Chapter 416 416 Win

   "Pass the decree, block the city gate. Search Concubine Shu!" Immediately, he gritted his teeth.

  Damn, escape?

   Emperor Yan turned and looked at the imperial concubine and others.

   "Thorough investigation! Dig three feet into the ground, and find Concubine Shu for me!" said sharply.

   "Yes!" The guards immediately took orders.

   "Humph!" Emperor Yan flicked his sleeves and left.

   When Emperor Yan was far away, the three concubines who were following behind the imperial concubine leaned beside the imperial concubine.

   "Niangniang——" One by one, looking very frightened.

   The imperial concubine smiled softly.

   "Let's go." After saying that, he went back to his bedroom.

  Humph, why are you mad at her? ...

   Inside the front hall.

  The courtiers waited for a long time, but did not wait for Emperor Yan to return.

   I just waited for Eunuch Da Hu to announce the call, saying that the emperor was unwell and had returned to the palace.

  The crowd dispersed, and we will come back in the afternoon.

  Lin Xiaoyue and others were also able to return to the National Teacher's Mansion.

   On the way back, the sixth princess jumped directly into Lin Xiaoyue's carriage.

   pulled Lin Xiaoyue to chatter and talked endlessly.

  Lin Xiaoyue was quite patient today and listened to everything from start to finish.

   "Sir, wait for tomorrow, let's start compiling books tomorrow!" The sixth princess said excitedly.

   "The afternoon game hasn't even started yet. Don't worry." Lin Xiaoyue replied.

   In the second half of the game, what if Xu Yan and others also answered all the ten questions they asked correctly?

   In this case, we have to play extra matches.

   Of course, she felt that the probability should not be high.

   "Oh, with Mr. here, where are the people of Chu Jin's opponents?! They are sure to lose!" Sixth Princess immediately said.

  Lin Xiaoyue's eyes were full of worship.

   "That's right, sir. Do you really have a plan for the books provided to the academy?" The sixth princess suddenly asked Lin Xiaoyue.

  Lin Xiaoyue glanced at the Sixth Princess and nodded when she saw that she didn't mean to try.


  Since she was given such an opportunity, she felt that it was just the right time to set off a reform in the world of arithmetic.

   The first is to promote symbols such as Arabic numerals, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, and then use the 21st century textbooks for elementary school as a template to deepen and advance step by step.

   If this is done well, it will really benefit the country and the people, and have a far-reaching impact.

   And her reputation will never be shaken in the future.

   The six princesses' eyes were filled with joy again.

   "That's great, then we will all follow Mr.'s orders. If Mr. has any task, just assign it to us!" He said quickly.

  Lin Xiaoyue smiled.

   "I won't be polite."

   Finally arrived at the Guoshifu.

After    went down to the ground, Lin Xiaoyue saw Li Xiao.

   A hanging heart fell to the ground.

   Immediately, ignoring the sixth princess, Lin Xiaoyue took Li Xiao back to the plum garden.

   Back in the house, as soon as the door closed, Lin Xiaoyue rushed over and threw herself into Li Xiao's arms.

   Smelling the reassuring smell on the man, Lin Xiaoyue was reluctant to let go.

   The decree from the Duke of Hu said that Emperor Yan was unwell and returned to the palace.

   She knew that Concubine Shu's departure from the palace had already been exposed.

After   , her heart hung high. I was afraid that Li Xiao would have an accident.

   On the way back, in order not to show any clues, she had to deal with the sixth princess, and she was a little tired.

  Li Xiao moved, wanting to bow his head to comfort his daughter-in-law.

   But he found himself being held tightly, and his daughter-in-law wouldn't let him move at all.

   Helpless, Li Xiao could only maintain his posture.

   "I'm fine. Sister is fine too. At this time, people should have already left the city." Li Xiao lowered his voice.

  This time, he made his daughter-in-law worry again.

   "Yeah." Lin Xiaoyue replied dully.

   But he still didn't let go of Li Xiao.

  Li Xiao didn't move, and let his daughter-in-law hold him.

  I don't know how long it took before Lin Xiaoyue finally hugged enough and let go of her man.

   It was also at this time that Li Xiaocai noticed that the corners of Lin Xiaoyue's eyes were a little wet.

   A pain in his heart, Li Xiao stretched out his hand, trying to wipe the tears from the corners of his eyes for his daughter-in-law.

   But just as he stretched out his hand, Lin Xiaoyue turned his head to avoid it.

   Immediately, a smile appeared on Lin Xiaoyue's face.

   took Li Xiao's hand and walked towards the inner room.

   The couple chatted about what they had done in the morning.

   "Now that the emperor has ordered the city to be sealed, can you and the prince leave tomorrow?" After learning the situation, Lin Xiaoyue asked Li Xiao worriedly.

  Li Xiao nodded.


   "The emperor will have some scruples while the envoys from Chu Jin are still there. In order to avoid misunderstandings from Chu Jin, the city should be released soon."

   "Besides, the prince has already mentioned the matter of leaving the capital to the emperor in advance. It's not a big problem to leave tomorrow."

  Lin Xiaoyue's face was slightly calmer.

   "That's good. Then you take care of my sister along the way."


  Li Xiao stretched out his hand and let Lin Xiaoyue lean on his shoulder.


  Lin Xiaoyue and others set off from the National Teacher's House again to participate in the competition.

  Because the second half of the game was already prepared, everyone was calmer.

   When we got there, we didn't wait in the side hall this time. Everyone was led directly by Eunuch Hu into the main hall.

   After seeing Emperor Yan, everyone took a seat.

   At this time, Emperor Yan lost his smiling face in the morning, but instead had a serious look on his face.

  Lin Xiaoyue naturally had guesses in her heart and did not pay too much attention.

  Lin Xiaoyue and others took their seats before the envoy from Chu Jin arrived.

  Lin Xiaoyue saw that Xu Yan's complexion was much better than when he left in the morning. But no longer the same look when we first met.

   It seems that she hit this guy really hard this morning.

  Everyone has arrived, and soon the game will start.

  Lin Xiaoyue took Liang Chengcai and Mo Fei to show the topic prepared by Dayan to Xu Yan and others.

  Compared to the nervousness of the envoys from Chu and Jin, this time the officials of Dayan were calm.

   Similar to the order in which the questions were posed before Chu and Jin, Dayan also followed the principle from easy to difficult.

  Lin Xiaoyue found that Xu Yan's attainments in arithmetic were indeed not low.

   Including the three questions selected in the sea of ​​questions, Xu Yan actually broke five of her questions in a row.

   Even breaking the five questions brought some hope to the envoys of Chu and Jin.

  The two princes of Chu and Jin stared closely at Xu Yan, hoping that he could keep his state and move forward.

   On Dayan's side, Emperor Yan and his ministers lost their indifference.

  Someone has already frowned.

   It was Lin Xiaoyue, even with a smile on her face.

   "The last five questions are more difficult. Mr. Xu, please—" Lin Xiaoyue said.

   When she had five questions in the first half of the game, she remembered that the other party also reminded her.

   Let her jump to the question in time when she finds a question she can't solve.

   She originally wanted to remind her, but after thinking about it, she changed her statement.

   After all, she has already won ten questions, leaving no room for others to skip questions.

   As long as Xu Yan can't answer one of the questions, he doesn't have to answer the rest. Lost anyway.

  Xu Yan glanced at Lin Xiaoyue, cupped her hands at Lin Xiaoyue, and did not speak.

  Only those who stood close to him could realize that there were beads of sweat on his forehead at this moment.

  Only he knew that except for the first three questions, the fourth and fifth questions he just answered were extremely dangerous, and he almost failed to solve them.

   Next, he had to face five more difficult questions, and he really had no confidence that he could solve them all.

  At noon, the two princes of Chu and Jin came to him, but he did not see him.

   I just don’t want them and affect my second half of the game.

  But the current situation...his mentality still hasn't stabilized...

   Soon the sixth question came up.

  Xu Yan quickly read the question.

   After reading it this time, I haven’t been able to write yet.

   And Xu Qing and Meng Lin, who were standing behind Xu Yan, were also frowning and grimacing. They couldn't do anything except stare at the question.

  Time passes minute by minute...

   Finally, Xu Yan, who was sweating profusely, moved.

   was not an answer to the question, but a step back in despair.

   Then, stiffened, he bowed to Lin Xiaoyue.

   "This question, old man - has no solution."

   "Also ask Mrs. Li to enlighten me."

   As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the two princes of Chu and Jin changed greatly.

   One of the princes was so angry that he threw away the wine glass in his hand.

   Then, the two glared at Xu Yan.

   got up, left the crowd like this, and left.

  Xu Qing's face was pale, and she wanted to let the two princes stay.

   did not dare to speak.

   looked beside him, bowed his body, and kept salute to his own master, Lin Xiaoyue, with despair in his heart.

   Seeing Xu Yan like this, Lin Xiaoyue was a little surprised.

   Immediately, he generously explained the answer and the solution to the problem.

   Xu Yan suddenly realized.

   salutes Lin Xiaoyue again and is convinced.

   The sixth question is over. The math competition between Yan Guo and Chu Jin has already been decided.

   In addition, the two princes of Chu and Jin had already left, Lin Xiaoyue thought that there was no need to continue the following games.

  Unexpectedly, Xu Yan asked Lin Xiaoyue to continue with the following questions.

   Seeing Xu Yan's attitude, Lin Xiaoyue had some appreciation in her heart and cooperated.

   As a result, Xu Yan only solved one of the remaining four questions.

   Xu Yan still humbly asked Lin Xiaoyue for advice on problems that he could not solve.

   And after learning the answer, every time I have a sense of enlightenment.

   Especially for the last question.

   When he saw that the question Yan Guo presented was also a nine-square question, and it was more difficult than the question left by his teacher, Xu Yan felt his insignificance again.

   "Today, the old man has been taught!" After getting the answer to the last question, Xu Yan sighed and bowed to Lin Xiaoyue again.

   "Xu Lao's words are serious."

   "Xu Lao's bearing is admired by the younger generation." Lin Xiaoyue said politely.

   This person is really good at and obsessed with arithmetic.

  Otherwise, in the case of knowing that you have lost, there is no need to continue to answer the question.

The more you answer   , the more you can't answer.

   will only embarrass him and lose more reputation.

  Xu Yan glanced at Lin Xiaoyue, and finally a smile appeared on his face.

   Immediately glanced at Liu Wuji again.

   Then he bowed to Emperor Yan.

   "Your Majesty has this talent. The blessing of Dayan." He said.

   Without waiting for Emperor Yan to reply, Xu Yan said again: "This time, the old man is convinced that he has lost."

   "Since Dayan wins, Chu Jin will reduce by 30% of the previous peace terms."

   As soon as these words came out, the hall immediately filled with joy.

   Even Emperor Yan, who hadn't laughed much in the afternoon, finally raised a smile.

   "Mr. Xu is working hard, please take a seat and talk." Emperor Yan said.

  Xu Yan refused.

   "Thank you Your Majesty for your kindness, you don't need to take a seat."

   "The old man is unwell, so I will retire. Tomorrow, I will re-enter the palace and sign a new letter of credentials with your country's envoys."

   Emperor Yan did not hold back, and ordered someone to send Xu Yan and others.

  Lin Xiaoyue saw the old man straighten his back as he walked out of the palace step by step.

After    Xu Yan left, the hall immediately became noisy.

   is the congratulatory voice of Dayan courtiers.

  Like the morning, many people congratulated Lin Xiaoyue and toasted her.

   Lin Xiaoyue responded with a smile, but for some reason, the back of Xu Yan who left just now kept echoing in her mind.

   In the evening, Lin Xiaoyue, as the biggest contributor to the Three Kingdoms peace talks, was left behind and attended the banquet in the palace.

   Moreover, under the persuasion of the sixth princess, he accidentally drank too much.

   returned to the National Teacher's House, and was supported by Zhao Shanshan back to the plum garden.

   Lin Xiaoyue woke up as soon as she lay in bed.

  Li Xiao went to King Anyang's place, she had to sleep alone tonight.

   Also, I won't be able to see him for a long time.

   The next day.

   When Lin Xiaoyue woke up, it was already three poles in the sun.

   After getting up and realizing that the time was wrong, Lin Xiaoyue hurriedly called someone out.

   Zhao Shanshan hurriedly ran into the inner room.

   "Here there, miss!" Hurry up and go to Fu Lin Xiaoyue.

   After seeing Zhao Shanshan, Lin Xiaoyue regained her senses.

   checked the time in his space ring, then let himself go and leaned on Zhao Shanshan's shoulder.

   "The city gate, is it open?" Then, he asked.

   At this hour, if everything goes well, Li Xiao has already left the city with King Anyang.

   "Open." Zhao Shanshan replied.

   I know why my young lady is abnormal.

   "Well. That's good..." Lin Xiaoyue replied. Heart at ease.

   had some bad dreams last night, and she was worried that something would happen.

   Now make sure they're all right and that's it.

   After a while, Lin Xiaoyue got up from Zhao Shanshan's shoulder.

   "I'm hungry..." Then, she looked at Zhao Shanshan with a pitiful expression.

   "Pfft—" Zhao Shanshan was amused.

   "Knowing that you are up to eat, there is food warm on the kitchen stove."

   "You get up first, I'll ask Fan Teng to fetch the food."

  Uncle, before leaving, you can tell me again and again to take good care of the young lady.

   She and Fan Teng are paying attention now.

   "Hmm." Lin Xiaoyue just got out of bed.

   Zhao Shanshan went out to find Fan Teng.

   After a while, he gave instructions to Fan Teng in the yard and came back.

   Help Lin Xiaoyue wash up.

   After a while, Lin Xiaoyue was groomed and had a hot meal.

  There is something in the stomach, and people feel a lot more comfortable.

   Lin Xiaoyue then asked about the situation of the others.

   "Last night, with the exception of Master Guo Shi, all of you were very drunk."

   "This morning, it's the normal breakfast at Zhuyuan." Zhao Shanshan smiled.

   Lin Xiaoyue had a smile on her face.

   It's not just that she stays in bed alone.

   "Master Guo Shi said, you all worked hard yesterday, young lady. Today is a holiday, and let the people not disturb you."

   "Yeah. Master National Teacher is right." Lin Xiaoyue nodded as if there was something serious.

   Zhao Shanshan was even happier.

  Lin Xiaoyue glanced at Zhao Shanshan, didn't care about being laughed at, and muttered, "What are you doing on vacation?"

   Zhao Shanshan just wanted to answer, but unexpectedly, there was a knock on the door.

   "Sir—" Immediately, the voice of the sixth princess also sounded at the door.

   (end of this chapter)

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