this.

   Seeing Lin Xiaoyue, her face was indifferent, as if what others were talking about had nothing to do with her.

   "Then Madam Li, what do you think?" So Emperor Yan asked Lin Xiaoyue.

   Lin Xiaoyue was called, and that was the move.

   bowed and saluted Emperor Yan, and then said: "Min woman, willing to contribute to Dayan and the people."

   As soon as these words came out, the courtiers admired Lin Xiaoyue again.

   Mrs. Li is loyal to the country and the people!

  Emperor Yan's eyes moved.

   "Madam's heart, I am very pleased. I also believe that the book written by Madam will definitely become a treasure of my Dayan. But—" Yan Di suddenly paused.

   Lin Xiaoyue's heart sank, but she still lowered her head and did not move.

Emperor Yan smiled, "However, Madam's whimsy and wisdom are probably beyond what ordinary people can learn. If the compiled book is pushed to major academies, there will be few people who can truly grasp the essence. In this way, the meaning of It's not too big..."

   Compilation of books is naturally okay. It can be promoted to the academy and influence students all over the world. This has a very different meaning.

  The heart of a national teacher is a bit too much.

   As soon as these words came out, the courtiers began to discuss again.

  The emperor is right.

  The knowledge of arithmetic mastered by Mrs. Li is high-end and profound, which may not be suitable for ordinary people to learn.

  These high-end and esoteric things should probably be treasured and let a few truly gifted people learn.

   is also avoided. This knowledge leaks out and is accidentally learned by people from other countries.

   At this moment, the National Teacher's brows finally wrinkled.

   Just wanted to speak, but Lin Xiaoyue opened her mouth first.

   "This matter, the emperor can rest assured."

   "In the past few days, the women and the sixth princess, Mr. Liang and Mr. Mo Fei, contacted and discussed, and found a lot of problems."

   "We all have ideas about compiling books."

   "We're not just trying to codify those, complicated and difficult arithmetic."

   "I also want to compile some arithmetic books that can really be used for people's livelihood."

   "The women of the people have the confidence to promote this book from the simple to the deep to all academies, and it will definitely benefit all people." Lin Xiaoyue said solemnly.

   As soon as these words came out, Liang Chengcai hurriedly followed to salute Emperor Yan.

   "Mrs. Li is right."

   "Your Majesty, during this period, Wei Chen followed Mrs. Li to study. I found that many of the problems that Mrs. Li talked about were actually summed up by some of Mrs. Li herself, starting from basic knowledge."

   "These basic knowledge, Wei Chen and several people actually do not understand, but they are not as condensed as Mrs. Li summed up."

   "If Mrs. Li can summarize and condense these basic knowledge, and then let later people directly absorb it, it will greatly improve the arithmetic ability of my people in Dayan!"

   Seeing this, I hurriedly stepped forward to second the proposal.

   even gave an example of the result of Lin Xiaoyue condensing some basic knowledge.

  Because what he said were simple arithmetic problems, the courtiers could understand it.

   After listening, he praised Lin Xiaoyue even more.

   The sixth princess also acted coquettishly at Emperor Yan, and even assured Emperor Yan that she would definitely work with Lin Xiaoyue to compile the books promoted by the academy.

   In the face of the general trend, Emperor Yan was helpless and finally agreed.

   But I also said that after the book is compiled, some ministers have to review it and decide that it is suitable for promotion to the academy before it is implemented.

  Lin Xiaoyue and the others quickly thanked the emperor and finally settled down in their hearts.

  Emperor Yan quickly gave him his seat, and danced and sang.

  The people in the hall were quickly immersed in the joy of celebrating the victory over the envoy of Chu and Jin.

at the same time.

   Concubine Shu, who was disguised as a palace maid, hid in the bucket and just passed the last inspection.

   finally left the palace gate.

  The **** opened the lid of the Gong bucket and helped Concubine Shu out.

   Concubine Shu saw Li Xiao who was waiting by the side, and hurried forward.

  I wanted to say something, but was stopped by Li Xiao.

   "There are clothes on the carriage. Sister, you will change them later on the road."

   "After leaving the city, listen to the coachman and wait at Zhuangzi."

   "Tomorrow, the prince leaves Beijing, and I will accompany the prince. When I get there, I'll pick you up and go back to Qingshi Town together." Li Xiao said solemnly.

   Concubine Shu was surprised.

   "You go back, what about Yue'er?" While walking to the carriage with Li Xiao, he asked Li Xiao.

   "I've already told Yue'er to send you back first. After that, I'll go to Beijing to pick her up."

   Concubine Shu grabbed Li Xiao violently.

   "No. Yue'er is a woman with no strength to hold a chicken. How can you leave her alone in Kyoto?"

   She didn't forget that her sister-in-law came to Kyoto because of her.

  If she left, the sister-in-law stayed in Kyoto but something happened. How will she handle herself in the future?

   A heavy look flashed on Li Xiao's face.

   "With Master protecting Yue'er, she will be fine."

   "Besides, Master still has explanations and plans for Yue'er—" Li Xiao looked at Concubine Shu.

   "As for this matter, on our way back tomorrow, my younger brother will talk about my sister. Now, my sister will get in the car quickly. Things will change later."

   Concubine Shu's face moved slightly, and finally nodded.

  Li Xiao put Concubine Shu on the carriage, and gave instructions to the coachman.

   Wait until the carriage is heading out of the city, then turn around and leave

   After half an hour.

   In the palace of Concubine Shu.

   "Someone! Hurry up! Concubine Shu has fallen into the water!" An exclamation suddenly broke the silence.

   After a while, a team of guards appeared and asked about the situation of the palace maid with the callsign.

   Immediately, someone jumped into the pool and began to search for Concubine Shu.

  The situation was urgent, and the news was quickly sent to the imperial concubine's palace and the front hall.

   When the imperial concubine heard the news, mahjong did not bother to continue playing.

   took the three concubines who accompanied her to play mahjong, and immediately went to Concubine Shu's palace.

   In the front hall, Emperor Yan, who had a smile on his face, was furious when he heard the news.

   Immediately, he didn't care about the front palace, and went straight to the harem.

   On the way, Emperor Yan's face was calm and his steps were fast.

   He had warned her not to commit suicide. He also sent someone to stare at Concubine Shu's bedroom, but he still fell into the water.

   Finally arrived at the place, and the imperial concubine and others stepped forward to salute.

  Emperor Yan ignored it, stepped forward, and kicked Concubine Shu's personal maid to the ground.

   "Drag it down, cut it!" Immediately, he said inexplicably.

   The face of the palace maid changed greatly, and she quickly knelt down and begged for mercy.

   Seeing that the guards were about to come up to drag someone, the imperial concubine hurriedly stepped forward to intercede.

   "Your Majesty's anger."

   "Sister Concubine Shu fell into the water, and no one has found it yet. Don't rush to deal with Lu Yi."

  Emperor Yan glanced at the imperial concubine with a bad expression.

   Concubine Concubine did not take it to heart, and continued: "I have to ask first, why did Concubine Shu fall into the water."

   "Lvyi is Concubine Shu's personal maid. She has been by her side for many years. It would be bad if she came back and found out."

   Sure enough, hearing this, Emperor Yan's expression improved.

   Concubine Shu did take this maid very seriously.

   "Say, Concubine Shu fell into the water, what happened?!" Emperor Yan looked at Lu Yi angrily.

   Green's body trembled.

   "Back - back to the emperor. When - at that time, Concubine Shu said she wanted to be by the pool, Shan - to be alone for a while."

   "The slave girl saw that there was some wind, so she went back to the bedroom and went to get a cloak for the empress."

   "The knot—result, when I came back, well—it seemed, I heard the sound of heavy objects falling into the water."

   "It wasn't until she ran to the pool that the slave-maiden realized that the Empress was gone. Woohoo... The sound of falling into the water must be the Empress, woohoo..." Lu Yi burst into tears.

  Emperor Yan's complexion was already black.

   "So, you didn't see Concubine Shu falling into the water at all?!" Shen Sheng asked.

   Green's body froze.

   "No, but... the sound of falling water—"

  Emperor Yan stepped forward and gave Lvyi a kick again, kicking the person to the ground.

   (end of this chapter)

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