Chapter 421 421 County Head

   When he woke up in the morning, there was no one around Lin Xiaoyue.

  Li Xiao left a letter and only asked her to go back to Dashi Village to wait for her.

   The taste of separation is unpleasant.

   But being busy is the best medicine for a sad mood.

  As the arithmetic course continued and the arithmetic scriptures continued to be compiled, Lin Xiaoyue quickly returned to work.

   At the same time, Liu Wuji also started his next plan.

   Nine days later, the Book of Arithmetic was finally compiled.

  Liu Wuji brought the last two books of arithmetic to meet Emperor Yan.

On the    Dragon Seat, Emperor Yan's expression was a little worse, and his expression seemed to be more tired than usual.

   After flipping through a few pages of the Book of Arithmetic, Emperor Yan put the two volumes aside.

   "The content of the Sutra of Arithmetic is well compiled. After several ministers of the Ministry of Housing have read it, they have arranged for some academies in Kyoto to study. The feedback from the students is also very good."

   "I am very fortunate that I listened to your suggestion." Emperor Yan looked at Liu Wuji.

   In the past two years, he has obviously felt that his physical condition has declined.

   Especially these two days, the spirit is even worse.

   Now Dayan is facing a formidable enemy again, which can be said to be precarious.

  As an emperor, looking back on his life, he doesn't seem to have made any political achievements.

   Now, the Book of Arithmetic was born from his hands and passed down through the ages.

   can also be regarded as a legacy he left to history and future generations.

   Liu Wuji bowed to Emperor Yan.

   "It's a minister, you should thank the emperor for giving the minister and that girl a chance." He said respectfully.

   Emperor Yan waved his hand.

   "That's all. It's that girl who has the ability." There was a little more smile on her face.

   "This time the arithmetic has been compiled, and that girl has contributed a lot. You ask her what she wants, and I will reward her."

   Since he reconciled with the national teacher, he is actually a little ashamed of that girl.

   Now, let’s make up for it a little.

   Liu Wuji saluted Emperor Yan again.

   "The reward is no longer needed. That girl has been away from home for more than a month, and her mother misses her very much."

   "Before the minister came over, she specially asked the minister to resign from the emperor and wanted to return to Qingshi Town."

   After Liu Wuji finished speaking, he looked up at Emperor Yan.

   "My minister, I also want to go to Qingshi Town. I hope the emperor agrees—" After speaking, he lowered his head again.

  Emperor Yan's expression darkened and he was silent.

   After a long while, he finally spoke.

   "Chu Jin's wolf ambitions, Dayan is in danger at this moment, I can't do without the national teacher." Retained.

   He can understand the national teacher's desire to miss her daughter, and his desire to go to Dashi Village with him.

   But right now, the only person he can trust and rely on in the DPRK is the national teacher.

   When the national teacher is there, he can feel at ease.

   Liu Wuji clasped his fists.

   "The messengers sent to Chu have already set off, and orders have been received from all parts of the border to prepare for the war. Everything that can be done has been arranged."

   "Besides, the courtiers only go for a month, and they must be back before the year before. They will never delay the emperor's important affairs." Shen said.

   Emperor Yan was silent again. I understand the meaning of the teacher.

   He deliberately went to Dashi Village in advance, just to avoid him not being in Kyoto during the Chinese New Year. Spring is coming soon after the Chinese New Year, and that's when it's even more critical.

   Thinking of this, Emperor Yan finally nodded.


   Eunuch Hu suddenly arrived at the National Teacher's House, and he also sent Emperor Yan's imperial decree.

  Lin Xiaoyue was awarded the title of county magistrate and a thousand taels of gold because of her merit in compiling the classics of arithmetic.

  At the same time, the Sixth Princess, Liang Chengcai and Mo Fei also received awards.

  The sixth princess and others were very happy to receive the reward. They invited Lin Xiaoyue to preside over them, and once again held a hot pot banquet in the National Teacher's House to bid farewell to Lin Xiaoyue.

   "Sir, you just stay and settle down in Kyoto directly!"

   "You are the county head now, what do you want to do? If you don't, the princess will help you. Together, we will definitely become a role model among the women in Kyoto." The sixth princess said.

   She is definitely the most reluctant person on the field to leave her husband, no one.

  After these days of contact, she really liked her husband to the extreme.

She likes Mr.   's talent, character, and cooking skills and appearance.

   If it weren't for her husband, she was a woman.

   She will definitely go and ask the royal father to give them a marriage. In this way, she can stay with Mr.

  , she is the husband who really envy Mr.

   That man surnamed Li really had **** luck!

   At this time, Li Xiao, who had just arrived in Chu State, sneezed.

   I thought to myself, maybe my daughter-in-law thousands of miles away was thinking of me, and a smile couldn't help but raise on her face.

   The sixth princess didn't know what Li Xiao was thinking at the moment, otherwise, she would have to think "Bah"

  Lin Xiaoyue smiled, "Thank you, Princess, for keeping me. However, it's hard to leave my homeland, so a place like Qingshi Town is suitable for me."

   Seeing the disappointment on the face of the sixth princess, Lin Xiaoyue said again: "However, if the sixth princess is free in the future and travels to Nan'an County, you can go to Qingshi Town to find me. At that time, it will be a good hospitality."

After   , Lin Xiaoyue raised her glass to the sixth princess.

   The sixth princess finally smiled again.

   "That Wanyue can write it down, sir, don't be rude!" He had a drink with Lin Xiaoyue.

  Lin Xiaoyue didn't know at this time, because of her words, the sixth princess really changed her mind and gradually freed herself from the bondage.

   became the first princess in the history of Yan Kingdom who did not marry away from Kyoto.

   "Mr. Mo and Mr. Liang too!" Then, Lin Xiaoyue toasted Liang Chengcai and Mo Fei again.

  The two thanked each other and drank the wine.

   For more than a month, they were preparing to compete with Chu Jin together, defeating Chu Jin envoys together, and then compiling arithmetic scriptures together. Friendship has been extraordinary.

   And in the hearts of several people, Lin Xiaoyue has become a teacher and a friend.

   This night, everyone celebrated the completion of the compilation of arithmetic, and there was joy.

   Saying goodbye to Lin Xiaoyue, and then everyone separates, there is sadness.

   And everyone's wishes for the future, and hope.

   A banquet lasted until midnight, ending with a few people being brought back to their rooms when they were drunk.

   The next day.

  Lin Xiaoyue drove away from the palace with the county main car and returned to Qingshi Town.

  Liu Wuji followed the team and set off secretly.

   Six Princesses and Mo Fei also left the National Teacher's House respectively.

   The huge Guoshifu has finally recovered its former tranquility.

  Liang Chengcai was sitting in the National Teacher's Mansion, and he felt lost in his heart.

   Six days later, Lin Xiaoyue's car finally returned to Dashi Village.

   On behalf of Dayan, she defeated the Chu and Jin envoys, compiled the arithmetic scriptures, and received the news of the county master, and she had already arrived at Dashi Village one step ahead.

When the car arrived at the entrance of the village, Lin Xiaoyue discovered that the magistrate of Nan'an County was waiting here with officials of various sizes and the people of Dashi Village.

   After Zhao Shanshan came back to inform the situation, Lin Xiaoyue got off the carriage.

   The magistrate of Nan'an County hurried forward to greet him.

   "Xiaguan led Nan'an County officials, large and small, and the people of Dashi Village to meet the county owner!"

   Then, there were words of boasting and gratitude.

   praised Lin Xiaoyue for making great contributions to Dayan and winning glory for Nan'an County.

  Lin Xiaoyue stepped forward and personally helped the magistrate up.

   "The magistrate's words are serious, this time is not my work alone."

   "However, it's my fault that I returned home today, mobilized the public, and troubled you all." After speaking, Lin Xiaoyue bowed to everyone.

   She saw that among these people, except for those brought by the magistrate. The people of Dashi Village are basically here.

   Not only the village chief, but also her mother and sister-in-law who is already pregnant.

   There is also a beautiful and unparalleled woman who looks a bit like Qinger.

   Lin Xiaoyue guessed that it should be the eldest sister-in-law she had never met.

   This magistrate of the county can be a man, and he shouts so neatly.

   But he called everyone here, why is she still working in that workshop?

   The county magistrate didn't know what Lin Xiaoyue was thinking, and thought that Lin Xiaoyue was deliberately modest and flattered again.

   went on to say that in order to commend Dashi Village and cultivate talents like Lin Xiaoyue, a plaque should be placed on the archway of Dashi Village.

  The plaque is still written in advance, and the magistrate himself mentioned the four characters of outstanding people.

  Lin Xiaoyue didn't feel anything, but the village chief and the villagers were all excited.

   Especially the village chief, after seeing the plaque, he touched it again and again and couldn't put it down.

   Only later did Lin Xiaoyue know that because of this plaque, Dashi Village became famous again in Shili Baxiang.

  The eldest girls and young men of Dashi Village have once again become the favorites among the people of the other villages.

   Even the people in the town had the idea of ​​marrying the villagers of Dashi Village after hearing about the incident in Dashi Village.

   Of course, this is something else.

   After Lin Xiaoyue and the village chief thanked the magistrate, they left the scene to the magistrate and the village chief, and made an excuse to leave.

   The magistrate saw that Lin Xiaoyue didn't invite her to Liu's house. Although she was a little disappointed, she was not angry.

   discussed with the village chief about building an archway.

   At the scene, the young and middle-aged villagers stayed to help, and the rest soon dispersed.

  Liu family.

   Lin Xiaoyue, Liu Shi and others just entered the door, and Zhao Fu brought the servants over.

   "See the county master!" All the people were smiling, happy for their master.

   I really didn't expect that their nephew and young master had not yet won the election, but their young lady became the county magistrate.

   County lord, under normal circumstances, only the daughter of the county lord can seal it.

   Even the magistrates came to visit after learning about the situation. Their Liu family is truly a prosperous one.

  Lin Xiaoyue's gaze swept across the servants' faces one by one, and found a few more unfamiliar faces. Knowing that this was a newly purchased servant, she didn't ask any further questions.

   "Get up." He said.

   "Today, Liufu is very happy, and there are rewards. Later, everyone can go to the accountant to receive two months' money."

   "Thank you, county magistrate!" The people were excited and thanked Lin Xiaoyue again.

   Then, under Zhao Fu's signal, they all withdrew.

   After everyone left, Mrs. Liu turned around and looked at Lin Xiaoyue, who had been firmly in her hands.

   Looking at the girl in front of him, Liu Shi actually held back a lot of words to say, but when he opened his mouth, he could not speak.

  Lin Xiaoyue smiled, "What's wrong mother?"

   immediately moved forward and hugged Liu Shi.

   Liu's eyes moistened, and tears rolled out at once.

   "It's alright, oh, it's alright, mother, I'm back." Lin Xiaoyue felt abnormal and quickly comforted her.

   This comfort, Liu Shi couldn't hold back the tears.

  's actions made Zhou Shi and Li Wan on the side turn red.

   "Okay. Mother, you are not afraid of being laughed at by the servants." Lin Xiaoyue continued softly.

   "Let's stop standing here. If you have something to say, let's go to the backyard and talk."

   "Yeah." Liu Shi finally responded, with some crying in his voice.

   Immediately, Lin Xiaoyue and Mrs Zhou helped Mrs Liu to the backyard.

   When they got to the backyard, Zhou Shi and Li Wan didn't follow him much. After sending Liu Shi back to the room, they came out.

   left the room to Lin Xiaoyue and Liu Shi.

  In the house, Mrs Liu sat on the head of the bed, holding the handkerchief and wiping away her tears.

   "You still know how to come back." He complained to his daughter.

   Lin Xiaoyue was amused.

   "Liu's house is my home, why didn't I know to come back? No, as soon as things are over, I'll go home? Mother, you're right." He said in a playful tone.

   Liu Shi was instantly amused.

   But it was only a moment, and then his face became stiff again.

   "You came back, but Li Xiao didn't come back. The two of you are always hiding from me."

   "Don't think I don't know, what are you doing!" Liu Shi wiped away tears again.

  Lin Xiaoyue's eyes were playful.

   "Mother knows?" asked with a smile.

   Liu Shi finally got angry when he saw that his daughter was still amusing with him.

   "You are hiding from me, how do I know?!" He said angrily. It can be seen that Lin Xiaoyue's face is smiling, and the anger in the sentence has been greatly reduced.

   Couldn't get used to her daughter's "proud", Liu Shi added: "Although I don't know all, I can guess some."

   "Li Xiao and Li Wan, they are not ordinary people. Your Zhuangzi and the people in the Zhuang are not ordinary."

   "Also, it's not that simple for you and Li Xiao to enter the capital! Tell me, what are you doing this time? Also, where is Li Xiao now? What are you doing?!" Liu Shi asked in a frenzy.

   A series of questions came out, which made Lin Xiaoyue beat drums in her heart.

   But despite this, she still had a smile on her face, as if the Liu family thought too much.

   When Liu Shi saw this, he became more and more angry.

   "Don't be hilarious. Tell me the truth!" he said.

   The daughter and son-in-law are mysterious all day long. She doesn't understand the situation, so she can only worry secretly.

   She just wanted to know the truth and be aware of it. Worry is also clearly worried.

   Seeing her mother was really angry, Lin Xiaoyue didn't dare to smile anymore.

   "Mother—" She called Liu Shi coquettishly, and sat down beside Liu Shi.

   "Humph!" Liu Shi snorted and turned his body sideways.

  Lin Xiaoyue suddenly felt bad, bad, this is really angry.

   glanced at Liu Shi, and Lin Xiaoyue finally sighed.

   "Did you get the lost jade pendant?" Then, asked.

   Liu's body froze immediately.

   Immediately thought that the matter of Yu Pei must be the daughter Li Xiao told.

   "Received." So he replied. When he spoke, he was still a little guilty.

  After all, there is a great secret behind that jade pendant.

  Lin Xiaoyue glanced at her guilty mother and was a little happy again.

  Her mother, this thought is written all over her face, and she can't hide it.

   "I actually found that jade pendant."

   As soon as these words came out, Liu Shi immediately looked at Lin Xiaoyue.

   Then he heard his daughter continue: "After entering Beijing, I was arranged to live in the National Teacher's Mansion."

   Liu's complexion was instantly pale, and his face was full of fear.

  Lin Xiaoyue just glanced at her and continued: "The jade pendant was in the hands of the National Teacher at that time."

   "Master Guo Shi heard that the original owner of the jade pendant was you, so he gave the jade pendant back."

   (end of this chapter)

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