Hot Farmer’s Wife: Buying a Husband for the Farm

Chapter 420: 420 Departure in three days

   Chapter 420 420 Departure after three days

   Seeing that Li Xiao looked bad, King Anyang patted Li Xiao on the shoulder.

   "Lin Dongjia compiled the Arithmetic Classics to benefit the country and the people. You don't have to worry, she will come back sooner or later." He comforted.

  Li Xiao nodded and said nothing more.


   With the unremitting efforts of Lin Xiaoyue and others, the first fourteen volumes of the Arithmetic Classic were finally compiled.

The    compilation team also officially entered the hardest part, the compilation of the last six volumes.

  Because of the mathematics knowledge in junior high school, it is more difficult than elementary school.

   Now Lin Xiaoyue has to spend more time teaching "students". At the same time, the time spent in compiling books has also increased.

   Seeing that the month of January was coming, Lin Xiaoyue sent a letter to Li Xiao for a few days, telling him to take it easy and not need to go to Beijing to pick him up.

   But a few days later, he suddenly discovered that Li Xiao's letter was broken.

   With an uneasy mood, Lin Xiaoyue still insisted on writing letters to Li Xiao every day.

   Until about five days later, Li Xiao actually appeared in the National Teacher's Mansion.

The moment    saw her husband, Lin Xiaoyue's heart fell to the ground.

   Then, he rushed over and smashed Li Xiao's chest.

   "I told you not to come, you should ignore it!" Lin Xiaoyue was so angry that tears came out.

   Kyoto is the Longtan Tiger Den, does he know that?

   The National Teacher's Mansion is still in the palace. If he is discovered, what will he do then?

  Li Xiao stretched out his hand and caught Lin Xiaoyue's tumultuous pink fist.

   Then, he put it to his lips in distress and kissed twice.

   "Why are you crying? Isn't it safe for me to come here?"

   Immediately, with a sudden force, he picked up Lin Xiaoyue by the waist and walked to the inner room.

   Put his daughter-in-law on the bed, and Li Xiao took off Lin Xiaoyue's shoes again.

   Immediately, he also climbed into the bed.

   looked down at his daughter-in-law condescendingly, and saw that she finally stopped shedding tears, and his expression became lighter.

   "It was agreed before that my husband will pick you up and go home." Then he lowered his head and dropped a kiss on Lin Xiaoyue's forehead.

   "Did I not eat well, I haven't seen each other for a month, and I lost weight." The big hand reached out to Lin Xiaoyue's little face again, with a distressed look on her face.

   "Humph!" Lin Xiaoyue pouted, turned over and left her back to Li Xiao.

  Li Xiao smiled, sighed, and lay down beside his daughter-in-law.

   Immediately followed, he turned over and took Lin Xiaoyue into his arms from behind.

   Then, a heart is also at ease.

   "Don't be angry. I came to Beijing to pick you up so that I can spend more time with you." Li Xiao said.

   "When I **** you back to Dashi Village, my husband will have to leave."

   Lin Xiaoyue, who was still smiling just now, was stunned for a moment, turned over, and faced Li Xiao.

   The man suddenly saw the woman's face, and his breathing stagnated for a moment.

   "What do you mean?!" Lin Xiaoyue asked anxiously.

  Li Xiao quickly returned to his senses.

   went forward and kissed Lin Xiaoyue on the forehead again.

   "There is some trouble in Chu country. Master sent me a letter and asked me to go to Chu country." He said.

   didn't dare to see Lin Xiaoyue's expression, Li Xiao turned over and lay down.

   "So, if I don't come to Kyoto to find you this time. When you go back, my husband may have already set off." In this way, the couple missed it.

  Lin Xiaoyue's face tightened.

   rushed over and put his head on Li Xiao's chest.

   "Is it dangerous to go to Chu State on this trip?"

   As soon as he asked the exit, Lin Xiaoyue felt that she asked in vain.

  Chu Jin is joining the alliance, how could it not be dangerous?

  Li Xiao looked down at his daughter-in-law, and then patted Lin Xiaoyue on the back.

   "Go in secret, hide where you are, and you will be fine." If it is not necessary, the master will not let him go this trip.

   It is rare for Master to take action now, and he has to cooperate no matter what.

  Lin Xiaoyue also knew the seriousness of the matter, so she failed to say the words to let Li Xiao stay.

   "When will we leave?" After a while, he asked.

   "There are still more than ten days." Li Xiao said.

   "I'll stay at the National Teacher's House to accompany you for the past few days, and listen to some master's teachings by the way. When you finish compiling the arithmetic, I'll send you back to Dashi Village. After that—"

   "Let's start from Qingshi Town."

   Lin Xiaoyue's heart moved.

   "I'll go with you." He said.

  Li Xiao was taken aback.

   "You know, I have the ability to protect myself." Lin Xiaoyue said again.

   "The last time I was at the border, I went too—"

  Li Xiao suddenly tried hard to stop Lin Xiaoyue's words.

   Seeing his daughter-in-law raised her head and looked at him with a persistent face, Li Xiao sighed.

   "This time the situation is different from before."

   "Besides, once I go this time, it won't be long before the Chinese New Year."

   "You took too long to go to Beijing this time. Mother, they miss you very much."

  Li Xiao looked at Lin Xiaoyue.

   "Besides, Master's side—"

   Not long ago, Master sent him a jade pendant with a letter and asked him to return the jade pendant to his mother-in-law.

   Then he guessed something.

  Master has already said that this year we will go to Dashi Village for Chinese New Year.

   In this way, he can't take his daughter-in-law away.

  Lin Xiaoyue looked at Li Xiao.

   thought of something, a smile twitched at the corner of his mouth.

   "From now on, I'm afraid you won't be able to call me Master." He continued.

  Li Xiao was taken aback.

   "I have to call Grandpa." Lin Xiaoyue said again.

   Master Guo Shi hasn't told this guy the truth yet?

   So reluctant to expel his proud disciple from his teacher's door?

  Li Xiao's eyes moved slightly and quickly returned to normal.

   "Aren't you surprised?" Lin Xiaoyue asked curiously.

  Li Xiao smiled, "I had some guesses before."

   Fan Ming mentioned earlier that Master went to Zhoujiazhuang to find his daughter.

   And his mother-in-law's age should be exactly the same age as Master's daughter.

   There is another piece of jade pendant, which is actually not difficult to guess.

   However, things in this world are really all coincidental.

   Who would have thought that he fled thousands of miles and the daughter-in-law he met turned out to be the granddaughter of his mentor?

  Thinking of this, Li Xiao increased his strength by two points and pulled his daughter-in-law into his arms again.

  Lin Xiaoyue didn't struggle, she moved her position and found a more comfortable position to lie on her stomach.

   "According to the previous generation, you are my uncle." Suddenly, a certain woman said.

  Li Xiao was startled.

   "What uncle? Tomorrow I will go to Master and ask him to expel me from the school. You are my daughter-in-law and you will never change!" Immediately said.

   After he finished speaking, he turned over and gave Lin Xiaoyue a wolf kiss.

  Lin Xiaoyue was kissed so badly that she couldn't say what she wanted to refute.

   After tossing Lin Xiaoyue for a while, Li Xiaocai finally controlled himself and let go of Lin Xiaoyue.

   Looking at her man's restrained eyes, Lin Xiaoyue suddenly had courage.

   stretched out his arm and wrapped it around the back of Li Xiao's neck.

   "Xianggong—" Immediately, he opened his mouth.

  Li Xiao's heart moved, he couldn't control it any longer, and lowered his body.

   The next day.

   Mr. Lin, who has always been up early and diligent, finally got up late after compiling books for more than 20 days.

   By the time she dragged her tired body to the book-editing room, many students in the room had already arrived and were all waiting for her.

   Everyone saw that their husband seemed to be in a bad state today, and no one dared to ask more.

   And Lin Xiaoyue, after entering the room, quickly adjusted her mood and started today's teaching.

   She was a little angry, the uncontrollable li Xiao...

   That's all, in fact, it doesn't seem to be entirely his fault.

   At the same time, unlike Lin Xiaoyue's exhaustion, Li Xiao went to the bamboo garden in a proud spring breeze.

  Liu Wuji was a little puzzled when he saw that his disciple was in a very good mood today.

After    told Li Xiao about the situation, he chatted with him about daily life.

   "Is everyone in Dashi Village okay?" Chong Lixiao asked. He actually wanted to ask if his daughter Linglong was okay.

   As soon as we parted, the little girl at that time had become the mother of two children.

   Even more, maybe it won't be long before she will be a grandmother.

   He wanted to see his daughter, but unfortunately, he couldn't leave right now.

  Li Xiao glanced at Liu Wuji and saw what Liu Wuji was thinking.

   "Everything is fine. My mother-in-law is healthy, but I miss Yue'er very much." Li Xiao said.

   Immediately, as if thinking of something, he added: "That jade pendant, my mother-in-law cherished it very much after she received it. I heard that she took it out from time to time to watch it."

   Liu Wuji's expression changed.

   Soon, he suppressed his emotions again.


   "Master—" Seeing this, Li Xiao hesitated.

  Liu Wuji frowned and looked at Li Xiao.

   "In the future, call your grandfather." He finally said.

   obviously guessed it, and called Master. this kid...

  Li Xiao had a happy expression on his face.

   "Yes, Grandpa!" said quickly.

  Liu Wuji's complexion improved.

   "The compilation of the Arithmetic Scripture is going well. The emperor is very satisfied after reading it. By next year, it is estimated that it will be distributed to various academies for students to study."

   "It is estimated that in another seven or eight days, Yue'er should be able to complete the work."

  Li Xiao nodded.

   "Originally, after Yue'er's side is completed, you send her back to Dashi Village, and then set off for Chu State. You will be in time."

   "But now the situation has changed, you're afraid you can't send her back."

  Li Xiao was shocked.

   "The envoy sent by the emperor to Chu has already set off, and the time left for you is not that sufficient."

   This matter is of great importance, and we must not rely solely on the envoys of the imperial court.

   Besides, the purpose of his people going to Chu State is not exactly the same as the purpose of the emperor's people.

  Li Xiao frowned, but nodded anyway.

   Liu Wuji glanced at Li Xiao and sighed.

   "Let's go in three days. Take advantage of this time to get along with Yue'er."

   "After the arithmetic has been compiled, I will personally send her back to Dashi Village." Liu Wuji suddenly said.

  The time was too tight, and he didn't wait for the Chinese New Year to go back to reunite with them.

   Taking advantage of this time to send his granddaughter home, he just left Kyoto for a month.

   Hearing this, Li Xiao was relieved.

   "Yes." replied.

  Because of the tossing last night, Lin Xiaoyue was not in good spirits today, and when it was almost noon, she was relying on willpower to support her.

  Fortunately, the National Teacher suddenly arrived.

   When everyone saw the arrival of the National Teacher, they got up and saluted.

  The national teacher asked everyone to get up, walked to Lin Xiaoyue's side, and then looked at everyone.

   "The old man has something to discuss with Yue'er. Let's go here for today's class." Liu Wuji said.

   "Besides, you all worked hard during this time. Next, take three days off, and then continue in three days."

   As soon as these words came out, everyone looked hesitant, but they all felt relieved.

   During this period of time, he learned arithmetic knowledge every day, and after finishing his studies, he began to compile the relevant content in the arithmetic scriptures.

  I have to be free all day long, and my nerves are still tense.

   It is naturally good to be able to take a break.

  You can take three days off in a row, isn't it a bit too much?

  Lin Xiaoyue also looked sideways at Liu Wuji.

   Knowing that Li Xiao had already gone to see his grandfather, grandpa said so, he must have plans.

   So, it should come down.

   When everyone saw this, they followed suit.

   Immediately, pack up and leave.

  Lin Xiaoyue followed Liu Wuji to the end, and just after leaving the door, Li Xiao appeared.

  Liu Wuji glanced at Li Xiao, and then said, "Xiao'er will leave in three days, and the next three days, you two will arrange by yourself."

After    finished speaking, he didn't say any more, raised his foot and left.

  Lin Xiaoyue was startled, looked at the back of Liu Wuji's departure, and then quickly looked at Li Xiao.

   This guy, didn't he say last night that he would go to Chu country in ten days? How did it become three days?

  Li Xiao nodded with difficulty.

   Then, he stepped forward and took Lin Xiaoyue's hand, and brought the people back to the room where they lived.

   Back in the room, Lin Xiaoyue was angry.

   Leaving Li Xiao aside to hold his hand, he walked into the back room angrily.

  Li Xiao hurried to chase.

   Then, a tiger pounced and controlled the awkward person on the big bed.

   Thinking of what happened last night, Lin Xiaoyue's face turned from anger to blush.

   saw Li Xiao's heart move.

   "The plan has changed, and I just found out." Li Xiao explained, suppressing the restlessness.

   "In addition, Grandpa also said that when you finish compiling the arithmetic, he will personally send you back to Dashi Village."

  Lin Xiaoyue was taken aback.

   "Don't stay in Dashi Village for the New Year?" asked.

   Didn't the old man say before that he would go back to spend the New Year with them?

   If you go back with her and stay in Dashi Village for a month, it will not be New Year’s Day yet.

   "No more." Li Xiao said.

   "When the spring begins after the year, there may be some action on the Jin country. Grandpa estimates that he will do it in advance."

  What came to mind, Lin Xiaoyue didn't ask any more.

   "Get up." Then, blushing.

  Li Xiao was taken aback.

   suppressed his emotions again, then got up with difficulty and let go of Lin Xiaoyue.

   With freedom, Lin Xiaoyue finally felt a little at ease.

   glanced at Li Xiao, who was sitting beside her but didn't dare to look at her, and Lin Xiaoyue was slightly annoyed again.

   "I'm hungry." Immediately said.

  Li Xiao's nerves seemed to be touched instantly.

   "I'm going to the kitchen to get something to eat!" Immediately got up.

   Lin Xiaoyue didn't stop her, and happily watched her man go out.

   For the next three days, Lin Xiaoyue and Li Xiao stayed in the plum garden and did not go out.

   The sixth princess and others wanted to come to disturb them, but they were ordered by the national teacher, saying that Lin Xiaoyue had her own business and they were not allowed to come to disturb her.

   So, the couple is considered to have been together for three days.

  Li Xiao was at ease, almost reluctant to think about it.

   He almost forgot about going to Chu State.

  Lin Xiaoyue would be miserable. With her small body, if she hadn't had the ability to protect her body, she would have been tossed out of bed by Li Xiao long ago.

   Of course, there are most of the reasons for this discomfort, and she brought it on herself...

  Happy days are always short.

  In the blink of an eye, it will be three days later.

   With endless nostalgia, Li Xiao finally left.

   (end of this chapter)

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